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Eavesdropping on Iran: ‘US pressing for listening posts in Balochistan’

Pakistanis should look at this positively.

If Iran is not pursuing a nuclear weapons program, then these listening posts will greatly help prevent a war between the West/Israel and Iran.

Prevention of war with Iran will also be in the favor of Pakistan.
Or the US will end up using these facilities as a means for continuing to run even more covert operations inside Pakistan, and potentially also end up supporting the insurgent/terrorist groups such as BLA/BRA/BLF, along with the groups on the Iranian side.

The potential downsides of allowing the US to establish intelligence centers and run intelligence operations in Balochistan far outweigh the positives.

The US should stick to the UN in trying to build consensus around its actions against Iran.
Well, i wouldn't be surprised if Pakistan has already allowed the NATO to establish listening posts/bases in Balochistan, as always Pakistan sells itself out like a little wh@re.

Q:What nation allows another country to butcher 24 of its soldiers, and thousands upon thousands of its civilians and then provides it supply lines to go through its territory?

A: A little wh@re like country called Pakistan. :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

I think, this time of moment, Pakistan will not allow listening posts/bases in Balouchistan right now.

Of course, in the past years, US had listening posts we already allowed in Balouchistan near Iran.

For 24 soldiers died, it costs the US six times more expensive in two months without supplies and already felt the heat with no choices. NATO is not repeatedly same mistakes after closed borders, we see so far.

I suspect for drones attack resumes, it is the authorization of Kiyani approval, he is definitely bastard not defending of Pakistan but at the same time destroying terrorists/civilians.

It is not end, Pakistan no doubt will continue to make us angry in their wrong decisions.

According to the new Pakistani defense policy, "Any object entering into our air space, including U.S. drones, will be treated as hostile and be shot down," a senior Pakistani military

The object is already intruding to the Pakistan airspace, lol. shot down treated as hostile ?
I think, this time of moment, Pakistan will not allow listening posts/bases in Balouchistan right now.

Of course, in the past years, US had listening posts we already allowed in Balouchistan near Iran.

For 24 soldiers died, it costs the US six times more expensive in two months without supplies and already felt the heat with no choices. NATO is not repeatedly same mistakes after closed borders, we see so far.

I suspect for drones attack resumes, it is the authorization of Kiyani approval, he is definitely bastard not defending of Pakistan butat the same time destroying terrorists/civilians.

It is not end, Pakistan no doubt will continue to make us angry in their wrong decisions.

Pakistan and its Army did few wrong steps in musharaf era, but this Kiyani is doing great stuff...
USA just need these bases for its agenda against Pakistan....
In December last year, President Asif Ali Zardari delivered a speech at a gathering of Pakistan Peoples Party workers, saying he would never allow his country to become part of any other war theatre in the region.

I know that Pakistani people don't like Zardari at all, but he does have a point here, you know. Pakistan is embroiled a lot of conflicts already, one of which is an undone conflict that started in 1980s and till now hasn't ended.

Setting up bases in Balochistan will create another shytestorm in the region:

The third party factor

In case the region goes on a war, Iran will be forced to target your approved-bases in Balochistan, which will pull Pakistani Army into the war as well since you cannot allow another nation to just randomly bombard your side of the border. You do know what this would mean, do you? It would mean pulling the PA troops from our side of the border and sending them for war against Iran.

This may not be your people's will but it would be an unwilling war.

The B Factor

There's already enough unrest in Balochistan and even in Iranian side of Balochistan. If your side of B-stan becomes a hotpot, separatists on Iranian side would also get the opportunity to strike on both sides of the border at will. Which means apart from NATO, you lot, the Arabs and Iran embroiled in a war, the militant groups in that region would also become involved.

All hell would break loose in the region with NATO, you guys, Iranians, militants and possibly even GCC Arabs involved.


So start finding means to come to the neutral side in this case. There are enough conflicts going on in the region already. Do something to stop this one at least.
Pakistan and its Army did few wrong steps in musharaf era, but this Kiyani is doing great stuff...
USA just need these bases for its agenda against Pakistan....

I am aware US's trick games against Pakistan. We never support US's double plays. What I am pointing out is Pakistan has made tremendous wrong decisions many times which will anger us. I think, this year, Pakistan is moving to the right decisions and their best interests after last year terrible experiences with US.

What happened to the new Pakistan policy announcement --- shot down object or any object intruding to the Pakistan airspace, Kiyani make me laughing. Explain?

Kiyani was the pleased happily to meet Mullen next day after OBL raid which is insulting to Pakistan, US will continue to insult us.
I think, this time of moment, Pakistan will not allow listening posts/bases in Balouchistan right now.

How? That's the question. Pakistan's only bargaining chip was that NATO supply route. Now that is gone too. While NATO is incurring high costs, it hasn't collapsed. Which means it has enough financial cushion that it has not told any of its payers upon which it can establish a strong alternate route through CAR countries and Russia. Once the Northern Link firms up, even if it is more expensive, it would be a big big loss to Pakistan's strategic influence and bargaining cards.

Of course, in the past years, US had listening posts we already allowed in Balouchistan near Iran.

