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Gallipoli War: Great Victory Of Islam ( ) ÇANAKKALE zaferi

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This is very Interesting, I read stories that if someone insulted Attaturk they would killed by Grey Wolves.
I am not talking all about the "türklük" nationalism here, it seems your nationalistic views is at the extreme rate, no doubt about that.
For instance, remember what importance nationalism has in Islam, what is the difference between Turks or Kurds, or Arabs, or Pakistanis, or Somalis? Nothing, we are all on equal ground as a human being. It isn't our color or nation which is crucial in our value.
We are all the creation of the creator, nationalism only brings seperation among us, the last way of uniting multiethnical and multicultural country is by nationalism.

The Ottoman Empire didn't last 700 years (or more, correct me), for the fun of it. It wasn't one nation, but an empire which was the shield of the people. There were over 120 ethnic groups within this very empire. Nationalism is only a game of the western world, and it is mostly UK who stands behind it. That's how the Ottoman Empire crushed, by nationalism. Brits inplemented nationalism in Arab's so they made resistance inside this empire, the Ottoman's were sorrounded in every border, and the armenians thought this was their chance, and kept side with the Russians. Do you see this scenario? People began to think about their ethnic background and race which was the ultimate weapon of defeating this very mighty lion aka the Ottoman Empire.

For the record, the teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), equals nationalism with nothing. "He said an Arab is not superior to a none Arab, if there is any superiority, it is his "Takva/Taqwa". Study this sentence a bit, for the love of our Prophet.

And remember, Allah/God swt will not ask you, wether you were a Turk or an Arab or a Chinese or a Persian you name it, he will ask you what you did for the sake of Allah Subhan wa Ta'al. If your answer to God is "I created nationalism" I would pity you.

A remindation, we don't judge who is going to heaven or the hell, that's the duty of Allah swt. But we are obligated to seperate between good and evil, that's what we are doing. We have to track who was a good leader and who was a blasphemous leader, so that the people knows.
It seems your brain has hard time understanding my arguments.
All I stated to the table was proving that "the greatest leader of human history, the wisest of the wisest the hero of the east and west, MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATURK" was nothing more than a strategical two faced leader. Who tried to win the people's sympathy by visiting religious areas and praising Allah swt and Muhammed saw, and when he was in the "meclis/majlis" court, he was downgrading Islam and telling those are only fairy tales.

That's what I am talking about, sad fact is, people didn't have television or internet back then, they couldn't know the real side of this man.

You are stuck in "insulting" part, which I didn't even do, I am only naming what sides M.K had, if you do not agree, disprove it, instead of bringing nationalism on the table. As in nationalism is the best gift given to the humanity.

What difference does it make, when you can't preach your religion even in your own country? When 99% of the inhabitants are Muslim, what difference would it make if this very country was under Englands command? The people would at least have more rights and they would have no difficulty in preaching whatever they preached.
We are fortunate, that the last decade, we had an excellent leader, who shows us the way forward. Who increases Turkiye's importance in the world, and improving both political and economical growth. Now Turkey is a very powerful and respected country, back on its feets. Why? Because Mr. Erdogan doesn't seperate religious or none religious people, nor seperates people by their ethnic groups, nor comes with hat-laws taken from France, no. He tries to bring Turkey back, back from the Ottoman ancestors. Ottoman spirit and culture is what we need.

And at the end it seems you accepted that M.K wasn't anyone religious, and you tell me as a Muslim that Islam has no importance to a nation or a country, that clearly shows what kind of human being you are.

Go on, preach your master, M.K.A. He will save you.
I am not talking all about the "türklük" nationalism here, it seems your nationalistic views is at the extreme rate, no doubt about that.
For instance, remember what importance nationalism has in Islam, what is the difference between Turks or Kurds, or Arabs, or Pakistanis, or Somalis? Nothing, we are all on equal ground as a human being. It isn't our color or nation which is crucial in our value.
We are all the creation of the creator, nationalism only brings seperation among us, the last way of uniting multiethnical and multicultural country is by nationalism.

The Ottoman Empire didn't last 700 years (or more, correct me), for the fun of it. It wasn't one nation, but an empire which was the shield of the people. There were over 120 ethnic groups within this very empire. Nationalism is only a game of the western world, and it is mostly UK who stands behind it. That's how the Ottoman Empire crushed, by nationalism. Brits inplemented nationalism in Arab's so they made resistance inside this empire, the Ottoman's were sorrounded in every border, and the armenians thought this was their chance, and kept side with the Russians. Do you see this scenario? People began to think about their ethnic background and race which was the ultimate weapon of defeating this very mighty lion aka the Ottoman Empire.

