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European Parliament slaps sanctions on Iran's IRGC


Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

European Parliament slaps sanctions on Iran's IRGC​

The European Parliament adopted a resolution calling on the European Union to blacklist Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and to sanction the Iranian leadership.

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/original...ment-slaps-sanctions-irans-irgc#ixzz7qs9cNb00

PARIS — The European Parliament passed a resolution on Thursday that calls for designating Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terror group.

The blacklisting would include the IRGC and its subsidiary forces, the paramilitary Basij militia and the Quds Force. The resolution, sponsored by some 60 parliamentarians from different wings of the parliament, was adopted with a large cross-party majority.

The vote was by a show of hands with an overwhelming majority supporting the resolution. It follows the adoption of a measure on Wednesday backing the effort.

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/original...ment-slaps-sanctions-irans-irgc#ixzz7qs9uHAOC
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First point, IRGC has no formal relationship with European union and this announcement has no consequence for IRGC.

Last time, one of European countries held an Iranian diplomat in custody on fake charges. It was motivated by terrorist organization of MEK, not to mention the recent announcement of European Parliament about IRGC was in support of MEK terrorists.

Long story short, this announcement enables IRGC to take solid actions against terrorist supporters of Europe. On one side, USA is trying to screw Europe through a proxy war against Russians. Americans are not only weakening Europe but also they try to change demography of European countries by flooding them with refugees hence creating huge fault lines in European societies.

This announcement will leave Europe in a complete dilemma. Lose everything by acting as poodle and a lapdog of USA as they have been doing so in the recent years or come to their senses and act independently.

Therefore, supporting terrorists of MEK will further throw Europeans into burden of problems mostly geopolitical issues. Europe just shot itself in the feet.
Sorry for the late reply.

Must be due to IRGC support for Russian operation in Ukraine. @SalarHaqq @Hack-Hook

It's basically a bunch of long-time enemies of the Iranian people, namely EU regimes, doing what enemies are expected to do: translate their hostility into deeds.

They're enraged at Iran's burgeoning ties with Russia of course, and also at the Raisi administration's steadfastness on the nuclear file as well as its principled refusal to reactivate the JCPOA unless necessary guarantees are offered by the west; Iran's increasing stock of enriched uranium, new measures to protect nuclear installations from sabotage and potential air strikes, such as the immense underground facility being constructed at Natanz. We could add the way in which the current Iranian government has boosted the long dormant national space program and the progress it implies in terms of ICBM technology. Or Iran's relations with her network of allies in the region and beyond, rock solid as ever.

But of course, timing-wise these hollow EU antics come on the heel of recent western- and zionist-backed riots, which have fizzled out and utterly failed to compromise political stability in Iran. However the enemy needs to capitalize on the gigantic propaganda and psy-ops campaign they invested in. Hence the EU parliament's vote and possible subsequent addition of the IRGC to their terrorism list.

Hollow because contrary to the bogus narrative peddled by the enemy's media mouthpieces (BBC, Saudi International etc) such a move onto itself will not affect the Iranian economy in any meaningful way. Anti-Iran propaganda outlets claim some companies "linked to" Sepah have kept trading with European ones and will no longer be able to do so, but fact of the matter is that since the USA regime is applying its own unilateral sanctions in an extra-territorial manner, meaning that the regime in Washington will sanction any European company that chooses to ignore USA sanctions on Iran, and given that Sepah has been on America's terrorism list since Trump, it means no European company would have traded with "IRGC-linked" entities anyway.

At most will they arbitrarily sanction a few Iranian companies and claim ex-post that they're related to Sepah, only to fool people in believing their latest decision is having an impact on Iran. Simultaneously, this will provide Iran with every justification she needed to take additional measures against the EU.
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Just in: they chickened out of their own bogus scheme. What clowns :lol: .

Just in: they chickened out of their own bogus scheme. What clowns :lol: .

USA crippled them after WW2. When they refused to transfer their gold reserves to USA, Iran as the head of OPEC under Pahlavi regime sanctioned Europe. They were close to complete collapse.

That's how USA treats them. But the liberal rats never learnt.

Thanks for your input, always appreciated.
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