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God Particle - discussed by mystics, scientists, priests

Being a dis-believer I have very little faith in the constitution of religion and god. But some times it feels that all religion have many things in common and a few added dis-similarities. It concludes to one thing that it all started as one but got diverse through time.

I may not be a flag bearer for my religion neither do i say other s that my religion is gr8 but few things written in those holly books seem to me like stories written by scholars for the lesser educated folks who like sheep generally follow a leader. The folks we call gods and goddess are the actors of the story. The story was intended to teach a way of life, but in ages we forgot the meaning of the story and clinged on to the characters.

Those stories wr portrayal of how things should work, how situations should be handled out, greater meanings of our life with a lot of attention to the scene of the story.

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