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End of Qadaffi ~ Gadaffi sons arrested ~ Tripoli captured

Gaddafi 'seen in Zimbabwe on Mugabe's private jet' as Libya rebels march on dictator's home town | Mail Online

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Friday that African, Arab and European organizations agreed on the urgent need to end the fighting in Libya and restore order with help from international police if the new government requests security assistance.
After a video conference with top officials from the African Union, Arab League, European Union and Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, the Mr Ban told reporters that 'all agreed that the crisis in Libya has entered a new and decisive phase' and a smooth transition is essential with the UN playing a key role.
'That transition must be grounded in inclusiveness, reconciliation and national unity - under a new government that can effectively deliver on the Libyan people's aspirations for democracy, freedom, and growing social and economic prosperity,' Mr Ban said.
'Clearly, the challenges ahead are enormous,' he said.
What is Pakistani government's view on this whole Libya thing? Does it condemn the Libyan situation considering that Gadafi was Pakistan's good friend?
What is Pakistani government's view on this whole Libya thing? Does it condemn the Libyan situation considering that Gadafi was Pakistan's good friend?

Gadafi is history, the rebels are the present, the future, who know's???
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