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EADS Euro/Fighter Engine Available with TOT

Pakistan at some instance of time will have to go into engine production, its looks idiotic to say that we want to manufacture planes, however, not engines.

If u make everything in a plane but not the engine, it'd still be assembling not 100% manufacturing.

In a hypothetical situation, lets assume, pakistan manufactures everything in JF17 except engines and no one in the world is ready to sell you planes or engines, how'd pakistan make its planes airbourne?

We have to have a state of the art engine with complete TOT.

So in my opinion pakistan must capitalize on this opportunity.

i agree with you on the fact that PAF cannot just keep producing fighters and not move into the engine market!

HOWEVER, the problem is that pakistan was even offered the SAAB GRIPPEN with ToT. but we opted out! the reason being we just couldn't set up a new assembly line & all the technological perimeters to produce a state of the art fighter! our economic position doesn't allow us to go for such high end defence industry....

sadly that is the truth but rest assured with time once we have mastered the art of fighter production we will move into the realm of engines but till then we need to move slow & steady small steps at a time...!!

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