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France starts ban on full-face veil

How France is different than dictatorship, Why a country should dictate its citizen what they must wear and what they cannot wear. Its pathetic to take the right from peoples to wear whatever they prefer to wear according to their beliefs
^^ how is that dictatorship.

read the French revolution.
They burnt down every 'cross' in their country.
'no religious identity' is one of the base of their revolution and also base of their constitution.
Do you want them to break that pillar just because few immigrants don't like it?
How France is different than dictatorship, Why a country should dictate its citizen what they must wear and what they cannot wear. Its pathetic to take the right from peoples to wear whatever they prefer to wear according to their beliefs

They are afraid. So is the UK, Germany and the entire European continent. They are afraid Christianity, eventually, will become a minority.
A lot if not most Muslims refuse to integrate in the societies they live and adopt their way of life. The more Muslims that come the more their way of life clashes with the country`s way of life. They are desperately trying to prevent this and forcefully make Muslims integrate and adopt European values.
They are afraid. So is the UK, Germany and the entire European continent. They are afraid Christianity, eventually, will become a minority.

hahaha Christianity will become a minority? It will never happen any time soon and more over Christianity is already kinda 'dead' ideology in Europe..No one even cares about religion in WEST anymore..

hahaha Christianity will become a minority? It will never happen any time soon and more over Christianity is already kinda 'dead' ideology in Europe..No one even cares about religion in WEST anymore..

Yeah i added more to my post. Christianity statistically, will become a minority by 2050. That has been proven to be true if current trends continue.
Europe is defacto Atheist but their core values come from Judeo-Christian traditions, it is a literal hellhole for Multiculturist left fanatics that welcome all immigrants with open arms.
its not about burqa or hijab.................its about islam and muslims........why in Europe almost every country is trying to interfere in only muslims matters i.e mosques and burqa or hijab..............they are doing it for purpose and everyone knows it what they want from it......they are so called democracies and full of hate against ISLAM......they talk about freedom of speech and freedom of person they talk about harmony among religion but their actions are opposite to it

Isn't that obvious? Muslims are the least compatible people and even after 2rd/3rd generation they maintain cultural/values that is in stark contrast to host nation. In simple terms, they simply fail to assimilate. The y are trying to Europe into Arabia which simply cannot be tolerated.
I edited my post in deference to the handful of Indians whom I respect.

But the fact remains that a large troll brigade always supports any action against Muslims -- whether it's Israel, France, or whatever. It's got nothing to do with niqab, hijab or beards. The Indian troll brigade is guaranteed to support the anti-Muslim view.

Every time.

Silly me! Action has been taken against ALL religions. Muslims are the only one making noise and making it sound like it's all about them.
^^ how is that dictatorship.

read the French revolution.
They burnt down every 'cross' in their country.
'no religious identity' is one of the base of their revolution and also base of their constitution.
Do you want them to break that pillar just because few immigrants don't like it?
You're mistaken it isn't. The motto of the French republic is "egalité fraternité liberté". Not only does "laïcité" not figure in there, more importantly "fraternité" is a concept taken out of the Christian tradition. Hence some peoples' theoretic objection to it.
How France is different than dictatorship, Why a country should dictate its citizen what they must wear and what they cannot wear. Its pathetic to take the right from peoples to wear whatever they prefer to wear according to their beliefs

Don't worry. Same law is coming to UK too.
They are afraid. So is the UK, Germany and the entire European continent. They are afraid Christianity, eventually, will become a minority.
A lot if not most Muslims refuse to integrate in the societies they live and adopt their way of life. The more Muslims that come the more their way of life clashes with the country`s way of life. They are desperately trying to prevent this and forcefully make Muslims integrate and adopt European values.

Their fear goes deeper than that.
Europe ... their core values come from Judeo-Christian traditions,...
How can that be case when Jews were chased after in Europe since thousands of years ago to about a mere seventy counting back from now? It is and will be the Greco-Roman civilisation. They shredded and battered Christianity to fit their own culture, and you shouldn't be proud but alarmed that they have now added Judeo- to the equation.

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