For the record, the teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), equals nationalism with nothing. "He said an Arab is not superior to a none Arab, if there is any superiority, it is his "Takva/Taqwa". Study this sentence a bit, for the love of our Prophet.

And remember, Allah/God swt will not ask you, wether you were a Turk or an Arab or a Chinese or a Persian you name it, he will ask you what you did for the sake of Allah Subhan wa Ta'al. If your answer to God is "I created nationalism" I would pity you.

A remindation, we don't judge who is going to heaven or the hell, that's the duty of Allah swt. But we are obligated to seperate between good and evil, that's what we are doing. We have to track who was a good leader and who was a blasphemous leader, so that the people knows.

Its not about nationalism, see you guys don't even know the difference between national identity and nationalism, which by the way isn't a bad thing, islam forbids racism and hate towards other races which is not the same as nationalism. But let's say you like to be safe in this matter and don't be nationalistic, is still normal but you guys go a step further and even reject national identity, you obviously didn't understand a damned about this issue. Rejecting even your etnic background because it supposed to be a sin? You guys have truly lost it!
Why are there different races, people, cultures, languages created by God?

Let's say you r right then why are those created? Just to assimilate or to be dominated and destroyed by the others ones? This is not true, islam respects all cultures, it gives this freedoms, you can't force other people to speak your language even the religion it self cannot be forced.
Its not about nationalism, see you guys don't even know the difference between national identity and nationalism, which by the way isn't a bad thing, islam forbids racism and hate towards other races which is not the same as nationalism. But let's say you like to be safe in this matter and don't be nationalistic, is still normal but you guys go a step further and even reject national identity, you obviously didn't understand a damned about this issue. Rejecting even your etnic background because it supposed to be a sin? You guys have truly lost it!

Why do you even expect me to reply to a disgusting man like you? After calling my mother *****, and telling me you would rape both my mother and sister. And telling me I am a ***** and coward, repeatedly telling me that I am a dog.

What the hell is wrong with your brain, do you think this is a playground? I am pretty sure you will be perma banned. And I think you should consider Zulkarneyn's offer, since it really seems you need to see a psychiatrist or a doctor. You seem to be very unstable.
So what if he's not a religious person, did he ever wanted to lead the friday prayers? NO! Was he syeyk ul islam? NO! Did he claimed or pretend to be religious? NO! You know what this guys biggest mistake was? He wasnt a backstabber like this others, he did only care about the nation and the country, he didn't give a **** about money or other materialistic bs. He hanged all the backstabbing traitors on the trees, he kicked the invador emperialist scum out of the country, he killed all the trators cleaned the country from all the scum!!

Did he say worship me? NO! Some sick bastards started to see him as a supreme being after his dead! Did he asked to build statues of him all around the country? NO, others did it!
Did he forbid mosques, hijab or quraan? NO, he only forbidden to wear the fez, but tell me you are living in Denmark and free to wear whatever you want, why don't you wear a fez?

Alll the negative bs about him is just black propaganda, lies fabricated by his enemies to make him look bad.
His only message, was: take care of the country, stay united, don't sell off the strategic assets of the countryy don't forget the sacrifices we have made for the country,never lose faith even in most worst hopeless conditions always be ready to fight for the people and countries independance, don't worry the strength you need is there in your noble blood! How inspiring is thay? Did we ever had such a great leader who cared more for us then his self? NO! Maybe before him some ottoman, seljuc, gokturk etc those I don't know but AtaTurk defenitly is the greatest leader of ours since the republic was founded. Nobody till now has ever came even close to his greatness, and his superiour leadership charistiristics!!
Saying something in Turkish doesn't make it unreadable, how do you even deny what you were just saying for two hours ago?

Nice deleting and editing every single post of yours ragekid.

You are ignored, and no doubt you will be banned soon.

Edit: And yet again, you did it. I won't even translate it, since that is cursing at extreme level.
Guys i think you need to stop this bickering and get back on topic.

