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Few videos about Kashmirs Latest struggle.

free kashmir they shouldent stop these protests they should demand rreedome from pakistan and india let pakistan give azad kashmir to kashmir as a good will and then india canot say nothing ....... KASHMIR FREEDOME
free kashmir they shouldent stop these protests they should demand rreedome from pakistan and india let pakistan give azad kashmir to kashmir as a good will and then india canot say nothing ....... KASHMIR FREEDOME

I will tell you one thing that there are kashmiris who want freedom , there are who want pakistan but none who want India .
What about Balochistan?? Why are they being suppressed?

Yes because its part of Pakistan, similarly so is all of Kashmir part of India.
Now misguided youth by vicious propaganda and influence, should not be allowed to hold a nation as hostage.
OHH boy you didn't, Kashmir is a totally different issue its known to the world that Kashmir is a disputed territory and it not Part of India you Indian can say whatever you want but this is a fact. Baluchistan is an internal part of Pakistan it's not a disputed territory like Kashmir. Should i mention more States in India who what independence from So called secular India. you guys just worry about communal right all right..

In recent decades, “reports of village churches destroyed and church leaders threatened by local Hindus” have become a frequent reality in India. Specific instances of personal attacks are ubiquitous, occurring in every state in India. There is a general lack of media reports prior to the 1990s, but the number of reports swelled in the late 2010s, as humanitarian and religious organizations began to take increasing notice. Incidents of different casts and groups should I carry on...
OHH boy you didn't, Kashmir is a totally different issue its known to the world that Kashmir is a disputed territory and it not Part of India you Indian can say whatever you want but this is a fact. Baluchistan is an internal part of Pakistan it's not a disputed territory like Kashmir. That's what you say, not the world. The world knows the trouble in Kashmir is orchestrated by those very elements with which the Pakistan army is now fighting. These rogue elements in Afghanistan and you called them freedom fighters. These same elements in India and you call them freedom fighters?
Where ever there is trouble the world will take note and call it troubled.
Similarly if God forbid, situation in Balochistan becomes more volatile then world will call it troubled

.Should i mention more States in India who what independence from So called secular India
. And do you want me to quote more of Azadi movements in Pakistan?? Throwing stones at one another will not lead to anywhere.

you guys just worry about communal right all right..
So do you guys..:azn:

In recent decades, “reports of village churches destroyed and church leaders threatened by local Hindus” have become a frequent reality in India. Specific instances of personal attacks are ubiquitous, occurring in every state in India. There is a general lack of media reports prior to the 1990s, but the number of reports swelled in the late 2010s, as humanitarian and religious organizations began to take increasing notice. Incidents of different casts and groups should I carry on... Not worth commenting, better to set your house in order

Try following a policy of Live and let Live, not Live and Let die..:cheers:
whenever thousand of pakistani killed in bomb blast than no body seen tears in ur eyes....
actually what's problem with ur pakistani u never look at your self always blames on others.


sharam karo
whenever thousand of pakistani killed in bomb blast than no body seen tears in ur eyes....
actually what's problem with ur pakistani u never look at your self always blames on others.
Are you not being a hypocrite - What is your country doing now?For **** sake your home minister is saying the stone pelters infiltrated from across the border..:rofl::rofl: and that all problems in Kashmir are due to Pakistan..

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