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Far-right AfD ahead in east Germany as regional votes loom


Jun 23, 2013
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Russian Federation
The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has taken the lead in the east of the country ahead of Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU), just a month before regional elections there, an opinion poll showed Sunday.

The AfD is favored by 23% of voters in the former east, ahead of the CDU on 22%, the far-left Linke on 14%, the Greens on 13% and the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) on 11%, according to a poll in the Bild am Sonntag newspaper.

The AfD entered Germany's national parliament for the first time in 2017 as the third largest party, helped by voter anger at Merkel's decision to welcome asylum seekers from the Middle East and Africa.

The eastern states of Brandenburg and Saxony hold regional elections on Sept. 1, followed by Thuringia a month later.

Defeats for the SPD in Brandenburg, where it has won all of the last six elections there since German reunification in 1990, and the CDU in Saxony would put more pressure on the coalition partners to rethink their alliance in national government.

Sunday's poll was conducted by Emnid among 1,419 people on July 25-31.

At the national level, the poll showed the AfD up one percentage point at 14%, the SPD down a point at just 13%, the CDU steady at 26%, the Greens on 23%, the Free Democrats on 9% and the Linke on 8%.
The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has taken the lead in the east of the country ahead of Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU), just a month before regional elections there, an opinion poll showed Sunday.

The AfD is favored by 23% of voters in the former east, ahead of the CDU on 22%, the far-left Linke on 14%, the Greens on 13% and the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) on 11%, according to a poll in the Bild am Sonntag newspaper.

The AfD entered Germany's national parliament for the first time in 2017 as the third largest party, helped by voter anger at Merkel's decision to welcome asylum seekers from the Middle East and Africa.

The eastern states of Brandenburg and Saxony hold regional elections on Sept. 1, followed by Thuringia a month later.

Defeats for the SPD in Brandenburg, where it has won all of the last six elections there since German reunification in 1990, and the CDU in Saxony would put more pressure on the coalition partners to rethink their alliance in national government.

Sunday's poll was conducted by Emnid among 1,419 people on July 25-31.

At the national level, the poll showed the AfD up one percentage point at 14%, the SPD down a point at just 13%, the CDU steady at 26%, the Greens on 23%, the Free Democrats on 9% and the Linke on 8%.

Do you support them @vostok ? They are very anti Russian. Just in case...
Do you support them @vostok ? They are very anti Russian. Just in case...
Overall Europeans hate Russia. I have been to most of the EU and the majority hate Russia as a country. Though when I was in Russia, I got respect and love.
Do you support them @vostok ? They are very anti Russian. Just in case...
Well, I have another information. There are many Russian Germans in the party and they are Anti-American and pro-Russian, as huge part of Eastern Germany.
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Well, I had another infirmation. There are many Russian Germans in the party and they are Anti-American and pro-Russian, as huge part of Eastern Germany.
Both left and right wing Germans are now anti American to a degree
Well, I have another information. There are many Russian Germans in the party and they are Anti-American and pro-Russian, as huge part of Eastern Germany.

Well, then you want to correct your information.
There are many Russian Germans who are pro Russian, but mostly in the "Die Linke".
Many Russian origin extremists might have joined AfD, no doubt, but they are a league of their own. They are trouble makers even in their own backyard - Russia.

But as a whole, the party AfD is against immigration of any kind - also from Russia. You will find mostly Polish origin people in it and let me tell you, they hate Russia to the core.
Well, then you want to correct your information.
There are many Russian Germans who are pro Russian, but mostly in the "Die Linke".
Many Russian origin extremists might have joined AfD, no doubt, but they are a league of their own. They are trouble makers even in their own backyard - Russia.

But as a whole, the party AfD is against immigration of any kind - also from Russia. You will find mostly Polish origin people in it and let me tell you, they hate Russia to the core.
Russians Germans are real Germans whose ancestors moved to Russia. After 1991 millions of them returned to Germany. There are 3-6 millions of them in Germany. They have German citizenship. Many of them are members of AfD. How many Polish have German citizenship?
Russians Germans are real Germans whose ancestors moved to Russia. After 1991 millions of them returned to Germany. There are 3-6 millions of them in Germany. They have German citizenship. Many of them are members of AfD. How many Polish have German citizenship?

There were 100s of thousands of Russians (the so called "Spätaussiedler") who migrated in 90s to Russia on those "ancestor" claims. That most of them were imposters, is another topic (have met a whole bunch of those). Now tell me, if most of Russians vote for AfD, why is that they hate those slavic "Spätaussiedler"?

