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Elite US troops ready to combat Pakistani nuclear hijacks

I dont "hate" pakistan, nor do I hate any religion like you hate hindusim (promt enough to thank a nonsense post above merely because it had some offtopic reference to "hindu terrorist")


Before you jump to your guns and pull the trigger, better you understand the meaning of the post and the thanks for it.

You mentioned terrorist sympathizers in our establishment and other stuff, the guy showed you the mirror of the terrorists in the form of BJP, who destroyed the Babri Masjid, who and whose affiliated sister organizations have massacared, butchered Muslims in India in thousands and who threatened Pakistan to be wiped out of the face of the earth and threatened Pakistan with dire consequences after the nuclear blast of 98.

So the thanks was for the mirror showing and not the other way around as portrayed by you.

In my history on this forum, i have never showed any hatred for Hinduism nor I have any. As i don't know much about it.

And yeah i do have hatred for those Indians who show the same for me and my country and insult us, abuse us, say derogatory remarks for us and other offensive stuff.

Plain and simple.

Next time before putting up allegations, try to understand the posts better and come up with facts to support it.
Concerns about hostility towards America within elements of the Pakistani armed forces first surfaced in 2007. At a meeting of military commanders staged at Kurram, on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, a Pakistani major drew his pistol and shot an American. The incident was hushed up as a gunfight.


is this true ?

and why did pak major shoot

is this true ?

and why did pak major shoot

And the same story was told as, an FC jawan shot the american, then we heard another version of the story, and now this.

There is not even a single confirm version of this story.

Is it even true ????
So if those 250 or so elite US guards are so super that they will overwhelm the invincible terrorists aging 14-18 and strong organised Pak army than why not compliment Pak army instead of taking away tons of nuclear war heads scattered all over Pakistan possibly even under sea and in mountains!
If US have any intelligence which will form the basis of such operation than why not share with Pakistan???

In any such senario, i hope Pakistan authorities are clear that india is the real architect and appropirate action should be taken.
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I am just laughing. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Whole pakistan keep laughing like you if they never takes this serious even after your nuke will be denuked. Bro its a truth and you shouldn,t avoid it by a laugh. Whole CIA, black water and other presence sole aim if denuke.
So if those 250 or so elite US guards are so super that they will overwhelm the invincible terrorists aging 14-18 and strong organised Pak army than why not compliment Pak army instead of taking away tons of nuclear war heads scattered all over Pakistan possibly even under sea and in mountains!
If US have any intelligence which will form the basis of such operation than why not share with Pakistan???

In any such senario, i hope Pakistan authorities are clear that india is the real architect and appropirate action should be taken.

You are absolutely correct. I guess the aim is to denuke pak deliberately. TTP is just being used to make the world fool . But world knows this so no fool game here.
Whole pakistan keep laughing like you if they never takes this serious even after your nuke will be denuked. Bro its a truth and you shouldn,t avoid it by a laugh. Whole CIA, black water and other presence sole aim if denuke.

Dont worry we all know their ambitions but our non-democratic authorities know how to counter it. But again its looks like to me a call of duty story line unless US has genetically modified super soldiers.
This has become another famous mantra together with the do more more bla bla. Can't take it seriously any more.
So they know where ALL of the bases are? They've expressed that they really didn't before. Or are they protecting the ones we've shown off already?

PTISunday, January 17, 2010 20:28 IST

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan today junked as "rubbish" a report that elite US troops were ready to counter any move to hijack the country's nuclear arsenal and said it was "a figment of the imagination".

Foreign office spokesman Abdul Basit said the insinuations made in the report were baseless and Pakistan government had devised and implemented a foolproof safety and security regime for its nuclear arsenal and related materials.

"We are very much confident about our nuclear weapons capability and our custodial controls," Basit said.

He described the news report as "rubbish and a figment of the imagination" of the reporter.

The Sunday Times newspaper had reported that the US Army is training a crack unit to "seal off and snatch back Pakistani nuclear weapons in the event that militants, possibly from inside the country's security apparatus, get their hands on a nuclear device or materials that could make one".

Basit said certain lobbies in the West, particularly in the US, do not like Pakistan's status as a nuclear weapons state and were trying to undermine its nuclear programme.

"Such propagandist reports do not serve any purpose except to unnecessarily keep Pakistan's nuclear weapons programme in focus for no good reason," he said.

US officials had never expressed concern about Pakistan's nuclear arsenl during official meetings and had instead expressed confidence in the country's custodial controls, Basit said.

He also said Pakistan never wanted to make South Asia an atomic region or to take part in an arms race.

"Pakistan only wants to fortify its defence. Pakistan went nuclear in response to Indian threats and any wrong use of its nuclear arsenal is simply out of the question," he added.

Source : Pakistan rejects report on US troops securing its nuke facilities - dnaindia.com
No time on this topic will be wasted again lol later gators.

PTISunday, January 17, 2010 12:33 IST

London: Alarmed by a slew of terror attacks on sensitive military instalations in Pakistan, the US is putting in place "a crack unit" of its elite troops to seal off that country's nuclear weapons and ensure they do not fall into the hands of militants, a media report claimed today.

The US army is training the crack unit so that it could seal off and snatch back Pakistani nuclear weapons in the event of militants, "possibly from inside the country's security apparatus," getting their hands on a nuclear device or materials that could make one, The Sunday Times reported.

It said the specialised unit would be charged with recovering the nuclear materials and securing them.

"The move follows a series of attacks on sensitive military instalations over the past two years, several of which housed nuclear facilities, and rising tension that has seen a series of official complaints by the US authorities to Islamabad in the past fortnight," the report said.

Citing Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, a former CIA officer who used to run the US energy department's intelligence unit, it said: "What you have in Pakistan is nuclear weapons mixed with the highest density of extremists in the world, so we have a right
to be concerned."

"There have been attacks on army bases which stored nuclear weapons and there have been breaches and infiltrations by terrorists into military facilities."

Pakistan is thought to possess about 80 nuclear warheads. Although the weapons are well guarded, the fear is that materials or processes to enrich uranium could fall into the wrong hands.

"All it needs is someone in Pakistan within the nuclear establishment and in a position of key access to become radicalised," said Mowatt-Larssen. "This is not just theoretical. It did happen - Pakistan has had inside problems before."

Bashir Mahmood, former head of Pakistan's plutonium reactor, formed the Islamic charity Ummah Tameer-e-Nau in March 2000 after resigning from the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission.

He was arrested in Islamabad on October 23, 2001 along with his associate Abdul Majeed for alleged links to Osama Bin Laden. The Al-Qaeda leadership has made no secret of its desire to gain weapons for a 'nuclear 9/11'.

"I have no doubt they are hell-bent on acquiring this," said Howatt Larssen. "These guys are thinking of nuclear at
the highest level and are approaching it in increasingly professional ways."

Nuclear experts and US officials say the biggest fear is of an inside job amid growing anti-American feeling in Pakistan.

Last year 3,021 Pakistanis were killed in terrorist attacks, more than in Afghanistan, yet polls suggest Pakistanis consider the United States to be a greater threat than the Taliban.

Source : US training 'crack unit' to seal off Pak nuclear facilities: Report - dnaindia.com
This news has been around since since 1998. They've been training at it since 1998, how much training do they really need? :D

It must be a really tough job.

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