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French Interior Minister Calls For 'Dissolution' Of Some Mosques

The French political leadership reminds me of a crippled duck, where they submissively take orders from Washington to the suck blood from the innocent civilians of the Middle East. They are incapable of spelling the word righteousness, let alone becoming a force of good. ISIS the demented organization has the power and capacity to attack similar targets in the future across Europe and these western governments have no stomach to send in ground troops. Maybe the situation is leading to a new world order, however they will ultimately fail In'sha'allah.

As what I understood in your post you are just about to accept NWO is reality in motion.
Then humbly ,I may suggest that why not our own Muslim brotherhood wakes up & manufacture a joint military struggle against so called terrorists , so no one on earth can put us in the preasure cookers obtheir choices ?
I think we need to , move ,think , & act rather then just saying prayers ?

How long we will keep , blaming the west of our situations ,our desperations ?
Our inability to resolve our problems & our insecurities against each others ?


Its about time that Muslims all around the world should join forces get united against all kind of terrorists lunched on the name of islam ?
It will make us grow , politicaly , finanancialy , strategicly ?
Against a common enemy of humanity ?
The same humanity which comes first in each & every religion & culture ?

As for French govt is concerned , they have scripted a nice show , mirrage 2000s bombing already destroyed HQ of ISIS , then finding a few in France ,killing some & capturing some ?
That's good enough for French peoples ?
But its more enough for next phase of establishing NWO the ,next blue print of the management of the world by few ?
As what I understood in your post you are just about to accept NWO is reality in motion.
Then humbly ,I may suggest that why not our own Muslim brotherhood wakes up & manufacture a joint military struggle against so called terrorists , so no one on earth can put us in the preasure cookers obtheir choices ?
I think we need to , move ,think , & act rather then just saying prayers ?

The New World Order doctrine has been ongoing for a number of decades and the motion has become stronger with time. Unfortunately the Muslim community has remained silent and ignorant towards this issue as petty political grievances with each other and the greed of maintaining power has led us to become weak in front of the enemy. The Arab States have been blessed by Allah with an abundant amount of resources and as a result these countries are extremely wealthy in capital. However, when has Saudi Arabia who spends $87 billion on purchasing military equipment around the world has offered to manufacture weapons jointly with Pakistan? The only solution is for Pakistan to become an economic superpower which allows us to gain enough respect in the Muslim World to influence and change their mentality where an important Islamic block is formed. China before 1978 was criticized for its human rights violations during the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, however economic prosperity has changed this where the world depends on its services. We must also strive to do the same outcome, thus the next decade is important for
Pakistan for us to proceed forward.

How long we will keep , blaming the west of our situations ,our desperations ?
Our inability to resolve our problems & our insecurities against each others ?

Muslims have become weak because we have allowed the western world to manipulate us into a situation where we continuously dance to their tune. The process of decolonization pushed forward by Wilson was very good in theory, however its application and implementation was atrocious, henceforth so much bloodbath exists in the Middle East and places across Africa. However Muslims in general have become short-sighted and the core principles of morality, justice and honor have evaporated from our system. Every thing in this world is written by Allah the Almighty, however we have a choice to choose which path we take and unfortunately for the last two hundreds years we have made some terrible decisions.


The Mullahs of Tehran and the religious clergy of Saudi Arabia will face enormous punishment on judgement day, because they have divided the Muslim community and preached the sermon that the brutal murder and torture of your fellow Muslim brothers is an acceptable practice. Both these organizations need to fall and only then can the Muslim world can find peace in this mayhem of destruction. However, Pakistan must become strong which is the key to our success where we can influence other Muslim states to see sense. Can you imagine an Islamic block where the consumer market has a potential of over 1.7 billion people? We have the ingredients to become militarily strong where we can voice our opposition against western aggression.

As for French govt is concerned , they have scripted a nice show , mirrage 2000s bombing already destroyed HQ of ISIS , then finding a few in France ,killing some & capturing some ?
That's good enough for French peoples ?
But its more enough for next phase of establishing NWO the ,next blue print of the management of the world by few ?

In another thread a naive Frenchman actually believes that his government has already sent ground troops into Syria:) His been playing to much Call of Duty and pretending to be an arm chair general. Bombing Syria will not destroy ISIS in fact it will make them become stronger since the recruitment strategy will be easy to brainwash the next generation. Either way the showdown for the New World Order can occur anytime because an unprovoked attack between Russia and NATO can lead to a nuclear war.

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