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End of ISIS? Putin 'sending 150,000 soldiers to Syria to WIPE OUT evil Islamic State'

150K is too large a force to be committed to fight a foreign war. May be they just occupy the bases. It seems there is a long term plan by russia to spread its influence. At this rate I believe war will never get over. Bcos russia needs an excuse to stay in syria and americans need an excuse to bomb syria. As such ISIS must exist for russia and asad must exist for USA to continue the war. Cold war back in play.
The Iran controlled Shia-Iraqi government is the ''Angel'' side?

So, basically you are saying that since Iraqi government is Shia, this gives Turks the right to pump terrorist into Syria and Iraq to steal their oil and destroy millions of lives.
So, basically you are saying that since Iraqi government is Shia, this gives Turks the right to pump terrorist into Syria and Iraq to steal their oil and destroy millions of lives.
You should really check things first,before commenting on it.
The KRG sells their oil to us.
We dont send terrorists into any country,where is your proof?
The real terrorist is the one killing 200+k of his own people and thus causing the rise of ISIS,the Sunni's in Syria and Iraq had no other coice but to join one evil to fight the other evil,get it?
Do you think the Sunni's had or have a chance in Iraq and Syria when both governments are controlled by Shia's?
Maliki was one and this one is the same,just a name change.
Not to mention Assad in Syria.
Why would the Sunni's side with ISIS when they would have been included,does it make any sense to you?
First,think about the ''why''(why Sunni's joined ISIS)
Dont come with,''you are sectarian'' because im the last one you can call sectarian,just stating facts.
Think about this and be a realist.
good for end of this terror organization but it will be very difficult and can cause serious problems in case of friendly fire by other countries on ground to russian forces will lead to world war III
You should really check things first,before commenting on it.
The KRG sells their oil to us.
We dont send terrorists into any country,where is your proof?
The real terrorist is the one killing 200+k of his own people and thus causing the rise of ISIS,the Sunni's in Syria and Iraq had no other coice but to join one evil to fight the other evil,get it?
Do you think the Sunni's had or have a chance in Iraq and Syria when both governments are controlled by Shia's?
Maliki was one and this one is the same,just a name change.
Not to mention Assad in Syria.
Why would the Sunni's side with ISIS when they would have been included,does it make any sense to you?
First,think about the ''why''(why Sunni's joined ISIS)
Dont come with,''you are sectarian'' because im the last one you can call sectarian,just stating facts.
Think about this and be a realist.

Love this, Sunni this and Sunni that. I guess West and Israel with the help of GCC and Turkey is fighting for Sunnis of Syria and Iraq.

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