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frankly to say, T-50 is a latest upgrade version of SU-27,seems after 20 years decline,russia already used up the last penny of USSR's legacy

Less input less fruits.
Russia remains only energy and Soviet military industrial heritage(Almost depleted).

Make a T50 which many problems and at a far distant date cheat India's money.
The same rise in price for carriers,and test TVC of immature technology in Su30MKI.
You are very ignorant.
Deffer from T50's IRST exposed.
DSI is an inlet,multiple reflections and Absorption in it, Radar signal has none.
Suggest you take time to learn more about JF17,J10B,F35.
T50's IRST exposed prove Sukhoi non ability improve it to fusion aperture system like F35.

No it is you that is ignorant and not only are you ignorant but you twist everything, the DSI is a sphereical object just like an IRST housing, there is no 'multiple reflections', the same applies for the wing mounted spheres. It wouldn't even matter if the DSI is oval in shape the same laws would still apply, i also fail to see what the JF-17 or J-10 have anything to do with the conversation.

And what do you know about the PAK-FA's 'fussion' based on an IRST housing? Let alone an empty IRST housing?

My All content:B2 is a bomber,won't play subduction bomb!Which determines that it is at altitude put bombs and precision-guided ammunition. Radar on it are upward Angle, you will see the cockpit blocked B2's head basically , and for B2 is so large, that Americans also can'n make out so big of overall cockpit in that period, Americans won't be so fool, made that must be a reason.

Epic fail! What makes you think that a ground radar would be limited to only scaning the underside of a fusalage? Radars can track targets from hundreds of killometres away and in doing so the radars signals can have i diverse scanning area such as 30, 40, or even 10 gegrees, meaning it's not just the the fusalage that a radar will focus its signals on but virtually any part of the aircraft, your claim is further disproved by the fact that radar waves bounce and trivers or travel along surface areas. And again you fail to even acknowlege airborn radar.

T50 cockpit elliptic metal frame is directly outside leakage.

:rofl: So the F-117 also had 'outside leakage'? Same for F-15SE? And what makes you think that metal would not get the same treatment as other parts of the aircraft and receive a coat of RAM?

YF - 23 prototypes failed,how to improve we don't know.

Stop copying and pasting the same reputitive sentences, the YF-23 failed because the YF-22 had an overal advantage and not because of it's RCS.

Yot don't know high-low collocation?
Commonsense please.
When is the F22 developed?
And When is the F35 developed?
It's very very normal that Applying new technology in F35.

You were the one that called the F-35 low end, not me, so don't go ranting and changing the subject once again.

F15SE is not a real 5'th G fighter.
It's stealth ability more worse than F35.

No one said it was a '5th generation' aircraft. And the conversation is in regards to radarblockers and frontal RCS, in frontal RCS the F-15SE is equal to the F-35, period! Get your head around it, nothing you say will change that.

Why you guy is so without ideal.Have no enterprising.Your sorrow or Russia's sorrow?
you like comparing T50 to F15SE,Why not F22,even F35?

If you were smart, which clearly you are not, you would see that the F-15SE was not a comparison but an example of the effectivness of radar blockers, and onlt idiotic fanboys would go around comparing the data of aircraft that is classified.

According to your account of radar blockers will magically dissolve,All plane can have stealth ability,for you can put radar blockers in all parts.

:rofl: Do you have a reading comprehension problem? It was a sarcastic statement, i was actually lauhing at you for your blatant disregard for the effectivness of radar blockers.

Stealth is require multiple levels.structure,coating are most important.

Listen kid you have no bussiness talking about 'stealth', you know nothing about the subject, period!

"blockers will magically dissolve.":lol::D
Suggest you again take time to learn more about the Stealth technology of F22,F35.

You don't know the basics of stealth and I need to learn about 'stealth'? :rofl:

Cann't help laughing when I see you and these pictrue below.:lol::rofl::partay:

I can't stop laughing when I see canards, and some nice spheres under under the J-20's wings :
All right,You are just this knowledge level.
Ignorant guy,Continue to talk to you would degrade me.
Recreate by yourself.T50's stealth is excellent,OK?
All right,You are just this knowledge level.
Ignorant guy,Continue to talk to you would degrade me.
Recreate by yourself.T50's stealth is excellent,OK?

the stealth of T-50 is no doubt a tragedy.he does not has anything substance to refut us ,what he only can do is "this isnt important; that can be omited;LOL, i cant help laughing;":yahoo:
xuwei...i highly doubt your claim that pak-fa's IRST being exposes could increase its RCS considerably. This is the prototype remember they would test and trial, you could have said that if it was a production model, therefore there is no point in writing lengthy posts which proves little or nothing. Neither Chinese not Russian are idiot at doing their respective Job designing a stealth Jet. It is the evolution there will be many trials tests and development.
xuwei...i highly doubt your claim that pak-fa's IRST being exposes could increase its RCS considerably. This is the prototype remember they would test and trial, you could have said that if it was a production model, therefore there is no point in writing lengthy posts which proves little or nothing. Neither Chinese not Russian are idiot at doing their respective Job designing a stealth Jet. It is the evolution there will be many trials tests and development.

