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France starts ban on full-face veil

^ I think when you left it for Allah to judge their actions based on their intentions then there is nothing left for us to comment on their act of wearing Niqab as Islamic or non Islamic.

Dude for many peoples you are not moderate unless you behave and act like them so even if some muslim women will start wearing hijab rather than niqab then for many western peoples they will still not be considered as moderate or liberal. I don't know how wearing specific dress code stop women working for the betterment of society. Cannot you work for the betterment of society after wearing extra piece of clothe? Again your logic is flaw so next you will say that every muslim should move to islamic country if religion get ban in western country which dont make any sense at all

Everyone should have right to live his/her life according to his own perception of right or wrong and peoples should not live their life according to expectations of others. western women have choice to wear less clothe and then muslim women should have same right to wear whatever they choose to wear

This topic is not about niqab being Islamic or non Islamic. Its about choice of wearing whatever you like to wear which is the basic right of every individual
No one is saying france has become saudi arabia they have not yet banned other religons from france. when you guys are hypocrite why accuse others for the same behaviour....

double standards....

I dont think its right to compare theocratic state with secular. There would not be any objection or protest if France was a theocratic state who would have derived this law against burqa from teaching of their religion.
It is a good move i think BY France, and i think every Muslim living in FRANCE should follow it because it is a rule of that country, and If we don't like , then we should either move back to our home country or MOVE TO a country which only follows Muslim law.

Stop this double std.

The Saudis don't allow a church or a temple to be built in their country, nor does Malaysia or in fact any other muslim country including Pakistan, then why should we protest or oppose it in any other country.They have their right, If we like it then we should stay or else move out.

We should respect other country law and abide by them and not take to the streets and protest. This is all giving a wrong impression of Islam

Abu I totally agree with you. These type of behavior has given Muslim and Islam a bad name. If we really want to rule the world then we need to be flexible and tolerant to people feeling and alot needs to be understood about other religions wants and feeling .Or else forget about ruling the world. We will be named as terrorist.
Well this topic seems to open a pandoras box for a free-thinker.

On one hand, woman or anyone should have a right to adorn themselves however they want --as long as it isn't offensive to others. French parliament terms burqa/niqab as socially unacceptable and a threat to their secularism. We can argue the reasons from dawn till dusk; at the end of the day --it's their law.

Respect it, or leave.

And allow me to be even more frank by posing a question.

Where is it mandated in the religion that woman must cover herself head to toe?

Racism is rampant in many parts of the 'secular' EU countries some of the Muslim diaspora also don't make enough efforts to integrate. Integrate doesnt mean popping bottles of wine and wearing miniskirts; it doesnt mean guys must gel their hair and talk in gay accents; it simply means making the extra effort to reach out to locals and be more open to engaging in people to people contact --instead of staying in their enclaves.

lastly, if a woman GENUINELY wants to wear a niqab (not out of pressure or hidden coercion) then by all means they can do it. I personally think it's totally un-necessary. To me the woman is a sign of beauty --her face, her hair, everything. They are bearers of life. They must show themselves. If they are compelled to keep their ''gaze'' down -- then maybe its guys who should do the same as well, and not be scumbags.

I wonder about how the male gaze determines what is socially acceptable for women. In France now, you can't leave the house if you cover your face, but if you pose in the nude for the world, you might become first lady! I think female exploitation and oppression are two sides of the same coin.

a pandoras box indeed
Abu I totally agree with you. These type of behavior has given Muslim and Islam a bad name. If we really want to rule the world then we need to be flexible and tolerant to people feeling and alot needs to be understood about other religions wants and feeling .Or else forget about ruling the world. We will be named as terrorist.

Rule the world.....:lol:
I support the French move on this one. Take that thing off or go to prison.
If muslim really has any intention to respect women, give women equal rights on everything.

Cutting the ball off for all of those honor killing bastards will be a good start.

If some of you want your women to wear that terrible clothes, well, why don't you wear those first for about 10 years in all weather conditions, hot or cold, and then talk about this matter after that???

When muslim women are under constant threat from their males, do not talk about something as "genuinely want...".

Before islam becomes a tolerant religion, it has no future in majority of the world and will continues being discriminated in most of the world, even in China.

