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Hamas’s Sinwar threatens a ‘regional, religious war’ if Al-Aqsa is again ‘violated’


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States

Hamas’s Sinwar threatens a ‘regional, religious war’ if Al-Aqsa is again ‘violated’​

In a speech Saturday night filled with murderous threats and denunciations of Israel, Hamas’s Gaza leader Yahya Sinwar said the terror group “will not hesitate to take any steps” if Israel “violates” the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

“Our people must prepare for a great battle if the occupation does not cease its aggression against the Al-Aqsa Mosque,” Sinwar said.

“Violating Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem means a regional, religious war,” he said.

Gesturing at a photo behind him of Israeli police inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Sinwar threatened violence against synagogues around the world if the action were repeated.

“Whoever makes the decision to allow this photo to be repeated, the violation of Al-Aqsa — he has decided to allow the violation of thousands of synagogues all across the world,” Sinwar said.

In the over hour-long address, Sinwar praised the recent terror wave against Israelis that has left 15 dead; encouraged Palestinians in the West Bank and Arab Israelis to commit more attacks; hailed a “global shift” in favor of the Palestinian cause; and urged the Islamist Ra’am party to withdraw from Israel’s governing coalition.

But Sinwar, who directs Hamas’ Gaza bureau and serves as the enclave’s de facto governor, devoted most of his speech to threatening Israel over any actions at Jerusalem’s Temple Mount holy site, which houses the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Clashes between Palestinian rioters and Israeli forces at the compound, which is revered by both Muslims and Jews, helped spark a war between Israel and Hamas last May. The hilltop is Judaism’s most sacred site as the place of the biblical temples, and Al-Aqsa Mosque is the third holiest shrine in Islam.

Ever since the May war, which Hamas dubbed “The Sword of Jerusalem,” the Gaza-based terror group has threatened to fire rockets at Israel if it violated the organization’s “red lines” in Jerusalem.

“We drew and raised that sword so that the enemy would know that Al-Aqsa did not stand alone, and that our nation would stand if Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem were violated,” said Sinwar, vowing a first salvo of 1,111 rockets into Israel if called to defend Jerusalem in the future.

Palestinians clashed repeatedly with Israeli police at the Al-Aqsa Mosque over the past month, leading to fears that the violence could again spark a broader escalation. Palestinian rioters hurled stones at police, who responded with rubber bullets, sound grenades, and tear gas, injuring hundreds.

Israeli police also prevented extremist lawmaker Itamar Ben-Gvir from marching through Jerusalem’s Old City, which the terror group had also intimated could spark rocket fire.

“The echo of this operation is only increasing,” said Sinwar.

Sinwar further accused Israel of seeking to partition the Temple Mount as a “first step” to “destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque and build a temple” in its place. He cited as proof the uptick in Jewish visitors to the holy site over the past few years.

“Al-Aqsa is indeed in danger,” Sinwar said.

Sinwar hailed what he deemed the changing winds of global opinion against the Jewish state. He praised Palestinians in the diaspora, who he said had brought about the shift in public opinion.

“There is a worldwide shift in favor of the Palestinian cause, in many countries. Those who follow the media and political discourse see a change,” said Sinwar.

The address was Sinwar’s first major public appearance in almost a year. Last June, the senior Hamas member gave a 90-minute speech in the aftermath of the May war with Israel, laying out his vision of what the terror group had achieved.

“If the conflict breaks out again — the shape of the Middle East will change. We have proven that there are those who defend the Al-Aqsa Mosque,” Sinwar boasted at the time.
long awaiting
Hamas and Islamic Jihad are doing everything within their capacity to fight for Palestine and Jerusalem. If the Israeli settler extremist incursion of Al-Aqsa Mosque takes place this Thursday(or mid-May), Hamas and PIJ will again draw a red line to this extremist terrorist activity. What's doubtful is Hezbollah does anything. So, hopefully Hamas can drag Lebanon into the war too. Hamas might kill 5 birds with one stone if this triggers a regional conflict, and bring about an Islamic Caliphate. For that reason Hezbollah is hesitant to participate in the conflict, and why local regimes want to calm tensions.
Al Aqsa was in a state of disrepair under Arab rule. Under Israeli rule it has thrived. Of course the palestinians have been desecrating it. Playing football and lighting fireworks. Using it as a riot headquarters.

Many Arabs on Twitter were outraged at palestinians.

Israel is a nuclear nation with multiple platforms. There will be no holy war against Israel. This is all bluff talk we've been hearing for 75 years from the failed 'palestinian' entity that have suffocated and dragged down the Arab world for too long.
Al Aqsa was in a state of disrepair under Arab rule. Under Israeli rule it has thrived. Of course the palestinians have been desecrating it. Playing football and lighting fireworks. Using it as a riot headquarters.

Many Arabs on Twitter were outraged at palestinians.

