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Given Dire Kashmir Situation GoP Should Release NAB Accused?

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Dec 7, 2007
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Kashmir gauntlet is out in the open and Pakistan at the precipice, it is wise and call of common sense to release NAB political convicts and accused from NAB custody and from prisons on bail.
Investigations should continue but to forge political unity it is imperative to bridge deep political fissures.
Money will come and culprits will get justice But battle of Pakistan will be fraught both in the Valley and alleys of Pakistan Parliament, Bazars, farms and roads.
Imran Khan should learn from The Messenger Peace Be Upon Him and show a middle ground and be inclusive.
I swear I have been on this forum for few months and I have not come across with something as stupid and outrageous as your statement. I mean I had to read it three times to make sure I read it right.

So to counter those who are coming to kill Pakistanis we should release all those who have raped Pakistanis.

What’s next let the killers and mass murderers out on the bail as well....

Your post defies logic to the point where I feel by blood is boiling.


I swear I have been on this forum for few months and I have not come across with something as stupid and outrageous as your statement. I mean I had to read it three times to make sure I read it right.

So to counter those who are coming to kill Pakistanis we should release all those who have raped Pakistanis.

What’s next let the killers and mass murderers out on the bail as well....

Your post defies logic to the point where I feel by blood is boiling.

he did mention convicts so why not? and that too is wise and common sense according to him. i m just rofl...
Kashmir gauntlet is out in the open and Pakistan at the precipice, it is wise and call of common sense to release NAB political convicts and accused from NAB custody and from prisons on bail.
Investigations should continue but to forge political unity it is imperative to bridge deep political fissures.
Money will come and culprits will get justice But battle of Pakistan will be fraught both in the Valley and alleys of Pakistan Parliament, Bazars, farms and roads.
Imran Khan should learn from The Messenger Peace Be Upon Him and show a middle ground and be inclusive.
Why only NAB convicted politicians??? Why not we release all terrorists & murderer for the sack of Kashmir???
we need to get rid of internal enemies first before fighting the external enemies.
Pakistan needs to hang to death murderous criminals like Nawaz Sharif Butt, Shobaz Sharif Burr, Zardari and top three layers of their evil supporters. Then proceed to confiscating all of their I'll gotten wealth.

The PMLN and the PPP are and have been anti-state, anti-Pakistan forces. The PMLN especially needs to be crushed without mercy and all of its footsteps erased.

The sooner Pakistan does this, the sooner it will be in a better position.

The entities like PMLN and PPP are like valves on a pipe that carries much needed water to a town. The outside forces can easily use, and have used, these valves to deprive the town of that water. The sooner these valves are removed and thrown away, the faster the water will start flowing.
Amazing u used the name of Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam but forget that Hadith ??
Narrated ‘Aisha (Radi-Allahu ‘anha):

The people of Quraish worried about the lady from Bani Makhzum who had committed theft. They asked, “Who will intercede for her with Allah’s Apostle?” Some said, “No one dare to do so except Usama bin Zaid the beloved one to Allah’s Apostle.”

When Usama spoke about that to Allah’s Apostle (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam), Allah’s Apostle (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, (to him), “Do you try to intercede for somebody in a case connected with Allah’s Prescribed Punishments?” Then he got up and delivered a sermon saying, “What destroyed the nations preceding you, was that if a noble amongst them stole, they would forgive him, and if a poor person amongst them stole, they would inflict Allah’s Legal punishment on him.

By Allah, if Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad stole, I would cut off her hand.”

Bukhari Vol. 4 : No. 681
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Kashmir gauntlet is out in the open and Pakistan at the precipice, it is wise and call of common sense to release NAB political convicts and accused from NAB custody and from prisons on bail.
Investigations should continue but to forge political unity it is imperative to bridge deep political fissures.
Money will come and culprits will get justice But battle of Pakistan will be fraught both in the Valley and alleys of Pakistan Parliament, Bazars, farms and roads.
Imran Khan should learn from The Messenger Peace Be Upon Him and show a middle ground and be inclusive.

Idiot! No mercy for anyone.. they should be brought before firing squads
Yes we should release all the NAB accused due the situation........from their pathetic lives and free their souls from their bodies along side their supporters.
Every thing happens with common sense, bt not by robotic stupidity in this world, at moment when ur worst enemy is advancing itself, towards ur existence will u be more worried for a 3rd class cheater or the enemy who is willing to wipe u out of this world Thts what it is?
No one is telling, to drop dam charges bt u, let it go slow, bring the ones who r ready to give u back what thy looted, take tht bt don't drum it as ur generational victory???
Bring out more soft ppls, who evn r from ur opposite camp let them speak what thy want?
Stop using NAB a tool to quiting your opposition mouths?
Thn bring ur own dam devils to NAB courts, and don't drum it?
Give poor and middle class ppls of Pakistan a tax free way out of thier lives rather letting ur own small thievs like, Asad Umar, wada, razzaq dawood get away with massive and worst currency manupilations in the history of Pakistan, thn ask pakistani ppls to pay it all by having a tax on evn breathing pakistani air for God sake?
Or dam ali ziadis who took millions of dollors to drill for oil and gas near karachi and what happens to tht??? Oh nothing comes out, bt tht SOB get away with millions of dollors?
Open ur eyes before pakistani ppls shut it down forever, or else u find urself, with all of ur dam so called anticrouption ideas commin out of ur noses while bowing to butcher of Gujrat on ur knees????
Learn from history, Pakistan is a country where everyone gets a dam justice be its prime minsters of genrals some lost in air while some on the grounds, bt there is no one above God's law here
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Amazing u used the name of Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam but forget that Hadith ??
Narrated ‘Aisha (Radi-Allahu ‘anha):

The people of Quraish worried about the lady from Bani Makhzum who had committed theft. They asked, “Who will intercede for her with Allah’s Apostle?” Some said, “No one dare to do so except Usama bin Zaid the beloved one to Allah’s Apostle.”

When Usama spoke about that to Allah’s Apostle (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam), Allah’s Apostle (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, (to him), “Do you try to intercede for somebody in a case connected with Allah’s Prescribed Punishments?” Then he got up and delivered a sermon saying, “What destroyed the nations preceding you, was that if a noble amongst them stole, they would forgive him, and if a poor person amongst them stole, they would inflict Allah’s Legal punishment on him.

By Allah, if Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad stole, I would cut off her hand.”

Bukhari Vol. 4 : No. 681
Your premise is 100% correct.
But two things:
1. Accountability is not even handed.
2. In politics timing is very important, arrests could have been delayed. It wont hurt.
NAB political accused could be released for the time being. Investigation can continue.
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