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Dutch far-right party says it will ban Mosques, Quran

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Dutch far-right party says it will ban Mosques, Quran
Home / World / Dutch far-right party says it will ban Mosques, Quran
August 26, 2016
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THE HAGUE: The political party of Dutch far-right politician Geert Wilders, which is leading polls ahead of parliamentary elections next year, has vowed to close Mosques and "ban the Quran" in its manifesto.

"All mosques and Islamic schools closed, a ban on the Quran," said the document outlining the electoral program of the Freedom Party (PVV) ahead of March 2017 legislative elections, which was posted on Wilders´ Twitter feed Thursday.

The PVV says it will reverse the "Islamisation" of the country with a range of measures including closing the borders, shutting asylum seeker centres, banning migrants from Islamic countries and stopping Muslim women from wearing the headscarf in public.

On the back of Europe´s migrant crisis, opinion polls have for months given Wilders´ PVV the edge over the current coalition parties of the Labour Party and the People´s Party for Freedom and Democracy led by Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

Late last year polls predicted soaring support for the PVV saying it could gain as many as 38 seats in the 150-seat parliament. But that has slipped back. In August, a poll from Ipsos gave it 28 seats -- still way up on the 12 it currently has.

The immigrant crisis has polarised the Netherlands, a nation of 17 million people, leading to heated debate and some attacks on refugee centres.

Wilders, who will go on trial for inciting racial hatred in October, also said he would do all he could to hold a referendum on the Netherlands leaving the EU, despite an unsuccessful first attempt in June following Britain´s shock Brexit vote.

His party has also pledged to cut all foreign aid while boosting funding for police and security.
why doesn't he come out and say he'll ban muslim immigrants and kick out dutch muslim citizens?

Might as well...his supporters are far right extremists and nothing he says will ever be too 'extreme' for them...
Nice... i support this idea. It is their country their laws. When in Rome you should do as the romans. Otherwise, you should go back home.

Ban all mosques and ban the quran.... Immigrants that cannot integrate need to evacuate!

Pakistan is becoming the Israel for the south Asian muslims. Our safety net.
Dutch far-right party says it will ban Mosques, Quran
Home / World / Dutch far-right party says it will ban Mosques, Quran
August 26, 2016
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THE HAGUE: The political party of Dutch far-right politician Geert Wilders, which is leading polls ahead of parliamentary elections next year, has vowed to close Mosques and "ban the Quran" in its manifesto.

"All mosques and Islamic schools closed, a ban on the Quran," said the document outlining the electoral program of the Freedom Party (PVV) ahead of March 2017 legislative elections, which was posted on Wilders´ Twitter feed Thursday.

The PVV says it will reverse the "Islamisation" of the country with a range of measures including closing the borders, shutting asylum seeker centres, banning migrants from Islamic countries and stopping Muslim women from wearing the headscarf in public.

On the back of Europe´s migrant crisis, opinion polls have for months given Wilders´ PVV the edge over the current coalition parties of the Labour Party and the People´s Party for Freedom and Democracy led by Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

Late last year polls predicted soaring support for the PVV saying it could gain as many as 38 seats in the 150-seat parliament. But that has slipped back. In August, a poll from Ipsos gave it 28 seats -- still way up on the 12 it currently has.

The immigrant crisis has polarised the Netherlands, a nation of 17 million people, leading to heated debate and some attacks on refugee centres.

Wilders, who will go on trial for inciting racial hatred in October, also said he would do all he could to hold a referendum on the Netherlands leaving the EU, despite an unsuccessful first attempt in June following Britain´s shock Brexit vote.

His party has also pledged to cut all foreign aid while boosting funding for police and security.


Dutch are allowed, so long as they keep Amsterdam as it is now ;)

Women and drugs enriched.

BTW, Dutch have a long history of religious intolerance; the catholic Vs Protestant .
The only political system that "works" includes: clear separation between religion and the government, anti-religious discrimination laws with teeth that are enforced, and anti-violence laws that take precedence over civil liberties.
You think they'll do it all over again? Genocide? Invasions?

Europeans seem to be oblivious of concept of moderation.

They were and are biggest supporter of Jihadi terrorism (even though indirectly because of their PC culture), and provide asylum to people whom even Sharia countries consider too radical (Abu Hamza is an example). They have gone from Nazism straight to fundamentalist cultural marxism/liberalism.

There is a very high chance that when pendulum swings again, it would go all the way to gas chambers.
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Last time they did it...we died of famine....it will always be us directly or indirectly.

I do not think that even Europe 'united' has capability to repeat it. So be relaxed regarding repeat of famine days.

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