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Euro-Fascist Terrorist arrested in Czech Republic

Anders Breivik Sympathizer Arrested In Czech Republic

08/18/12 02:27 PM ET AP

PRAGUE -- A man believed to be a sympathizer of Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik has been arrested in the Czech Republic for building up a stash of weapons, explosives, a detonator and an automatic rifle at his home, according to local media reports.

The 29-year-old man, living in the eastern city of Ostrava, had used Breivik's name in email communication, Czech news agency CTK reported Saturday. He was arrested Aug. 10 in Ostrava. Police would not comment further on the apparent Breivik link.

"In a home search we've found computer equipment, weapons, ammunition and explosives," CTK quoted Ostrava criminal police head Radovan Vojta as saying.

Vojta said police bomb experts were examining the seized material.

The suspect, who was not identified, has been convicted five times in the past on explosives-related charges. On one occasion, he blew up explosives near a highway in Ostrava.

Right-wing extremist Breivik shot dead 69 people on a rampage at a youth camp at Utoya island, Norway, on July 22, 2011, after killing eight people in a bombing in Oslo.

Source: Anders Breivik Sympathizer Arrested In Czech Republic
Had this been a Muslim guy the response would be overwhelmingly different.

not worth it, you are thick headed anyway....
Audio, I empathize greatly with you guys here man.

You would need to trawl the bottom to literally find a thread remotely interesting to you.

For old time's sake ......

You took something out of the patients' cabinet again? Cuz you not making any sense again.

on the woman: You linked pic of her twice already, i feel like you're sellin' something :smokin:

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