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From now, US Congressmen can buy only Made in America goods


Jun 10, 2010
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United Kingdom
From now, US Congressmen can buy only Made in America goods

WASHINGTON: In another protectionist measure primarily aimed at China, the US House of Representatives passed two different bills that mandate the Congress and the Department of Homeland Security to purchase only US-made goods.

The Congressional Made in America Act, introduced by Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, requires the Congress to buy goods and services made in America for the first time in nearly seven decades.

Similarly, the Berry Amendment Extension Act, introduced by Congressman Larry Kissell directs the Department of Homeland Security to buy clothing, tents, and other products made in America.

These two bills, unanimously passed by the House, will help in creating American jobs, and expand America's manufacturing sector, said Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the US House of Representatives.

"In passing these bills, we reaffirm that when we make it in America, we create jobs, promote our competitiveness, and lead the world economy," Pelosi said.

"Democrats will continue to move our nation forward to prosperity for the middle class. Democrats are committed to 'Making it in America,' while Republicans are standing with corporations that that ship American jobs overseas," she alleged.

"We can protect our American economy while also protecting our national security and borders. The only way to ensure this is the case is to make these items right here at home," Kissell said. "For the last 60 years the Berry Amendment has served our nation well, and its expansion to the Department of Homeland Security will further benefit American manufacturing."

The Berry Amendment, originally enacted in 1941, requires the Department of Defence to procure a range of domestically produced or grown items with 100 per cent US content.

The legislation has been supported by many groups, including the American Manufacturing Trade Act Coalition, the National Textile Association, the National Council of Textile Organizations, the National Cotton Council and the United States Industrial Fabrics Association International.

It is estimated that for every USD 10 million spent annually, the US government will create or save 500 badly needed US manufacturing and other jobs, said Auggie Tantillo, Executive Director of the American Manufacturing Trade Action Coalition.

"Congressman Kissell's 'buy-US' legislation will provide a shot in the arm to America's economy that has suffered more than 5.6 million US manufacturing jobs losses in the last decade," Tantillo said.

From now, US Congressmen can buy only Made in America goods - The Times of India
as if america is manufacturing everything on table these days?
American goods are too costly peoples will prefer Chinese goods.
Why the Chinese make average quality products at very affordable prices. While the U.S. makes above average products at insane prices. Plus the Japanese own the U.S. car market with quality brands that beat American counter parts.
It'll be interesting seeing congressmen abandoning their Mercedes S-series and taking up trashy, poorly made and aesthetically hellish Fords.

Although you can understand their reasoning, America's unemployment is rising, poverty is rising. They need their own people to start buying local products to promote local industry. They already owe China more than 1 trillion dollars, if they keep on strengthening the Chinese market it will result in an utter collapse of their own market.
agreed american economy is on nuts and american talks about freedom of speech whatabout freedom of speech and living for these congresman who only can buy american goods other goods if they buy it is ban on them what type of freedom they talk in america hard to understand for me and whole world
Why the Chinese make average quality products at very affordable prices. While the U.S. makes above average products at insane prices. Plus the Japanese own the U.S. car market with quality brands that beat American counter parts.


Don't dwell on that idea---the americans may chose to dump the japanese cars if they want to---and they might---toyota and honda sales is not the best at this time---nissan is hurting---so is infiniti acura and lexus---.

America will have a change of heart and the japs will suffer bad.
Here in Canada Ford, Pontiac and some other % is on the rise. Rarely do i see toyota. Honda was good until 2008..
Well, if democrats are so worried about it now, then why have they spent the last several decades taxing the life blood out of our corporations? It shouldn't be any wonder now that republicans seem to be more pro-business, and for a good reason! BAH!
After enjoying a few shirtless weeks the U.S. congressmen decided that free trade is in the best interest of all nations involved.

Don't dwell on that idea---the americans may chose to dump the japanese cars if they want to---and they might---toyota and honda sales is not the best at this time---nissan is hurting---so is infiniti acura and lexus---.

America will have a change of heart and the japs will suffer bad.

I dont know about that. I mean GM and Ford are out selling Japanese brands by barely. That isn't very good considering their own countries cars are almost being out sold. You also have the Koreans too with Hyundai with is becoming a very big brand here.
Wow... This being done for no other reason then to win the upcoming elections in November. The Congressmen and women can just have others buy things for them.
So they testing the new law on congressmen. So could it be imposed on entire US of A?
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