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Explosion At SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket Launch Site In Florida


Jun 5, 2014
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CAPE CANAVERAL: An explosion has rocked the SpaceX launch site in Florida.

NASA says SpaceX was conducting a test firing of its unmanned rocket when the blast occurred Thursday morning. The test, considered routine, was in advance of a planned Saturday launch from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

Buildings several miles away shook from the blast, and multiple explosions continued for several minutes. A cloud of dark smoke filled the overcast sky.

I hope no life lost, its a setback to Space X, they already lost there base in 2015 accident.
I think they had some launch planned in coming weeks, with some israel satellites.
Terrible news. Since the payload was lost this is at par, or even worse than a launch RUD because of the damage to the pad. Expect no launches for the rest of the year easily. Very unfortunate and I hope they are able to get back on their feet after this.

SpaceX has captured the hearts and minds of a generation, it would be terrible to see them go into the night this way...
Video courtesy of US Launch report

It's still possible for NASA to subcontract its launch sites out to SpaceX for the short term. That, of course, still takes time in the form of integrating the rocket onto Canaveral/Vandenberg launchpads.

Anyhow, SpaceX should keep its heads up and realize that a launch anomaly is simply another learning experience for its young engineers and managers. It has had an amazing track record thus far!

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