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Egypt blocks UN Security Council condemnation of Turkey violence

Sisi supporting coups in foreign nations? How ridiculous, he's such an angel.

Of course I'm being sarcastic.
Quite a shameful news. Even condemning violence in a muslim country is too much to ask of them.
We all know who BACKED these crooks from outside

I don't understand why Erdogan is pointing finger at Gulen. It is quite possible for the plotters to have a scapegoat ready in case of a failed coup in order to save their supporters, so I think Erdogan is making a mistake. Erdogan should look at the motives. Egypt has blocked condemnation by the UNSC of the violence in Turkey, why did sisi do that?
I don't understand why Erdogan is pointing finger at Gulen. It is quite possible for the plotters to have a scapegoat ready in case of a failed coup in order to save their supporters, so I think Erdogan is making a mistake. Erdogan should look at the motives. Egypt has blocked condemnation by the UNSC of the violence in Turkey, why did sisi do that?

You are looking into wrong direction....sisi does not have that kind of reach to pull a coup in Turkey. There is no denying Erdogan did make lots of enemy over last few years - Israel and US are 2 among those. As facts are emerging , it was zion-US project.

You are looking into wrong direction....sisi does not have that kind of reach to pull a coup in Turkey. There is no denying Erdogan did make lots of enemy over last few years - Israel and US are 2 among those. As facts are emerging , it was zion-US project.


What are those facts that you claim point the finger at the zionazis? Press TV is a dubious source to say the least. Corroborate your claim by referring to a credible source.
What are those facts that you claim point the finger at the zionazis? Press TV is a dubious source to say the least. Corroborate your claim by referring to a credible source.

Where did I make claim who was really responsible? I just point out that you are lashing out in wrong direction...As far as Israel being enemy, well unless you were living in another planet, over last few years Turkey had long confrontation over MV Mavi Marmara incident. And Gulen is a known US and zionist tool operating out of PA. General, Turkey identified as main orchestrator on ground was a general served as (this is matter of record not some made up story by presstv) defense attache in Israel for few years. Meaning as part of his duty this general knew and had connection with Israeli military and intel apparatus. These are are tale tale sign....I am sure Turkish authority will reveal more as to who and how these actors were involved.
Where did I make claim who was really responsible? I just point out that you are lashing out in wrong direction...As far as Israel being enemy, well unless you were living in another planet, over last few years Turkey had long confrontation over MV Mavi Marmara incident. And Gulen is a known US and zionist tool operating out of PA. General, Turkey identified as main orchestrator on ground was a general served as (this is matter of record not some made up story by presstv) defense attache in Israel for few years. Meaning as part of his duty this general knew and had connection with Israeli military and intel apparatus. These are are tale tale sign....I am sure Turkish authority will reveal more as to who and how these actors were involved.

You don't know who are responsible for the coup but you know that I'm pointing at the wrong direction. Must I point it out to you the contradiction in your statements?
Rather petty to be honest, but not unexpected of a military dictator. These guys have difficulty understanding what democracy means.


Sisi supporting coups in foreign nations? How ridiculous, he's such an angel.

Of course I'm being sarcastic.

Egypt has blocked condemnation by the UNSC of the violence in Turkey, why did sisi do that?

Perhaps because the current Turkish regime is one of the chief supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and other Islamist factions across the Middle East? You know groups that are involved in terrorist activities.
Perhaps because the current Turkish regime is one of the chief supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and other Islamist factions across the Middle East? You know groups that are involved in terrorist activities.

MB is facing sisi's terrorism, so you cannot put MB in the same category. You and the despots in the KSA say one thing and those who seek democracy consider you and your sisi as the terrorists.
MB is facing sisi's terrorism, so you cannot put MB in the same category. You and the despots in the KSA say one thing and those who seek democracy consider you and your sisi as the terrorists.

Those who seek democracy!?

Erdogan is currently purging state institutions to remove any who oppose him without any oversight. He wants to change the constitution to return capital punishment and to change Turkey into a Presidential system. His actions only point to one thing, a power grab.

Let us not forget that he was also instrumental in covering up political and financial corruption in his party and family. He removed 350 officers investigating his cabal of crooks.

Please, stop with the complete and utter horseshit. It makes no difference to you whether he is a democrat or dictator.

The Muslim Brotherhood has been implicit in acts of terror and tacitly supporting them for decades! So spare us your nonsense.

I'm sure tacit support for Alnusra (AQ) in Syria and groups affiliated to it is in the name of democracy as well!
You don't know who are responsible for the coup but you know that I'm pointing at the wrong direction. Must I point it out to you the contradiction in your statements?

NO its not contradictory at all. You just need to use your brain little more. There are X number of possible actors - Israel, US, Gulen ....and combination of these. Definitive answer is not there BUT it can safely be ruled out Sisi (as much as I hate him) among others does not have capability to pull such stunt.

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