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Fisherman's death gives cause for Spratlys offensive: PLA general


Mar 24, 2007
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Fisherman's death gives cause for Spratlys offensive: PLA general

Staff Reporter
General Luo Yuan, known as one of the most outspoken senior officers in China's People's Liberation Army, has said that the killing of Taiwanese fisherman Hung Shih-cheng by the Philippine coast guard has given China an opportunity to seize the eight islands currently held by Manila in the South China Sea, according to the Hong Kong newspaper Wen Wei Po.

"Opening fire on a Taiwanese fishing boat is not only a provocation to Taiwan, but to the entire Chinese family," said Luo. "I don't know what law the Taiwanese fishing boat violated for fishing in the overlapping exclusive economic zones instead of the Philippines' territorial waters."

Luo also said the use of lethal force against an unarmed fishing boat is a direct violation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The general also questioned the account offered by the Philippine side regarding the incident, saying he believes Manila is trying to protect the officer who fired the fatal shot. Beijing will need to come to Taiwan's aid to force the Philippines to apologize, Luo said.

There are four ways China can help Taiwan seek redress, the general said. First, China, as a member of the United Nations, is able to charge the Philippine at the International Court of Justice. Second, a mechanism of cooperation between fishery associations on either side of the Taiwan Strait should be established immediately through consultation. Third, the coast guards on either side should discuss a similar mechanism to patrol disputed waters. Fourth, a mechanism to establish cross-strait military trust should be initiated.

If the Philippines continues to harass Taiwanese fishing vessels, Luo said the PLA will launch an attack to recover an island in the Spratlys held by the Philippines. The general China gained experience in dealing with the Philippines in the standoff over Scarborough Shoal last year.

Luo's suggestion is unlikely to be taken up by Taiwan's government. But President Ma Ying-jeou may find an uncomfortable ring of truth in the words of Hung Feng-lien, the daughter of the 65-year-old fisherman who died when the Philippine coast guard opened fire on Thursday. She said that it is now safer for Taiwanese fishermen to fly the colors of the PRC flag rather than the ROC when operating in or near disputed waters.


Luo Yuan  羅援

Hung Shih-cheng  洪石成

Hung Feng-lien  洪鳳蓮

Fisherman's death gives cause for Spratlys offensive: PLA general
Nice PR move by the Chinese General, it's a tragic loss of life, but you have to hand it to China, they know when to take advantage of an opportunity when they see it.
Fisherman's death gives cause for Spratlys offensive: PLA general

Staff Reporter
General Luo Yuan, known as one of the most outspoken senior officers in China's People's Liberation Army, has said that the killing of Taiwanese fisherman Hung Shih-cheng by the Philippine coast guard has given China an opportunity to seize the eight islands currently held by Manila in the South China Sea, according to the Hong Kong newspaper Wen Wei Po.

"Opening fire on a Taiwanese fishing boat is not only a provocation to Taiwan, but to the entire Chinese family," said Luo. "I don't know what law the Taiwanese fishing boat violated for fishing in the overlapping exclusive economic zones instead of the Philippines' territorial waters."

Luo also said the use of lethal force against an unarmed fishing boat is a direct violation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The general also questioned the account offered by the Philippine side regarding the incident, saying he believes Manila is trying to protect the officer who fired the fatal shot. Beijing will need to come to Taiwan's aid to force the Philippines to apologize, Luo said.

There are four ways China can help Taiwan seek redress, the general said. First, China, as a member of the United Nations, is able to charge the Philippine at the International Court of Justice. Second, a mechanism of cooperation between fishery associations on either side of the Taiwan Strait should be established immediately through consultation. Third, the coast guards on either side should discuss a similar mechanism to patrol disputed waters. Fourth, a mechanism to establish cross-strait military trust should be initiated.

If the Philippines continues to harass Taiwanese fishing vessels, Luo said the PLA will launch an attack to recover an island in the Spratlys held by the Philippines. The general China gained experience in dealing with the Philippines in the standoff over Scarborough Shoal last year.

Luo's suggestion is unlikely to be taken up by Taiwan's government. But President Ma Ying-jeou may find an uncomfortable ring of truth in the words of Hung Feng-lien, the daughter of the 65-year-old fisherman who died when the Philippine coast guard opened fire on Thursday. She said that it is now safer for Taiwanese fishermen to fly the colors of the PRC flag rather than the ROC when operating in or near disputed waters.


Luo Yuan  羅援

Hung Shih-cheng  洪石成

Hung Feng-lien  洪鳳蓮

Fisherman's death gives cause for Spratlys offensive: PLA general

Sea pirates is showing his face. :sniper::taz:
^Why should people take your words just because you blabber alot^

Anyway, this would be good so that no more Taiwanese will be shot by the incompetent coast guards
Yes the world should only listen to PDF members. Clowns like you know more than generals :lol:
Phillippine official too suck, like clown, even their president like a idiot, from their performance in past 60 years, have to say, this country too suck...
I hate Japan, but at least they develop their country well, we can learn something from them, but Philippine, hard to find their advantage, they should join USA or managed by USA, Britain, they must live better(Of course, many philippine are good, maybe my word hurt them, I am soory for it, but it is my real view on philippine).....

On Topic:
We don't need attack Philippine, just kick them out of SCS island they occupied, that is encough, they can cry, and beg for help around the world, we just neglect it, or see clown show!!!

BTW, Vietnam is really smarter than Philippine.....
Yes the world should only listen to PDF members. Clowns like you know more than generals :lol:
China's general only know 1 cheap and idiot tactic :'human wave attack'. One child policy make PLA soldiers become so coward now,so, human wave tatic become useless coz Chinese soldiers will surely run for their lives when facing with fierce resistence.

Except loud barking to its neighnours every day,I really dont know what coward and poor trained PLA can do in real combat now:pop:
Phillippine official too suck, like clown, even their president like a idiot, from their performance in past 60 years, have to say, this country too suck...
I hate Japan, but at least they develop their country well, we can learn something from them, but Philippine, hard to find their advantage, they should join USA or managed by USA, Britain, they must live better(Of course, many philippine are good, maybe my word hurt them, I am soory for it, but it is my real view on philippine).....

On Topic:
We don't need attack Philippine, just kick them out of SCS island they occupied, that is encough, they can cry, and beg for help around the world, we just neglect it, or see clown show!!!

BTW, Vietnam is really smarter than Philippine.....

The reason why Philippine "sucks" is because of corruption and incompetent leaders
The reason why Philippine "sucks" is because of corruption and incompetent leaders
Right, but if you normal people replace them, you can promise you will not become corrupt?

The elite also are from normal people, in china, I know that more than half of offical, even worst, are corrupt, I don't like them, but some retire, the new one also become corrupt, it is not just person problem, it is system problem...

Why they are corrupt and incompetent? for many so called democratic country, they think electing new one can change these, it is very naive, in fact, in democratic country, the problem is harder to solved, because the elected leader look forward to term goal, they more worry about their political life, even one want change, but most of time, it is hard to see the effect in short term, this will harm vested interest group, the leader will be replaced, and the reform will be interrupted or be stopped.......

And, many times, while government can't solve the problem confronted, people will censure the "elite", I think it become common excuse for failure, Yes, elite must take most responsibility, but, it is national problem, we all are responsible for it!!!
羅援 - Luo Yuan - La Viện. I saw these names so many times on Chinese/Vietnamese newspapers with comments of a kid who has a fascist heart. :sick:
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