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Govt. to charge the rich Rs.100 more for fuel to finance subsidy for the poor: Petroleum Minister

Rising fuel costs have not taken away the diesel and benzene gulping vehicles as they should have.

These half hearted measures are hardly ever going to achieve the intended cosmetics. Government must lay foundations for tangible reforms as an insurance policy in this supposed election year.
What genius thinking, now watch the system be a mess in actual practice in the best Pakistani traditions. This is nothing but a bribe to prepare for elections, and utterly unaffordable in the long run. They will keep screwing the proverbial pooch. Effing morons.
yups a massive failure incoming !
I never understand the psychology of Taxing the rich unevenly or asking for ridiculous Tax %. Reward people who work hard for their money instead of penalize them.

Everyone should be taxed at same fair rate. More you earn, more you pay automatically. That’s how fair system should be. Anyone can investing money to create more jobs should get Tax brake. Tax money when people try to move it abroad.
That works in a country where there is an effective taxation system. Not in Pakistan where there's no check and balance.
@IbnAbdullah: So what's keeping someone from sending a guy on a motorcycle to multiple pumps to get cheap petrol and put it in their car?

Actually that was the first thing that came to my chhichhora Hindu mind!


o cushion the effect of high petrol prices on Inflation-hit masses, the federal government on Monday decided to subsidise petrol up to Rs100 for motorcyclists and owners of vehicles up to 800cc.

The decision was announced by Minister of State for Petroleum Musadik Malik while talking to newsmen in Lahore.

“Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has directed to provide subsidy on petrol to low-income people up to Rs100 per litre,” Malik said.

Earlier, it was decided to provide a subsidy of Rs50 per litre.

The minister said under a comprehensive strategy, subsidised petrol will be available to motorcyclists and owners of vehicles up to 800cc.

Malik further said owners of vehicles above 800cc would be charged full price.

He said the decision to provide fuel at subsidised rates will be implemented within six weeks, adding that the government will make petrol cheaper for the poor.

“The owners of big vehicles will pay more for petrol. The rich will pay Rs100 more for petrol while the poor will pay Rs100 less. 210 million people are poor in a population of 220 million, we stand with poor Pakistan.”

He said that the decision on the gas tariff has been implemented from January 1. “We have separate tariffs for the poor and the rich.”
Slave of Noonis posting as usual :lol:
So now the petrol pump employees need to have a identification procedure for different vehicles and the different fuel prices applicable. What a messed up system full of confusion.
What a messed up system full of confusion.

As I mentioned this cannot be true unless there is Ponzi scheme involved.

They are offering 21 liters of petrol for a motorbike a month, and 30 liters of petrol for an 800cc or lesser car a month. Do the Math, increase 100 for the rest and just decrease 50 rupees for 51 liters a month.
I guess goodbye IMF program revival now. The blurb about nuke/missile program was about coming out of IMF program - but then how long will default take? I think PDM may dissolve assemblies and go for a hail merry.

Going to IMF, and entering a program is obviously always a choice, let alone completing even a single one of them, for Pakistan. It is not like default is the end of the world, many other countries have gone through it and come out the other side.

yups a massive failure incoming !

By intent and design, of course.
No more subsidies for anything, except for the very poor and even those need to be limited

There is high probability that this may also be another one of their Ponzi schemes to benefit their own family and friends.

Yes.. This can not be explained by incompetence. They can not be dumb enough to not realise how fukced up this whole idea is. This is being done deliberately and with malice. After creating a black market in currency exchange sector, they are creating one in Petroleum sector. Is no one telling Army chief all this and its consequences?
That works in a country where there is an effective taxation system. Not in Pakistan where there's no check and balance.
So the issue is accountability not Taxation. Not all rich folk in Pakistan are corrupt. Most will do their part, if system is honest. Two wrongs doesn’t make it right.
So the issue is accountability not Taxation. Not all rich folk in Pakistan are corrupt. Most will do their part, if system is honest. Two wrongs doesn’t make it right.
Theres no incentive to do good in the current system.
Steal form Poor and give them 5% of their own stolen money , PDM solution
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Zardari and Sharifs should return the looted $10 billion and you won't need to go to IMF. There's $2 billion Benzair stashed away in a swiss account.

PA should also sell their DHA plots and cut their budget in half.

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