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Expect a US-Iran showdown in 2012

This thread is for US-Iran romance.

Can we pls keep it to dat?

You never said you love Iran-USA wars.. if you love wars.. you should love all wars or simply not.

On serious note, there is no chance US or Israel could attack Iran.. they are not a Nation which bends and bows to pressures and all these gimmicks are not going to give anybody a $hit. BUT your might end up witnessing a war and that will be good for the world peace.
I don't think they need to attack when they can destroy Iran's economy by sanctions.

Iran doesn't need years to develop nuclear weapon and once it is a Nuclear Weapon State, they can no longer afford to offend it. May be 6-12 months or some similar time would be needed at most. This is very reason why they are trying to pressurize Iran as they know this is the last chance when they can stop Iran from developing a Nuclear Weapon if they ever had to.
after libya,yugoslavia,iraq,afghanistan Iran will be the most heavy opponent the US will face. So lets see if they ACTUALLY DARE TO ACT or its just all bluffing
I guess US won't be able to defeat Iran nomatter what......Insha-Allah.....:smokin:
Us wont attack, B/C they don't know Iran true ability.
Lol i guarantee you, this will go on and on. Dont you see it bro ? such talk will continue as long as we oppose their imperialist agenda.

US will face the iron fist of the iranian government and people. iran is not alone, we iranians will never abandon her
its like a staring contest... usa cant do much bcz a war with Iran will definitely bring the us economy to destruction and moreover it will lose alot of men and the death toll will be catastrophic on both sides plus usa just lost one more ground to attack called iraq since they said they dont want any us soldier there and the taliban control the region surrounding iran so a stable attack will be difficult and the last ground is pakistan which if it helps will also be that governments end since the people wont stand for it. afghanistan was easily entered iran wont be the same we are not talking of some weak army or people who are masters of only insurgency fighting this force is trained and is well equipped and know how to fight like an insurgency it will be very difficult and suicidal

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