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Giving up on Abrams tank acquisition, Taiwan moves to upgrade its M60A3 tanks


Nov 1, 2010
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Giving up on Abrams tank acquisition, Taiwan moves to upgrade its M60A3 tanks


MELBOURNE, Australia ― Taiwan appears to have conceded defeat in its quest to acquire surplus M1 Abrams tanks from the United States, with local media reporting that the East Asian country will now look at ways to locally upgrade the M60A3 main battle tanks it has in service.

According to the United Daily News newspaper, Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense will allocate approximately $6.57 million dollars to the state-owned National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology, or NCSIST, to develop an upgrade program for the approximately 450 M60A3 TTS tanks operated by Taiwan’s Army.

The program, scheduled to begin in 2018, will look at replacing the main gun from the 105mm M68 to a new 120mm weapon, as well as upgrading the ballistics computer, turret hydraulics and other systems.

The Army will loan two M60A3s to the NCSIST to serve as prototypes for the upgrades, with testing and evaluation expected to be completed in 2019 and the main upgrade program expected to start in 2020.

Other than the M60A3 TTS, Taiwan also has approximately 400 CM-11 Brave Tiger tanks developed by General Dynamics and the Army’s Armored Vehicle Development Center. The CM-11 is a hybrid M60 chassis fitted with the turret from the older M48 Patton and the fire control system of the M1 Abrams.

The newspaper reported that Taiwan has opted to upgrade the M60A3 ahead of the CM-11 due to the former’s larger turret and better upgrade potential; although it also said there are plans to upgrade the CM-11 fleet following the M60A3 upgrade.

The decision to locally upgrade Taiwan’s M60A3s — despite the availability of upgrade options from overseas companies such as Raytheon or IMI Systems (formerly Israel Military Industries) — is likely driven in part by the stated policy of President Tsai Ing-wen’s administration, which calls for greater local participation by the local defense industry in military programs.

As evidenced by its inability to secure surplus M1 Abrams, Taiwan has faced significant hurdles in trying to acquire advanced, big-ticket military equipment, with potential suppliers wary of incurring China’s wrath. China sees Taiwan as a breakaway province and has frequently used economic and diplomatic means to prevent arms sales to Taiwan.

Abram tank is overrated. The so called blow off ammo panel to protect the crew, works only 10 percent of the time and armour are mediocre. The only hype that keeps this overweight and exorbitant MBT and alive is the self glorifying BS from US media and article that make up things to claim this is the world best tank. Only fools will believe the BS feed by western.

Taiwanese is smart to avoid getting scam by American again.
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Abram tank is overrated. The so called blow off ammo panel to protect the crew, works only 10 percent of the time and armour are mediocre. The only hype that keeps this overweight and exorbitant MBT and alive is the self glorifying BS from US media and article that make up things to claim this is the world best tank. Only fools will believe the BS feed by western.

Taiwanese is smart to avoid getting scam by American again.

But your video looks exactly how the blowout panels work
Notice how no smoke is coming out of the barrel in your video. The fire is all in the back ammo compartment.
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But your video looks exactly how the blowout panels work
Notice how no smoke is coming out of the barrel in your video. The fire is all in the back ammo compartment.
Sure I know it works. But the claim of saving the live of crew I believe is nothing but just hype.

Look at the amount of heat generated. You think the crew can survive? It is nothing but a gimmick.

Abram world best tank? :lol:

Only in Hollywood.
Sure I know it works. But the claim of saving the live of crew I believe is nothing but just hype.

Look at the amount of heat generated. You think the crew can survive? It is nothing but a gimmick.

LOL! In any other tank the crew would be instant charcoal.
It makes no different. Blow off Panel is nothing but just add on weight which do nothing and only western tank gimmick.

You know blow off panel will give you at least 10 second to escape the hatch before rounds detonation, crew if drilled properly, would evacuated off the tank in less than 10 seconds. Without that, it is an instant toast, you have at most 3 to 4 second to escape.

I don't know whether or not is it a hype, but I would much rather in a tank with Blow panel than without out, that's is what I thought when I was in my Bradley.
It makes no different. Blow off Panel is nothing but just add on weight which do nothing and only western tank gimmick.

You have time to get out. Nobody is saying you'll walk away without a scratch...although the driver can jump out of the front deck hatch unscathed.
Give and take. China imposes fake sanctions on North Korea and in return the US halts arming Taiwan.
You have time to get out. Nobody is saying you'll walk away without a scratch...although the driver can jump out of the front deck hatch unscathed.

Well, the commander exit thru the command hatch, the loader exit thru the loader hatch, the driver exit thru the drive port and the gunner is the most unfortunate one, you either exit thru the escape hatch on the bottom of the tank which will then have to crawl away for safety or you wait until either commander or loader leaves and uses their hatch to escape...

Driver tho, they will have to get out of that small hatch is not really easy, I tried once and I can just say that is not something for me...
its a potent platform. Turkey/Israeli Sabra upgrade shows the impressive potential pattons still have in this day and age
Give and take. China imposes fake sanctions on North Korea and in return the US halts arming Taiwan.

Don't think the US halts arming Taiwan, in fact, I read somewhere the sale of M1 is approved by Congress but somehow it wasn't going ahead. By the way, Taiwan have almost all M1 Abrams technology beside the M256 main gun and the turbine engine, US helped Taiwan to develop CM-11 and CM-12 back in 80s and 90s and they uses M60 chassis with M48H gun loaded with M1 Abrams FCS and Optics Package. Effectively the CM-11 and CM-12 is an Abrams using 105mm guns.
Sure I know it works. But the claim of saving the live of crew I believe is nothing but just hype.

Look at the amount of heat generated. You think the crew can survive? It is nothing but a gimmick.

Abram world best tank? :lol:

Only in Hollywood.
What missile was that?

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