Well this topic seems to open a pandoras box for a free-thinker.

On one hand, woman or anyone should have a right to adorn themselves however they want --as long as it isn't offensive to others. French parliament terms burqa/niqab as socially unacceptable and a threat to their secularism. We can argue the reasons from dawn till dusk; at the end of the day --it's their law.

Respect it, or leave.

And allow me to be even more frank by posing a question.

Where is it mandated in the religion that woman must cover herself head to toe?

Racism is rampant in many parts of the 'secular' EU countries some of the Muslim diaspora also don't make enough efforts to integrate. Integrate doesnt mean popping bottles of wine and wearing miniskirts; it doesnt mean guys must gel their hair and talk in gay accents; it simply means making the extra effort to reach out to locals and be more open to engaging in people to people contact --instead of staying in their enclaves.

lastly, if a woman GENUINELY wants to wear a niqab (not out of pressure or hidden coercion) then by all means they can do it. I personally think it's totally un-necessary. To me the woman is a sign of beauty --her face, her hair, everything. They are bearers of life. They must show themselves. If they are compelled to keep their ''gaze'' down -- then maybe its guys who should do the same as well, and not be scumbags.

I wonder about how the male gaze determines what is socially acceptable for women. In France now, you can't leave the house if you cover your face, but if you pose in the nude for the world, you might become first lady! I think female exploitation and oppression are two sides of the same coin.

a pandoras box indeed
^ I think when you left it for Allah to judge their actions based on their intentions then there is nothing left for us to comment on their act of wearing Niqab as Islamic or non Islamic.

Dude for many peoples you are not moderate unless you behave and act like them so even if some muslim women will start wearing hijab rather than niqab then for many western peoples they will still not be considered as moderate or liberal. I don't know how wearing specific dress code stop women working for the betterment of society. Cannot you work for the betterment of society after wearing extra piece of clothe? Again your logic is flaw so next you will say that every muslim should move to islamic country if religion get ban in western country which dont make any sense at all

Everyone should have right to live his/her life according to his own perception of right or wrong and peoples should not live their life according to expectations of others. western women have choice to wear less clothe and then muslim women should have same right to wear whatever they choose to wear

This topic is not about niqab being Islamic or non Islamic. Its about choice of wearing whatever you like to wear which is the basic right of every individual

Hijab (without the face veil) is perfectly fine with me, I have very close friends who wear Hijab, & the Hijab doesn't prevent them from doing regular things, such as being involved in college activities, sports or going to the work place to work (offices) etc. I am no one to stop women wearing niqabs, they are perfectly entitled to do that. Allah knows best. May Allah guide us all to the Sirat-al-Mustaqim. Ameen.
what if i wear surgical face mask like some in asian country..........will i get fined too???
If they claim to be a secular country then they should allow peoples from different religions to wear their religious symbol or should allow them to practice teachings of their religion as long as these religious practices don't harm any other person in society. Telling someone what to wear and what not to wear is oppression. Another evil show of democartic oppression of minorities and a war against women.

I don't know how wearing hijab or cross hurt any other person. It is not right for state to dictate peoples what they can wear and what they cannot. its peoples personal choice to wear whatever they want to wear. Just like women are free to wear bikini in west they should be free to wear veil. what will come next then ..peoples should not be allowed to offer prayers or keep fasting because French constitution consider them as useless things. Constitution should be there to protect the right of peoples

Islamic countries do not let non-Muslims open bars, Saudi Arabia doesn't let temples, churches, or anything else be constructed in their country. We expect non-Muslims to live by our standards, but we cry 'freedom & secular democracy' in their situation. Typical hypocrisy. The truth of the better is, even with this face veil thing, they are far more respectful to our religion than we are to theirs. In the US, we have our mosques, Islamic (Sunday) schools, Islamic centers, Imam Bargahs (for Shias). No one kills in the name of religion. We have Taraweeh during Ramadhan for our Sunni brothers, Friday prayers for everyone, we have full freedom observing Lailut-Qadr in Ramadhan & Ashoora in Muharram. Hijabi women are not left out of any way. Niqabi women however, create an awkward situation for everyone.

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