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Forza Italia wants new law that allows construction of mosques banned


Nov 23, 2013
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In 2008 the Lega Nord party already brought a similar attempt into the parliament. It said muslims can pray anywhere and a mosque is unitalian and should be banned. Many cities like Milan, Turino, Fireze, Lucca and Venice prevented the construction of mosques through communal law.

But Lega Nord planned to make it a complete ban in entire italy. It failed because the constitutional court said its discrimination.

Now our party goes another way. It doesnt even mention mosques in the proposed law text and makes it a sole financial issue.

The text proposes that if a new religious building is constructed, all people in its neighborhood have the right to let the value of their property guess by an expert comission. If this commission comes to the conclusion the values is lowered, then the person has the right to claim the loss of value from the group who wants to build the enw building.

Only when all claims are paid they would get a permission to move on in construction. That way its guaranteed there is no discrimination.

The idea is proposed by Mara Carfagna and i like this solution.


@Vergennes @waz @flamer84

I think this kind of proposal solves this specific problem quite elegant and would not damage our constitution. I think it would also be a possible work around for France, UK and other european nations.
Why not just declare Italy a no go place for Muslims instead of coming with all sort of BS to justify what is going to happen eventually.
Uncivilized feminized Europe. It seems you forgot about the civilization. It's time to teach you guys a lesson again. You have been alone on your own for far too long 300 years without Turkish dominance!!!

Most of the above is sarcastic.. or is it?
Considering I know many Italians I know they are generally very kind and loving people of all faiths , you Markus are a disturbed individual and with age you will perhaps change your views or end up marrying a muslim girl to help change your mind

However as for the political party there are always fanatics in all nations

Perhaps you should lead a charge to stop this none sense since you live in Italy
There are already TENS OF THOUSANDS of Mosques throughout Europe, and TENS OF MILLIONS of Muslims across European heartlands----And this lunatic party is now proposing this bullsh!t law?

Kind of late, aint it? :lol::lol:
Considering I know many Italians I know they are generally very kind and loving people of all faiths , you Markus are a disturbed individual and with age you will perhaps change your views or end up marrying a muslim girl to help change your mind

However as for the political party there are always fanatics in all nations

Perhaps you should lead a charge to stop this none sense since you live in Italy

He wouldn't.

He is a loner who is disturbed and is socially awkward. He himself has admitted to having very few friends and what not.

Some of the best people I met in college have been Italians. My biggest white crush was an Italian-American girl named Maria...and she was so accepting and tolerant of other cultures.

@MarkusS is kind of an individual who has nothing going in real life--and draws his meaning of life from empty rhetoric of "defending his civilization" blah blah blah..

While the real world keeps marching on and he can not do anything against it.

Europe is on path to having 10% of all its population as Muslim by 2050. Markus will keep opening threads, keep supporting parties which spout racist/bigoted crap, and will waste his life away. Come 2050, Islam would be more widespread, more ingrained, more established, and more visible all around Europe..Inshallah!

And Islam is also on track to replace Judaism as the second largest religion in my country United States!

Mashallah to all of that..:cool::cheers::cheesy:
Easy fix would be to buy off churches and give them a make over.
Considering I know many Italians I know they are generally very kind and loving people of all faiths , you Markus are a disturbed individual and with age you will perhaps change your views or end up marrying a muslim girl to help change your mind

However as for the political party there are always fanatics in all nations

Perhaps you should lead a charge to stop this none sense since you live in Italy
he opened up a thread where he said hes going to saudi arabia. that wont change him

I think this kind of proposal solves this specific problem quite elegant and would not damage our constitution. I think it would also be a possible work around for France, UK and other european nations.
that wont happen here, if it happened "hypothetically" then musils would argue the contruction of temples, synagogues and gurudwaras. france, maybe as there is very fast growing rightwing movement there, but the muslim population there is huge. @Vergennes what do you think?
will the french ban the construction of mosques

did you know a 15 min drive from my house is the most densest place in the uk where they are mosques.
There are 5 million Muslims in Italy and only 8 Mosques.

wrong. Only one million muslims in italy

He wouldn't.

He is a loner who is disturbed and is socially awkward. He himself has admitted to having very few friends and what not.

Some of the best people I met in college have been Italians. My biggest white crush was an Italian-American girl named Maria...and she was so accepting and tolerant of other cultures.

@MarkusS is kind of an individual who has nothing going in real life--and draws his meaning of life from empty rhetoric of "defending his civilization" blah blah blah..

While the real world keeps marching on and he can not do anything against it.

Europe is on path to having 10% of all its population as Muslim by 2050. Markus will keep opening threads, keep supporting parties which spout racist/bigoted crap, and will waste his life away. Come 2050, Islam would be more widespread, more ingrained, more established, and more visible all around Europe..Inshallah!

And Islam is also on track to replace Judaism as the second largest religion in my country United States!

Mashallah to all of that..:cool::cheers::cheesy:

I wonder why you always get personal?

I dont support a party. I´m member of this party. I organize events, hold speeches and so on. You can google me and watch on youtube.
france, maybe as there is very fast growing rightwing movement there, but the muslim population there is huge. @Vergennes what do you think?
will the french ban the construction of mosques

Construction,I don't know,but destruction maybe. Up to 160 mosques are being closed for being considered as hatred preaching,and more are in the same process. Will this used as a pretext in the future to close more ?
I don't know. "We will close hatred preaching,salafists mosques" is more "politically correct" and acceptable than "I will close and destroy every mosques of France!!"
Construction,I don't know,but destruction maybe. Up to 160 mosques are being closed for being considered as hatred preaching,and more are in the same process. Will this used as a pretext in the future to close more ?
I don't know. "We will close hatred preaching,salafists mosques" is more "politically correct" and acceptable than "I will close and destroy every mosques of France!!"

Thats why our law proposal meets the requirements perfectly. Radicals cant hide behind "freedom of religion" anymore since the local people can simply overrule them
Oh for fucks sake:lol:

Either have the balls to do something or dont do it, playing mental gymnastics to try to justify something is pussyfull behaviour

Take it on, start changing laws, remove the protection and human right laws, state openly the freedom of religion and worship has now been curtailed in your country. Why pussyfoot around.

Same with the french openly state women do not have the freedom to dress as they choosh and must adhere to dress codes made by the state

Then stop lecturing the world about democracy and rights,

Get on with it or dont do it:enjoy:
Would never work in UK.

1. Such a law would establish that any planning permission granted causing reduction in property prices would have to be compensated. This would mean any attempt to build anything like say supermarket, shops, schools would would open flood gates for compensation claims. This would create a nightmare situation.

2. If property price reduced as collateral of discrimination - that is people would not want to live near a mosque because it is a Muslim place of worship then in effect compensation would amount to rewarding discrimination. This would therefore run foul of discrimination and laws of equity. For example if Gays set a community club. Assume the local residents were homophobic and did not want to live there that would cause prices to drop. Would they be entitled to compensation based on the precedent that would be established by "don't want mosque" law?

I have no idea how it will play out in Italy given it's very recent introduction to rule of law (ignoring the Pax Romana) and it's history of extremism however such a law is would struggle past 1,000 years of Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence.

For me it is not so much about mosques but more what is preached and taught there. I certainly think in UK rules do need tightening up with regards to that.

second largest religion in my country United States
If it is mostly converted black convicts, rapists, murderers, muggers etc inside US federal prisons I am not too sure you should be celebrating this ...

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