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Guerilla warfare and Insurgencies


Nov 15, 2006
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JK! has finished college and sits around wtching TV all day for the summer.

I have recently watched an excellent program on UKTV History called Battleplan which looks at and analyses military strategies ranging from Blitzkrieg to Air Assault.

A relevant one for Pakistan regarding insurgency campaigns was shown called the battleplan for Guerilla warfare:

1) Objectives to include long term political goals as well as short term military strategies

2) Civil support from the local population to win hearts and minds

3) Build up of military forces and political wings

4) Attrition Phase of wearing down the enemy

5) Transition of guerilla fighting to conventional warfare

6) Takeover phase politically by the guerillas or destruction of ideology by counter forces.

The program analysed the vietnam war, the algerian war of independance and the soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

Under this Battleplan let us discuss Pakistans efforts against insurgents in the war on terror.

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