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Featured France urges Middle Eastern countries to stop boycott of French products

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Notice how sanghis are suddenly absent. The most vile and hateful creatures were so hyperactive in the other topics. Nowhere to be found in this topic.

@Vergennes Now what are going to do? Your country is pleading.
Absolutely shameful. What respect is there left when France has to get on its knees and plead Muslims which it hates to not boycott its products? Is there any self respect?

India another Islam hating country and a firm ally of France is going to buy all French products which are being boycotted by Islamic nations LOL

Myself, I thought the big strategic blunder was when they actually put blasphemous cartoons on the government buildings.

If Macron had just denounced "Islamists," or whatever and left it at that- I think Muslims would have been divided. More conservative Muslims would have rightly been against a campaign to try to force Westernization of Muslims but liberal Muslims would have been eager to go along as they're A-okay with Westernization.

But even liberal Muslims- do they really want to be defending the insulting of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Even if they hate Islam and semi-secretly want to undermine it, water it down and turn it into a joke like much of the Christianity of today- would they really want to be seen openly defending insulting Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)? They would lose credibility.

If Macron had just stopped at being against "Islamic separatists" who don't believe in liberal Western values- there could have been a pitting of liberal Muslims against conservative Muslims.

Macron has gone way too far, the willingness isn't there to back up a hardline anti-Muslim campaign and even liberal Muslims to a large degree aren't going to want to help him. Even sjw feminist Muslim types aren't going to want to be seen defending this.

I think Muslims have got to take advantage of this. I think the door is wide open for Muslims to gain a victory here. Even the most liberal Muslim would be in a very awkward situation to try to defend France's actions.

I think this is an opportunity for Muslims to gain a glorious victory and I think Muslims should take advantage of it. In the future, God willing, countries like France will think twice before provoking Muslims and insulting Islam in such a way.

The cartoons, insults... these things come and go.... but the sense of unity and solidarity that Muslims can build over this.... that could have long-term effects that work to strengthen Muslims.
Notice how sanghis are suddenly absent. The most vile and hateful creatures were so hyperactive in the other topics. Nowhere to be found in this topic.

@Vergennes Now what are going to do? Your country is pleading.

Sanghis are like rats they see car tires roll up they run back to their sewer hole. Most disgusting and vile creatures one would like to drive a tank over their faces.
Myself, I thought the big strategic blunder was when they actually put blasphemous cartoons on the government buildings.

If Macron had just denounced "Islamists," or whatever and left it at that- I think Muslims would have been divided. More conservative Muslims would have rightly been against a campaign to try to force Westernization of Muslims but liberal Muslims would have been eager to go along as they're A-okay with Westernization.

But even liberal Muslims- do they really want to be defending the insulting of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Even if they hate Islam and semi-secretly want to undermine it, water it down and turn it into a joke like much of the Christianity of today- would they really want to be seen openly defending insulting Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)? They would lose credibility.

If Macron had just stopped at being against "Islamic separatists" who don't believe in liberal Western values- there could have been a pitting of liberal Muslims against conservative Muslims.

Macron has gone way too far, the willingness isn't there to back up a hardline anti-Muslim campaign and even liberal Muslims to a large degree aren't going to want to help him. Even sjw feminist Muslim types aren't going to want to be seen defending this.

I think Muslims have got to take advantage of this. I think the door is wide open for Muslims to gain a victory here. Even the most liberal Muslim would be in a very awkward situation to try to defend France's actions.

I think this is an opportunity for Muslims to gain a glorious victory and I think Muslims should take advantage of it. In the future, God willing, countries like France will think twice before provoking Muslims and insulting Islam in such a way.

The cartoons, insults... these things come and go.... but the sense of unity and solidarity that Muslims can build over this.... that could have long-term effects that work to strengthen Muslims.

I couldn't agree more. The response among all Islamic nations should be in unison and brutal. There should be absolutely no let down. Zero tolerance for Islamic hatred in France.

In fact, let this serve as a reminder for any nation that dares to disrespect our values and religious beliefs under the garb of freedom of speech. We can unite and we can form a front irrespective of differences.

What would be really great is a sudden wake-up call among Muslims to trade and form a strong bloc. In these terrible times we need a spark to unite.

The liberals in our part of the world are in a quandary. They have gone into silence mode. They cannot speak openly against Islam or the prophet even if they would love to give an arm and a leg to do so. When Macron pleads to people in the Islamic world he is addressing this tiny minority. Macron is essntially trying to ignite a conflict between the religious and the liberal segment in the Islamic world. The problem is that the liberal segment cannot support Macron's hate speech against the final prophet. It would isolate them further in Islamic nations. Macron is now going to find out how badly he has misjudged the situation. This Islamophobe has nowhere to hide.
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Haven’t used French colognes/perfumes since.

