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EXCLUSIVE: IRGC strike on Mossad base in Iraq targets 10 Israeli operatives, issues regional warning

Oh dear... A tweet from that IRGC zombie Ahmed, the sheer amount of feces thrown at him with every tweet is enough to power a small nation.

Since you seem to prefer NATO and zionist sources, here's the Dutch propaganda outlet Radio Zamaneh, which strives for "regime change" in Iran, expressing the idea that the purported owner of the villa, Baz Karim Barzinji, might have been at the forefront of illegally smuggling Iraqi oil to your tactical allies of choice (the zionists):

Link: https://www.radiozamaneh.com/707816/
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For any reasonable person, there's enough evidence to see that the house was indeed a secret Mosad nest.
It has been hit by at least 6 missiles and the structure is still standing more or less intact. Two of the hits were direct hits. In published photos, there appear to be antennas that were covered as chimneys in the building. No business owner needs a residential place that even the walls are made of reinforced concrete with hidden antennas.

The ties of the Kurdish government to Israel are also crystal clear. Nobody has forgotten how they waved Israeli flags when they wanted to vote for independence from Iraq.

In any case, this operation happened successfully. Iran's Fateh missiles once again proved that we have achieved tactical and strategic accuracy even with our old generation missiles. All the missiles seem to have hit their targets with precision and there were no civilian casualties even though they were fired at a civilian area. And to think that these missiles are in fact old generations of what we have in our arsenal, operational since 2 decades ago, should be very telling about how advanced Iran's missile program truly is.

Now if some people feel butt-hurt about it and are burning in anger, let them burn and moan. Who cares? This operation is now history. It happened and no matter how internet warriors would like to take it, It's a fact that cannot be denied and as per the IRGC, it will happen again if Iraq doesn't take care of the Israeli presence in their territory.

On a side note, there's unconfirmed news that a massive cyber attack has hit Israeli government's websites.

Oh dear... A tweet from that IRGC zombie Ahmed, the sheer amount of feces thrown at him with every tweet is enough to power a small nation.
And yet you can't produce enough electricity to power Baghdad. lol
US official is just quoting Iraqi official. Iraqi official is quoting Iranian and Iraqi militia officials. They don't bother verifying anything.

Statements out of Washington were claiming Iran attempted to hit their consulate under construction. Then they abandoned that narrative when videos of the pin point strikes surfaced. Obvious cover up attempt.

Iran and its allies are not gonna fight Israel nor will Israel fight them.

Correction, Iran and allies have been fighting the zionists for 43 years. It's Arab regimes normalizing their ties with the zionists right before our eyes. And Hamas refraining from fighting the zionists unless they proceed to massacring multiple Palestinian children at once or commit similar over-the-top atrocities. Otherwise on every normal day, Hamas is not firing a single bullet against those who are occupying some 90% of their lands. But let's not worry, soon their Arab brothers are going to equip them with some of the flashy western-supplied weaponry they're getting ripped off spending hundreds of billions on, isn't it?

We in Gaza know well how much propaganda Iran is doing, as the resistance in Gaza has been trying to persuade the Iranians and Shia proxies to stop fighting Arabs/Muslims and direct their struggle against Israel, to no avail. This is why I'm tired of the Iranian theatrics. Where it fabricates covert military actions to dissolve itself of its responsibility as a proclaimed Resistance entity. It never does anything overt because it doesn't have a ideological fight with the Jews of Israel. And it don't want to expend resources/men to fight Israel. Or lose strongholds in Arab nations. Since they believe Sunnis will take advantage of Israel-Iran war to gain back losses in Arab world. It is a toxic mindset.

If that were the case, then Hamas officials would not have an ounce of honor in them, seeing how they keep loudly praising and praising Islamic Iran for its support, support which according to the quoted user amounts to nothing. According to the quoted user, these are the Islamic "ethics" Hamas are following: to shower the country of "dajjal" with praise and to thank it again and again when in fact they don't even need to...! According to the quoted user's logic, that is.

This user is not in Gaza, they are in America, endorsing the USA as their homeland and legitimizing the regime in Washington which has been empowering Isra"el" to mass murder and oppress the Palestinian people. Not exactly the most suitable spokesperson for Palestinian Resistance groups if I'm asked.
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Since you seem to prefer NATO and zionist sources, here's the Dutch propaganda outlet Radio Zamaneh, which strives for "regime change" in Iran, expressing the idea that the purported owner of the villa, Baz Karim Barzinji, might have been at the forefront of illegally smuggling Iraqi oil to your tactical allies of choice (the zionists):

Link: https://www.radiozamaneh.com/707816/
Marvelous... Someone who knows me more than I do, do tell what else do I prefer ?

You can put your behind at ease knowing that I could careless wether there was or wasn't anything of worth in that villa. It was necessary to clarify the outcast status enjoyed by the personas behind some of the tweets posted here lest some poor soul confuse them for actual credible sources.
Marvelous... Someone who knows me more than I do, do tell what else do I prefer ?

You can put your behind at ease knowing that I could careless wether there was or wasn't anything of worth in that villa. It was necessary to clarify the outcast status enjoyed by the personas behind some of the tweets posted here lest some poor soul confuse them for actual credible sources.
Iraqi government summoned Iranian envoy trying to warn him about consequences of such attacks.