Yes,IRST being exposes is little influence for steal.It's an insect.:D
You should know 4'th G fighter likes J11A's IRST is exposed.

It's major surgery for IRST changing to fusion aperture system like F35.
Even we can say it's impossible whitout initial design.
F22 face is the kind of embarrassing
T50 + J20 side elevation


j20 is more like F22(world stealth fighter's Standard)than t50

the same point (T50 + J20)
all-moving tailfins

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21 pages and all about what? Come on guys lets be mature and stop ridiculing each other. I am no expert in aviation but one thing is for sure stealth or no stealth, T-50 has flown while the J-20 is still doing taxi trails. F-22 maybe the standard for stealth but also remember that Russian aviation has competed with the Americans based on their own role model and not necessarily what the US produced, shows confidence in their own doctrine and capabilities.Also the Chinese aviation industry has benefited immensely from the Russian aviation industry. The engines for example to this date are still Russian.
My suggestion to my Chinese friends is not to get ahead of themselves. It is a great accomplishment that China has developed an actual stealth plane in so little time but still enough is left to be done.
21 pages and all about what? Come on guys lets be mature and stop ridiculing each other. I am no expert in aviation but one thing is for sure stealth or no stealth, T-50 has flown while the J-20 is still doing taxi trails. F-22 maybe the standard for stealth but also remember that Russian aviation has competed with the Americans based on their own role model and not necessarily what the US produced, shows confidence in their own doctrine and capabilities.Also the Chinese aviation industry has benefited immensely from the Russian aviation industry. The engines for example to this date are still Russian.
My suggestion to my Chinese friends is not to get ahead of themselves. It is a great accomplishment that China has developed an actual stealth plane in so little time but still enough is left to be done.

Agree with you, as a Chinese, I don't like above argument between Chinese and Russian, no matter which fighter is better or not, F22 is definitely the best. And most importantly, F22 is the enemy of J20 and PAKFA, both China and Russia need to figure out how to beat F22 and protect themselves.

I think it might be a mistake to open this kind of thread, like the comparision between JF-17 & LCA.

Agree with you, as a Chinese, I don't like above argument between Chinese and Russian, no matter which fighter is better or not, F22 is definitely the best. And most importantly, F22 is the enemy of J20 and PAKFA, both China and Russia need to figure out how to beat F22 and protect themselves.

I think it might be a mistake to open this kind of thread, like the comparision between JF-17 & LCA.


It was never an argument "between" Chinese and Russian. But only Russian T-50 was crap, and me and ptlmd were defending it is not.
21 pages and all about what? Come on guys lets be mature and stop ridiculing each other. I am no expert in aviation but one thing is for sure stealth or no stealth, T-50 has flown while the J-20 is still doing taxi trails. F-22 maybe the standard for stealth but also remember that Russian aviation has competed with the Americans based on their own role model and not necessarily what the US produced, shows confidence in their own doctrine and capabilities.Also the Chinese aviation industry has benefited immensely from the Russian aviation industry. The engines for example to this date are still Russian.
My suggestion to my Chinese friends is not to get ahead of themselves. It is a great accomplishment that China has developed an actual stealth plane in so little time but still enough is left to be done.

Agree,very rightly said.It is too early to said and speculate for any conclusion as far as PAK FA or J 20 is concerned.These both just came out of the drawing boards in a materialistic shape,and long way to go to accomplish any sort of superiority against rivals.Yep none either US/Russians or Chinese are dumbhearted to leave behind any nut n bolts to produce the best to thier abilities.Only time will tell and overall Real Time hand on experience is always worth concluding any decesions.
xuwei..I said T-50 is a prototype, it will go through tests and trials during its phase of development.
Now that J-20 has come to the scene, I believe Russians are going to bring in considerable many changes to T-50. The only thing I am thinking about is the Airframe finishing even the prototype of J-20 has sort of single piece frame somewhat similar to F-35/F-22 while T-50 has a crude finish.
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