Alhamdulillah! Love for Kuwait, such sensible people :)

Boycott all made in France products.

Macron is a hater of everything that is pure and good in this world. Him and his cartoons can go to hell!

Some shops in Kuwait had stripped their shelves of French-made products by Sunday

France has urged Middle Eastern countries to end calls for a boycott of its goods in protest at President Emmanuel Macron's defence of the right to show cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

The French foreign ministry said the "baseless" calls for a boycott were being "pushed by a radical minority".

French products have been removed from some shops in Kuwait, Jordan and Qatar.

Meanwhile, protests have been seen in Libya, Syria and the Gaza Strip.

The backlash stems from comments made by Mr Macron after the gruesome murder of a French teacher who showed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in class.

The president said the teacher, Samuel Paty, "was killed because Islamists want our future", but France would "not give up our cartoons".

Beheading of teacher deepens divisions in France
French anger over Turkey's 'rude' Macron comments
Depictions of the Prophet Muhammad can cause serious offence to Muslims because Islamic tradition explicitly forbids images of Muhammad and Allah (God).

But state secularism - or laïcité - is central to France's national identity. Curbing freedom of expression to protect the feelings of one particular community, the state says, undermines unity.

On Sunday, Mr Macron doubled down on his defence of French values in a tweet that read: "We will not give in, ever."

Political leaders in Turkey and Pakistan have rounded on Mr Macron, accusing him of not respecting "freedom of belief" and marginalising the millions of Muslims in France.

On Sunday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan suggested, for a second time, that Mr Macron should seek "mental checks" for his views on Islam.

Similar comments prompted France to recall its ambassador to Turkey for consultations on Saturday.

How widespread is the boycott on French products?
Some supermarket shelves had been stripped of French products in Jordan, Qatar and Kuwait by Sunday. French-made hair and beauty items, for example, were not on display.

In Kuwait, a major retail union has ordered a boycott of French goods.

The non-governmental Union of Consumer Co-operative Societies said it had issued the directive in response to "repeated insults" against the Prophet Muhammad.

In a statement, the French foreign ministry acknowledged the moves, writing: "These calls for boycott are baseless and should stop immediately, as well as all attacks against our country, which are being pushed by a radical minority."

Online, calls for similar boycotts in other Arab countries, such as Saudi Arabia, have been circulating.

A hashtag calling for the boycott of French supermarket chain Carrefour was the second-most trending topic in Saudi Arabia, the Arab world's largest economy.

Meanwhile, small anti-French protests were held in Libya, Gaza and northern Syria, where Turkish-backed militias exert control.

Why is France embroiled in this row?
Mr Macron's robust defence of French secularism and criticism of radical Islam in the wake of Mr Paty's killing has angered some in the Muslim world.

Turkey's Mr Erdogan asked in a speech: "What's the problem of the individual called Macron with Islam and with the Muslims?"

Meanwhile Pakistani leader Imran Khan accused the French leader of "attacking Islam, clearly without having any understanding of it".

"President Macron has attacked and hurt the sentiments of millions of Muslims in Europe & across the world," he tweeted.

French Muslims fear state aims to control their faith
Earlier this month, before the teacher's killing, Mr Macron had already announced plans for tougher laws to tackle what he called "Islamist separatism" in France.

He said a minority of France's estimated six million Muslims were in danger of forming a "counter-society", describing Islam as a religion "in crisis".

Cartoons caricaturing the Islamic prophet have a dark and intensely political legacy in France.

In 2015, 12 people were killed in an attack on the offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which had published the cartoons.

Some in Western Europe's largest Muslim community have accused Mr Macron of trying to repress their religion and say his campaign risks legitimising Islamophobia.

It is having effect. France is now officially pleading to Arab nations not to boycott its products at the highest level. The French now understand that this is going to have ramifications. More and more countries could now follow through with boycotting French products. Now all Muslim countries should indeed follow through and boycott French products to hurt them as much as possible. As long as France doesn't apologise there shouldn't be any respite.

Good now we need to get our wives of French make up and chose alternatives.
The West are all hypocritical but the French take takes the award.
Nah, it's mainly just France.

For example, the US is pretty clear that freedom of speech and consequence both exist. Canada is clear that freedom of speech exists, except violent hate speech. So on and so forth.

The french seem to be living in their own little bubble, where they still think they're a globally spanning empire, and that they can do as they please.
Nah, it's mainly just France.

For example, the US is pretty clear that freedom of speech and consequence both exist. Canada is clear that freedom of speech exists, except violent hate speech. So on and so forth.

The french seem to be living in their own little bubble, where they still think they're a globally spanning empire, and that they can do as they please.

That’s true, over here in the US jurisdictions book you for disturbing peace if what you say could incite violence.
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