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Good News: India eyes underwater pipeline

I'm fairly certain that India will still buy Iranian gas and transport it via LNG super tankers which numerous shipbuilders in India are vying to build.

How good and cheap it would be ?????
The original article that started the thread is written by a person not well versed about the topic he or she is writing about. Neither has any link been provided to validate the article.
The first doubt raised are about the security of the piepline. A pipeline is not laid on the surface but is buried approximately 5-6 feet underground and destroying it is not easy as is generally conceived. Then there are normally people posted for patrolling and to keep a watch on the route through which pipeline is going. Other question raised is that Pakistan shall have the control and can use it as a weapon againts India. This too is childish thinking. The pipeline shall start from Iran and end in India. A country that is just providing land for transit does not control the flow of the gas and unless Iran shuts down the supply there is very little Pakistan can do. Pakistan has also offered to give assurances in writing that it shall not use the pipeline as bargaining tool. Pakistan's supply needs are not that great that it can absorb all the gas flowing through the pipeline. Further instruments and flow recorders are going to be installed that shall generate a report on 24 hours basis indicating how much gas has gone to India and Pakistan.
Lastly and most importantly technically speaking a pipeline through sea is very difficult option than the one on land. Pipeline once laid shall require frequent checking to ensure that it is capable of transporting the gas and has not suffered any internal or external damage due to nature of the gas flowing through it. This is very cost effective and easy for a land pipeline but for a pipeline laid in sea this is going to be expensive and difficult.
Gentlemen in short IPI gas pipeline is the best option available technically and financially and latest news indicate that both India and Pakistan have realized it.

Iran gas pipeline hurdles cleared, supply by 2012- Hindustan Times

RIGZONE - India, Pakistan Say Iran Gas Pipeline Deal Just 'Weeks' Away

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
THis issue has come up before. The cost of building a pipeline that doesn't go through Pakistan' EEZ will be extremely expensive. On top of that any maintenance issues of the pipeline is going to be extremely expensive and difficult to conduct. It would make much more sense to continue a steady stream of LNG tankers from Qatar going. If this project were truly feasible financially, it would have pursued this a long time ago. I think its a red herring to waste more time on the IPI/C project.
Even if the cost is high, i think india should go for the underwater one, why to depend on a terrorist sponsoring country for its energy needs. Pakistan on the other hand should now focus on the re-routing of the IP project and make it into IPC. As already this suggestion is liked by both iran and china.
Even if the cost is high, i think india should go for the underwater one, why to depend on a terrorist sponsoring country for its energy needs. Pakistan on the other hand should now focus on the re-routing of the IP project and make it into IPC. As already this suggestion is liked by both iran and china.

Correct, take your pipe line over himalayas.
If an underwater pipeline is really that cost effective to make then in the future a pipeline can be constructed all the way fromto Gawador too, as a joint GCC/Pak business project. This will allow Pakistan to use the same infrastucture as the IPC pipeline to feed all the rapid growth expected in Western China from LPG gas exported from Qatar(it competes with Iran). Pakistan has the potential to become a hub of energy trade and transfer.
We will take our pipeline where we desire.

Just one question. Even if India goes for underwater option how would India avoid Pakistan's EEZ while routing the pipeline from Qatar.:oops:
Let's speculate which path the pipeline will take, after leaving the gulf those waters are quite shallow and friendly next to the Irani and Pakistani coasts but then they take a very very steep and rugged fall in the "international waters" zone. I wonder how safe it is from tides and rocks and boulders crashing into the pipe. How fast can repair submarines get to the pipeline if it fractures?

Wow those are some really really steep and rough looking undersea mountans, I wonder what the currents are like there.


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