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For third time in 2 years, ‘Iran fails to launch satellite’


Dec 25, 2010
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may be they already have 1 but a secret ...

like Israel hiding there techs always like they are the Ones
Failures are next step to Sucess...In Future, Iran Can Try it again and accomplish it:tup:
Would you say the same thing if it was Pakistan's rocket failure? :angel: anyways, Iran can learn from its failures if the news is true (highly doubt it though)

Even i was waiting for the result of irans satellite launch. Because iranians reported that they would launch some sats soon. But no news after that. I was thinking that mission failed.

But beware of Iranins....They might announce the results after every western media predicts it has failed. Just to irritate them.

Or it is even possible that they want to launch after the on going iran and p5+1 talk.

For God's sake another Fake News site with Fake Journalists behind it and this one even don't try to hide the fact
do you knew what Hyperbole Means

by the way at the top of the let see what is written at the top of the page that site linked as the source of their infrmation
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