In that past, the region was not close to an intra-regional war like today it is. Neither the NATO would back down nor the Mullas would. Which means Pakistan is naturally going to be sucked into combat whether they like it or not... unless of course, they manage to find some other bargaining chips.

Any ideas for them?

For 24 soldiers died, it costs the US six times more expensive in two months without supplies and already felt the heat with no choices. NATO is not repeatedly same mistakes after closed borders, we see so far.

NATO is incurring costs that it can incur. They're not the tolerant types in this field, if you get my gist. Surely there's something they know that Pakistan and others don't know, which means they would already be active in speeding up Northern Link connection. If that becomes successful pertaining to Russia's demands, it would mean a lot of trouble for Pakistan's negotiating committee in Foreign Affairs department.
How? That's the question. Pakistan's only bargaining chip was that NATO supply route. Now that is gone too. While NATO is incurring high costs, it hasn't collapsed. Which means it has enough financial cushion that it has not told any of its payers upon which it can establish a strong alternate route through CAR countries and Russia. Once the Northern Link firms up, even if it is more expensive, it would be a big big loss to Pakistan's strategic influence and bargaining cards.

In that past, the region was not close to an intra-regional war like today it is. Neither the NATO would back down nor the Mullas would. Which means Pakistan is naturally going to be sucked into combat whether they like it or not... unless of course, they manage to find some other bargaining chips.

Any ideas for them?

NATO is incurring costs that it can incur. They're not the tolerant types in this field, if you get my gist. Surely there's something they know that Pakistan and others don't know, which means they would already be active in speeding up Northern Link connection. If that becomes successful pertaining to Russia's demands, it would mean a lot of trouble for Pakistan's negotiating committee in Foreign Affairs department.

Dear, Northern Link connection we discussed numerous times and many news we discussed here in this forum-- the advantages vs disadvantages route for US, they regret. I don't want to repeat same discussions. Just curious to know, are you full of Anti-Pakistani or ?
Dear, Northern Link connection we discussed numerous times and many news we discussed here in this forum-- the advantages vs disadvantages route for US, they regret. I don't want to repeat same discussions. Just curious to know, are you full of Anti-Pakistani or ?

Nothing against Pakistan here but just wondering how do they plan to realistically get out of this situation. And by realistic I mean something practical like clever foreign affairs management rather than nuking every other country like many immature children do online daily.
Nothing against Pakistan here but just wondering how do they plan to realistically get out of this situation. And by realistic I mean something practical like clever foreign affairs management rather than nuking every other country like many immature children do online daily.

lol every bit of this is against Pakistan....
How? That's the question. Pakistan's only bargaining chip was that NATO supply route. Now that is gone too. While NATO is incurring high costs, it hasn't collapsed. Which means it has enough financial cushion that it has not told any of its payers upon which it can establish a strong alternate route through CAR countries and Russia. Once the Northern Link firms up, even if it is more expensive, it would be a big big loss to Pakistan's strategic influence and bargaining cards.

Bargaining chip or no bargaining chip. We can't allow America to have consulates or intelligence bases in Baluchistan. Not only for the security of Iran but for ourselves as well.
so we say no and they raise balochistan which is perfect they had to leave iraq now they need iran and they can attack from two sides we are stuck in a bind the sardars are all happy saying they will get power and are going for it the people voices are not being listened to the sardars are saying even though the people wont want it their will is enough we need to stop us influence and break these sardars at the same time...... if we allow access then you can really kiss balochistan goodbye bcz bla will get a 1000 times stronger
Nothing against Pakistan here but just wondering how do they plan to realistically get out of this situation. And by realistic I mean something practical like clever foreign affairs management rather than nuking every other country like many immature children do online daily.

Your question is valid, that's what I am arguing with Pakistan's low-quality leaderships. Our leaderships is something we always lacked for many years and they seek bribes in return favors, our traditional ways. We all know it very well.

Please I advise you, your posts are obviously against Pakistan, I suggest you to use balance thoughts and less extremist views.

Bargaining chip or no bargaining chip. We can't allow America to have consulates or intelligence bases in Baluchistan. Not only for the security of Iran but for ourselves as well.

Yes, we can't allow it.

Then the curtain will closed behind the public, do we trust our leaders (low-quality) in dealing with US? Kiyani sleeping?

Interesting note: Except Waziristan and other areas, Drones strikes are not targetting on BLA/BRA/BLF terrorists activities, what is Kiyani thinking ? It will save our times and costly, we must use drones strikes on these same terrorists.
IF PAK leadership is Naive or crooked enough to allow the yankis a listening post in volatile balochistan then I think they don't
deserve to have a united federation. Common Pakistanis should rise up against such balant US dadagiri.
Pakistan should close it's borders for any foriegn military & intelligence personnal. Pakistan get no benifit in supporting 2 great wars. One in 80's & other one that is currently going on. All Pakistan get was more hatred from West, more blames, more bad image, non investments, no benefit in trade, no solution of IOK issue, & thae list goes on.

Pakistan MUST stand on its own feet now, say no to what is not in interests of Pakistan.

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