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Glenn Beck: Japan earthquake could be 'message' from God to follow the Ten


Dec 1, 2008
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Glenn Beck: Japan earthquake could be 'message' from God to follow the Ten Commandments

Monday, March 14th 2011, 6:17 PM

Glenn Beck hinted on Monday that the earthquake in Japan is a 'message' of some kind.
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Glenn Beck says Japan's earthquake might be a "message" from God.

"We can't see the connections here," he said on his show Monday. "I'm not saying God is causing earthquakes - well I'm not not saying that either!"

"What God does is God's business," Beck continued. "But I'll tell you this...there's a message being sent. And that is, 'Hey you know that stuff we're doing? Not really working out real well. Maybe we should stop doing some of it.' I'm just saying."

Beck continued trying to make a connection between human behavior and the natural disasters that have wreaked havoc in Japan, even casually mentioning "radical Islam" before revealing what he called "the answer."

"The answer is, buckle up!" he said. "Because it's going to be a bumpy ride."

In light of the disasters that have devastated Japan, the Fox host stressed people should follow the biblical Ten Commandments, or what he referred to as "10 rules of thumb."

"What do you say we start doing those things?" he asked. "Because the things we are doing really suck. And they're not getting better."

Beck isn't the first right-wing pundit to imply that a natural disaster is punishment from God.

In April of 2010, Rush Limbaugh suggested President Obama's health care bill had launched the volcanic ash explosion that crippled Europe.

"You know, a couple of days after the health care bill had been signed into law Obama ran around all over the country saying, 'Hey, you know, I'm looking around. The earth hadn't opened up. There's no Armageddon out there. The birds are still chirping,'" Limbaugh said on his show. "I think the earth has opened up. God may have replied."
It is way too presumptuous for any living being to try and comprehend the ways of the lord... It`s like those psychopaths who slaughtered millions in the name of their "god".
No, its men who poison religion. The very worst has been done in the name of religion but also the very best.

I disagree, since religion is a man-made construct in the first place.

Also: "Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." ~ Steven Weinberg

And think about this:
Can you think of any moral action that can ONLY be done in the name of religion..? No?

How about any immoral act that can ONLY be done in the name of religion..? Well I can think of a couple.
This guy should get his head checked. But then I am sure he has a large following. A lunatic leading many lunatics. A shepherd in a wolf's clothing teaching hatred and bigotry.
i think its nature telling us to get green!

Its always good to go green! But Earthquakes have nothing to do with climate change.

Btw. whats up with India planning a new nuclear power plant in an earthquake zone..? oO
Are there any anti-nuclear demonstrations planned in India?
Its always good to go green! But Earthquakes have nothing to do with climate change.

Btw. whats up with India planning a new nuclear power plant in an earthquake zone..? oO
Are there any anti-nuclear demonstrations planned in India?
cutting down of trees,demolishen of hills etc
Can cause quakes
Negative. Earthquakes are caused by shifting in fault lines. Since the ring of fire runs right by japan it is earthquake prone.

Earthquakes have nothing to do with global warming (not that we shouldn't worry about that as well we should)

Even more though Earthquakes and all other natural disasters having nothing to do with the supernatural. Science has already explained their causes so attributing them to god or another supreme being is simply false.
I disagree, since religion is a man-made construct in the first place.

Also: "Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." ~ Steven Weinberg

And think about this:
Can you think of any moral action that can ONLY be done in the name of religion..? No?

How about any immoral act that can ONLY be done in the name of religion..? Well I can think of a couple.

So you believe that the way we are now, our "Rights and Wrongs" could have been taught without religion? Before religion was the world civilized? Wasn`t rape,murder, theft an everyday thing in the entire world?
True religion gave evil men "justification" to do more evil, but it also taught humanity the difference between right and wrong.
We probably would disagree with a lot of things but i believe 10 commandments made civilization what it is today.
Men corrupt religion for power,money,greed all sorts of reasons but it is in religion we find hope for a better tomorrow.
^^^ But the thing is, the ten commandments could have been made without having to bring up a god either.

Like the Hammurabi code, or other similar rules of law around the world in other civilizations.
Its always good to go green! But Earthquakes have nothing to do with climate change.

Btw. whats up with India planning a new nuclear power plant in an earthquake zone..? oO
Are there any anti-nuclear demonstrations planned in India?

I think India should not do the same mistake,before stablishing a nuclear plant they must take useful precautions and it's always not safe for a nuclear plant in an earthquake zone.
^^^ But the thing is, the ten commandments could have been made without having to bring up a god either.

Like the Hammurabi code, or other similar rules of law around the world in other civilizations.

True true, but the 282 laws of the Code of Hammurabi has faults to say the least. For example cutting off limbs, killing people for doing different things etc... The commandments if you believe in a higher being or not became a guide throughout the world for what is wrong and what is right. The main reason people adopted them was because they believed it to be the lord`s words and they feared that. If a man came and said "Hey, no more murders, thefts, or adultery ok?", they would have stole all his cloth,raped him, and then kill him wouldn`t you say?:bounce:

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