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Game Over: ISIL Short on Cash, Russian Planes Back Them Into Corner Read more: http://sputniknews.c


Jun 9, 2011
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ISIL is in serious trouble, as terrorists are being squeezed from all sides by airstrikes, meanwhile their economy is coming apart at the seams. Islamic radicals need to take over new territories to improve their budget, but with Russian planes hovering over the Syrian sky, things aren’t that easy anymore.

Game Over: ISIL Short on Cash, Russian Planes Back Them Into Corner
Tough times have come to the self-proclaimed Islamic Caliphate with the start of Russian airstrikes: areas under ISIL control are shrinking day after day under the pressure from Russian missiles that are backing the terrorists into a corner, Svetlana Kholodnova of RIA Novosti said.
Turns out, ordinary ISIL terrorists are getting significantly poorer as a result of pay cuts. Many of them have started to flee the Caliphate despite the risk of getting their heads chopped off if caught by their former comrades-in-arms.

"Hundreds of fighters are running away from ISIL because of low salaries," Kholodnova said, citing those who managed to defect.

A year ago, ISIL's finances were pretty good. Terrorists made millions of dollars from illegal oil trade, taxing folks in conquered territories, selling ancient artefacts, human trafficking, ransoms and funds from their oil-rich Persian Gulf "sponsors," Kholodnova said.


© AP Photo
Now Hiring: ISIL Searches for Qualified Specialists to Boost Economy
The question is: where did all the money go? Well, first of all, the Iraqi Army pushed ISIL out of the oil wells in Iraq. Second, the United States used its channels to eradicate middlemen who helped ISIL to sell illegal oil on the black market. Furthermore, with the start of airstrikes the terrorist organization stopped receiving "cash convoys" from their sponsors due to a risk of them being destroyed, the RIA Novosti journalist explained.
In addition to all of this, with more people fleeing the Caliphate, there are fewer people for ISIL to tax. Those who still live in terrorist-controlled territories are struggling to pay their taxes and financial penalties imposed by ISIL, as the Caliphate can't provide a working economy for people to live, preferring to spend most of its budget on buying weapons.

To revive its economy, ISIL needs take over naval ports in Tartus and Lattakia, the two richest cities on the Mediterranean coast. But now, it's too little too late. The two port-cities have bases where Russian bombers land. It will be simply unimaginable for ISIL to take over these two cities right now, Kholodnova said.

There isn't much that ISIL terrorists can do at this point. ISIL is being squeezed from all sides and quickly running out of money. The terrorists can either flee or surrender to the mercy of victors. The first choice seems better to them, especially after all the trouble and hardship they have brought to Syria and Iraq over the past few years. The time for payback is nearing.

Read more: Game Over: ISIL Short on Cash, Russian Planes Back Them Into Corner
Any other source outside Russia?
have not found any yet

but i think its starting to ISIS is getting screwed by Russia now

Russian Aviation Hits Over 50 ISIL Facilities in Syria With 60 Flights

Read more: Russian Aviation Hits Over 50 ISIL Facilities in Syria With 60 Flights

Russian aviation has conducted over 60 flights hitting more than 50 infrastructure facilities of the Islamic State in Syria, Andrei Kartapolov, the head of the Main Operations Directorate of the Russian General Staff said Saturday.

Read more: Russian Aviation Hits Over 50 ISIL Facilities in Syria With 60 Flights
In 2030 , people will write like "And then came USA with dollars and Stingers again. And thus ISIL was hijacked. And as result Russia was divided in 10 more pieces, and USA in 52 pieces". God save humanity.
Even if this is true...Western media will refrain itself from reporting this. Perception here is that Russia is only bombing those rebels who are supported by the West & US, while evading IS.
if you don't pull the weed root and all it'll just pop up later or spread to other places.

this would be the perfect opportunity to stop the rats from escaping into Turkey and Iraq.
if you don't pull the weed root and all it'll just pop up later or spread to other places.

this would be the perfect opportunity to stop the rats from escaping into Turkey and Iraq.

If only you guys would help us rather than supporting terrorists opposing the UN recognized government of Syria.

Can you imagine how much damage a Russian and US joint Air campaign would do? It would be like stepping on cockroaches with steel toed boots.
If only you guys would help us rather than supporting terrorists opposing the UN recognized government of Syria.

Can you imagine how much damage a Russian and US joint Air campaign would do? It would be like stepping on cockroaches with steel toed boots.
I rather we just not be part of it at all. let the middle east sort it's problems out it's self.

but yeah Russia/US would stomp the rats
ISIS, FSA, Al-Nusra are getting annihilated.

Russian air strikes are giving fatal blows to these terrorists.

This campaign will last 2 weeks at most.

Russian Air Force is squashing the rats from the air and Syrian army is cleaning up on the ground.
ISIS, FSA, Al-Nusra are getting annihilated.

Russian air strikes are giving fatal blows to these terrorists.

This campaign will last 2 weeks at most.

Russian Air Force is squashing the rats from the air and Syrian army is cleaning up on the ground.

ussian Warplanes Have Registered No ISIL Air Defense Activity in Syria

Read more: Russian Warplanes Have Registered No ISIL Air Defense Activity in Syria

We have registered no air defense activity in the areas where Russian military aircraft are being used,” Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov told reporters during a news briefing at the Defense Ministry headquarters in Moscow, adding that special onboard countermeasures were still used during every sortie.

the terrorist knows they will be dead hahaha if they fire guns
I dont think a few days of Russian airstrikes targeting various groups has ended the war
I dont think a few days of Russian airstrikes targeting various groups has ended the war
Russia said 4 months but i dont think that will be enough
terrorist are all over Syria

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