Do you know what he told your governement?

Let me say, he said you throw Israelis out of Iraq, or else, we will do it on our own. You intended to warn him, he warned you.

Btw, why don't you throw the invading forces out of Iraq? Do you have any idea what they are capable of? Do you know that they had prepared refugee centers in the Middle of Iraqi Kurdistan before ISIS ambush? Italian governmental figure was a witness of it.

Instead of chasing Iraqi groups who destroyed ISIS in the country and annoying them, try to throw invaders out of your country.
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1. There is no way anyone can survive a strike like that.

2. We may see more strikes like this soon based on the fact that Iran seems to be getting much more aggressive about retaliating against Israel and shattering their mirage of invincibility. Also, the fact that Iran actually said they will do more strikes if Iraq does not expel the Mossad bases that have been identified.
Marvelous... Someone who knows me more than I do, do tell what else do I prefer ?

I don't know. For me to do so you'd need to clue us in, as with your position on the topic of Iraq-Iran relations, actually. I'm referring to a post at the Middle East section, in which it is stated that:

"Currently, The IRGC is the prime foreign influence and most threatening, Israel's influence and threat is much further behind and so is the GCC, so they are to be utilized against the former."

Link: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/erbi...-house-near-us-consulate.737451/post-13625356

I'd take this to imply advocacy of tactical cooperation by Iraq with Isra"el" and the PGCC against Iran's IRGC. But I'd welcome being corrected if I'm wrong.

You can put your behind at ease knowing that I could careless wether there was or wasn't anything of worth in that villa. It was necessary to clarify the outcast status enjoyed by the personas behind some of the tweets posted here lest some poor soul confuse them for actual credible sources.

Shooting the messenger is most efficient when the message they convey is impossible to investigate independently, meaning its credibility becomes a direct function of the source's own dependability. In the case at hand though, the Twitter post is featuring two bits of information - the presence of structures resembling communication masts on top of the mansion, as well as the role of the purported owner in smuggling Iraqi oil to Isra"el", both of which can be autonomously researched by readers.
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“Oil executives villa”

House took at least 2-3 direct hits by a warhead coming in at Mach 2+ and at least 500KG in explosives (probably closer to 750kg). while completely bombed out inside and out, it is still standing today. No oil executive is building a military grade collapse proof residence especially in a 3rd world country like Iraq.

Air ambulance shortly after the attack was detected by “Israeli” OSINTs I follow as I followed the events about 15 mins after first reports starting hitting the OSINT community.

Not sure why people think foreign clandestine safe houses would be labeled as “SUPER SECRET SPY SAFE HOUSE” of course they will all have a “background” story to make it seem like something ordinary.

What would you expect a Mossad safe house or a Turkish intelligence safe house or a CIA safe house to look like? The whole point is to make them look inconspicuous.

If this was as you say a propaganda claim. Then iran could have just sent up a few UAVs and bombed the house and land back and claimed success. Instead of launching 6-12 missiles into the upper atmosphere.

Clearly a decent amount of Mossad agents and related assets were totally annihilated the moment those warheads exploded right on-top of their heads. The earlier pictures didn't show the true extent of destruction but later photos paints a very clear picture of just how much damage the strike did, and it was total.

I think a mixture of HE/FAE bombs were used to achieve this affect.
Iraqi government summoned Iranian envoy trying to warn him about consequences of such attacks.

Do you know what he told your governement?

Let me say, he said you throw Israelis out of Iraq, or else, we will do it on our own. You intended to warn him, he warned you.

Btw, why don't you throw the invading forces out of Iraq? Do you have any idea what they are capable of? Do you know that they had prepared refugee centers in the Middle of Iraqi Kurdistan before ISIS ambush? Italian governmental figure was a witness of it.

Instead of chasing Iraqi groups who destroyed ISIS in the country and annoying them, try to throw invaders out of your country.
To remove all foreign presence would be the best outcome of any design, being realists, however, this can only be limited to hard power, i.e foreign bases and militias, while we can try and reduce the soft power influence to manageable levels.

Also we cannot engage all foreign actors simultaneously, we possess no such capacity and even if we do, it would not be the wisest of choices, threats should evaluated then dealt with in order of priority.

Back when the US still had a major military presence, they were the primary threat and were dealt with as such, then came Isis and that was dealt with as well.

Today... The IRGC presence is the primary threat, and it is to be dealt with as such, after that comes the Turkish threat and their infringement on our north, Israel itself is hardly a threat, it is a micro state whom with we share no borders and that after more than 50 years, still cannot finish annexing a tiny piece of land, they are not remotely in the same threat category as Turkey and Iran.

The Iranian envoy can say what he pleases, the recent strike helped further erode the support that the IRGC enjoys locally, which is the key step before neutralizing the instruments themselves, the IRGC goons arent exactly the brightest of people, I doubt that the savak and the reformists are very pleased.

So why not kick the Israeli's ? why should we ? If they are here then they are here because they are a useful tool against the IRGC and if the IRGC strikes them they further erode their own presence.

All seems well I say.

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