MK Ataturk had both good and negative attributes. He is the founding father of the Turkish Republic so it is understandable that a huge percentage of turks are outright hostile to any negativity regarding him and his policies. I would equate him to our quaid e azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founding father of our nation, if anyone was to attack his character i would also be on the defensive as RedBeard. In fact Jinnah held Ataturk in high regard and hoped to build pakistan on some of his ideals, believe it or not Ataturks policies (which i don't agree with sometimes i.e. secularism/liberalism to the degree where women dress inappropriately etc) have allowed Turkey to be the great nation it is today. A beacon for Muslims to aspire to with its development.

Ataturk may be seen in a negative light for issues such as abolishing the caliphate, limiting religious (islamic) expression. If the caliphate was not abolished would Turkey be as it is today, i don't think so. It would be less developed by not having western support/influence, ataturks policies allowed development whether we like it or not. perhaps this was and is Allah (swt) plan to bring about a stronger ottoman nation that will be able to help the rest of the muslim nations out of our dark ages and into an islamic renaissance.

As i stated i didn't agree with abolishing the caliphate but i would put greater blame on arabs and their nationalism that ultimately led to collapse of an entity that could proudly call itself the ummah. Please note i still believe in our ummah today eventhough muslim brothers are killing each other for worldly things and at the behest of those against islam.

This reminds me that everyone should realise that allah is the greatest of all planners, perhaps attaturk was part of these plans. Just read the following link and you will understand what i mean:

Inspiring Story : Allah is the Best of Planners! « ISLAM—World's Greatest Religion!

Brothers now stop insulting and attacking each other, no offence was intended on my part so if any kemalists think i have offended them or anyone else in this matter i apologise.
First you insult him with the harshest curses i have seen in this forum, later you delete and edit your posts to make you look differently. I guess you represent your idol very good, constantly changing color. From "aq" to "bro", you need medical attention.

I hope you will get permanently banned, because you have no manner. Your insults and curses just show your qualities as a human being.

LoL I never claimed to be normal did I?
Saying something in Turkish doesn't make it unreadable, how do you even deny what you were just saying for two hours ago?

Nice deleting and editing every single post of yours ragekid.

You are ignored, and no doubt you will be banned soon.

Edit: And yet again, you did it. I won't even translate it, since that is cursing at extreme level.
Listen Selim or whtever thehell yr name is, you cannot insult or disrespect my great ancestor, and get away with it like its nothing. Just don't curse our already dead ancestors just behave yourselves.
Why do you even expect me to reply to a disgusting man like you? After calling my mother *****, and telling me you would rape both my mother and sister. And telling me I am a ***** and coward, repeatedly telling me that I am a dog.

What the hell is wrong with your brain, do you think this is a playground? I am pretty sure you will be perma banned. And I think you should consider Zulkarneyn's offer, since it really seems you need to see a psychiatrist or a doctor. You seem to be very unstable.

Did I ever claimed that I was "normal"??
If greywolf AtaTurk was around today, he would hang atleast half of the population of Turkey, because of tression.
Just ignore the flamer, he will probably get permanent banned. I do agree about the Ataturk part though. The problem with today's Turkey is that people think he was a Muslim hero, when in fact he was a strong opposer of Islam, which was very clear in many of his speeches and the policies he implemented.

You speak about Turkey like a super nation, Turkey was on same level as the worse African nations for 7 decades until AKP took over and transformed the country. But indoctrinated people will never be able to understand that. Some think that critizing certain policies of Ataturk is against their nature that is filled with extreme hatred. If you have points then come with your sources and do it in a human way, instead of cursing and insulting a fellow member just because you don't agree with him. That shows just how narrow-minded and ignorant you are, children aged 3-6 do that in Denmark. Oh sorry, children know that cursing wont get them anywhere, their parents slap them when they curse. But you "internet warriors" think cursing behind your screen you are something. You have the worst kind of personality, which is extreme ignorance.

We have discussed this before, some Kemalist can get very vicious and aggressive if you criticize Ataturk and they resort to the foulest insults and profanity. I think Kemalist, CHP, and MHP supporters tend to be paranoid of Islam. Some even seem to despise it. AK Party as you rightly mentioned has done better economically than compared to previous administrations. PM Erdogan a man who is a modern moderate-conservative Muslim even gets accused of "Islamism" or being a radical the Kemalist throw around these labels to discredit him rather then using actual information and facts.

Needless to say the once Ottoman empire is in the hands of the strictly secular Kemalist, for better or for worse.
It was a victory for Turkey.

Nonetheless i no that Australians and the Turkish hold each other in high regards on this battle with heavy losses on both sides.

I think people should talk about the fight on this thread with a bit more respect.
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