Why is that they always hate Russia and support Ukraine and Poland?

Dont misunderstand me, I personally like Russians, some of my very good friends are Russians. I am just telling you the fact.

All sorts of extremist bigots have found their way to AfD, I guess they have simply no nationality just shared hatred for common people that binds them together.
There were 100s of thousands of Russians (the so called "Spätaussiedler") who migrated in 90s to Russia on those "ancestor" claims. That most of them were imposters, is another topic (have met a whole bunch of those). Now tell me, if most of Russians vote for AfD, why is that they hate those slavic "Spätaussiedler"?

Why is that they always hate Russia and support Ukraine and Poland?

Dont misunderstand me, I personally like Russians, some of my very good friends are Russians. I am just telling you the fact.

All sorts of extremist bigots have found their way to AfD, I guess they have simply no nationality just shared hatred for common people that binds them together.
Actually Germany supports Russia. The only reason they show some support to the 2014 illegal US-made coup in Ukraine - is only because of USA. Germany is an occupied country, so they don't have 100% independence policy. But nevertheless they support Northern Stream and open many car factories in Russia.
Most of Russian Germans are true ethnic Germans by blood. But by culture they are also Russians.
The only option for Germany to get rid of occupation someday - is Russia. They know it very well. That is why patriotic Germany politicians have pro-Russian and anti-American views. And all the pro-Russian parties of Europe have Russian support - be it in Germany, France, Austria and so on.
Actually Germany supports Russia. The only reason they show some support to the 2014 illegal US-made coup in Ukraine - is only because of USA. Germany is an occupied country, so they don't have 100% independence policy. But nevertheless they support Northern Stream and open many car factories in Russia.
Most of Russian Germans are true ethnic Germans by blood. But by culture they are also Russians.
The only option for Germany to get rid of occupation someday - is Russia. They know it very well. That is why patriotic Germany politicians have pro-Russian and anti-American views. And all the pro-Russian parties of Europe have Russian support - be it in Germany, France, Austria and so on.

Actually Germany supports only its national interest and good business. Good relations with Russia mean good business and less burden for exchequer, which country in the world would not want that?

Having said that, the business interests that Germany has with US are far greater than those of Russia and at the moment Germany's national interest dictates it to be on US's corner, because the other option is a total economical destruction. Uncle Sam has it by its balls. No party, not even AfD, which is a very strange mixture of ultra extremists from all the otherwise opposite corners, can afford to take on the USA. There are hard limits.

If you want to base the relationship on ancestry alone, guess which ethnic group is one of the largest in the USA? :-)
Overall Europeans hate Russia. I have been to most of the EU and the majority hate Russia as a country. Though when I was in Russia, I got respect and love.

arey ou kidding me bro ? LOve and respect for a brown guy that also in Russia? They are no less than Europeans
If you want to base the relationship on ancestry alone, guess which ethnic group is one of the largest in the USA? :-)

Without doubt "Germans", so a large number of Americans who fought against Nazis in world II must also had German ancestry.

And the biggest fact "Trump" himself is a descendant of a German American. "Trump" is modified form of German surname "Drumpf".
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Without doubt "Germans", so a large number of Americans who fought against Nazis in world II must also had German ancestry.

And the biggest fact "Trump" himself is a descendant of a German American. "Trump" is modified form of German surname "Drumpf".

you have to break british isles into multiple groups - Scottish, Welsh, English
Actually Germany supports only its national interest and good business. Good relations with Russia mean good business and less burden for exchequer, which country in the world would not want that?

Having said that, the business interests that Germany has with US are far greater than those of Russia and at the moment Germany's national interest dictates it to be on US's corner, because the other option is a total economical destruction. Uncle Sam has it by its balls. No party, not even AfD, which is a very strange mixture of ultra extremists from all the otherwise opposite corners, can afford to take on the USA. There are hard limits.

If you want to base the relationship on ancestry alone, guess which ethnic group is one of the largest in the USA? :-)
You can not win your freedom without some losses. I suppose Germans have some sence of dignity and selfrespect and they want to be independent nation again.
USA can not destroy Germany totally. USA can not even destroy North Korea or Cuba. So Germans have choice - to do nothing and remain an occupied country or fight for independence with some temporary economical difficulties.
About ancestry policy - how many American Germans moved to Germany and have German citizenship?
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