Israel is a nuclear nation with multiple platforms. There will be no holy war against Israel. This is all bluff talk we've been hearing for 75 years from the failed 'palestinian' entity that have suffocated and dragged down the Arab world for too long.
God has missiles, Gabriel, natural disasters, and can strike terror into the hearts of people who hate God. Nuclear weapons do not scare us. It's not you or Iran-Al-Dajjal's choice. Holy Hamas will drag the whole region into a war against their will and kill 5 birds with one stone. Israel, Arab regimes, Hezbollah, NATO, and Iran, will all pay a price for their crimes against humanity.
Asaar al Mehdi wa malhama.
Are all here now. Are the muslims awake tho?
It's right time to teach hamas a lesson. Right now hamas is creating unrest in the region. They will achieve nothing for creating violence . It's only bring destruction to own land. Hamas uses innocent children and woman as shield. Have you seen such a coward organization ever in any part of world?
God has missiles, Gabriel, natural disasters, and can strike terror into the hearts of people who hate God. Nuclear weapons do not scare us. It's not you or Iran-Al-Dajjal's choice. Holy Hamas will drag the whole region into a war against their will and kill 5 birds with one stone. Israel, Arab regimes, Hezbollah, NATO, and Iran, will all pay a price for their crimes against humanity.

Each side likes to believe God is on his side. But only God knows what is in each man's destiny.

Leave this calculations to god , and try to do good in the little time you have on this earth.

God has missiles, Gabriel, natural disasters, and can strike terror into the hearts of people who hate God. Nuclear weapons do not scare us. It's not you or Iran-Al-Dajjal's choice. Holy Hamas will drag the whole region into a war against their will and kill 5 birds with one stone. Israel, Arab regimes, Hezbollah, NATO, and Iran, will all pay a price for their crimes against humanity.
You do not understand because you're a brainwashed 'palestinian'. You have achieved nothing in 75 years. Not only nothing militarily, you've achieved nothing as a people. What does the world know of these so-called 'palestinians'? just terrorism. That's all you have exported. Maybe some olives and flowers. Not a major achievement.

Your hatred towards Israel erodes your own 'nation'. You're corrupting 'palestine'. Your society is rotten to the core. Most countries and cultures revere their singers, artists, film and sports stars. Your society reveres bomber makers, suicide bombers, teenager that go and stab random Jews. This is an indication of a sick society that has long since passed all moral lines. It's similar to decadence and degeneracy.

After you murder someone, you then go into the streets and celebrate handing out candy. Kids are there being corrupted into thinking this is normal behaviour. It's not normal. Not even animals behave like this.

In contrast, look at what Israelis have achieved in the same 75 years. Punching way above their weight globally in terms of science, tech and medicine. This is because their society is healthy and doesn't run on hate.

God has given you so many signs that your current path is wrong. Do you actually think for one second that some 'palestinian' who stabs a random Jew in Israel is going to be rewarded by God? you think that 'nation' will be rewarded? if so, you have a very low opinion of God.

Arab nations are starting to leave you behind. Even they can see that you're lost down the abyss.
If you’re saying that the Palestinians have had 75 years to turn into a state, rather than fighting Israel, then you must be insane. Palestine has been fighting illegal enclosure of its own lands by the Israeli forces since its founding. One cannot simply “advance” whilst someone is chomping down their territory
You do not understand because you're a brainwashed 'palestinian'. You have achieved nothing in 75 years. Not only nothing militarily, you've achieved nothing as a people. What does the world know of these so-called 'palestinians'? just terrorism. That's all you have exported. Maybe some olives and flowers. Not a major achievement.

Your hatred towards Israel erodes your own 'nation'. You're corrupting 'palestine'. Your society is rotten to the core. Most countries and cultures revere their singers, artists, film and sports stars. Your society reveres bomber makers, suicide bombers, teenager that go and stab random Jews. This is an indication of a sick society that has long since passed all moral lines. It's similar to decadence and degeneracy.

After you murder someone, you then go into the streets and celebrate handing out candy. Kids are there being corrupted into thinking this is normal behaviour. It's not normal. Not even animals behave like this.

In contrast, look at what Israelis have achieved in the same 75 years. Punching way above their weight globally in terms of science, tech and medicine. This is because their society is healthy and doesn't run on hate.

God has given you so many signs that your current path is wrong. Do you actually think for one second that some 'palestinian' who stabs a random Jew in Israel is going to be rewarded by God? you think that 'nation' will be rewarded? if so, you have a very low opinion of God.

Arab nations are starting to leave you behind. Even they can see that you're lost down the abyss.
And what about the Israeli settlers who have built settlements inside the territory of the Palestinian Authority of West Bank and Gaza?

If you’re saying that the Palestinians have had 75 years to turn into a state, rather than fighting Israel, then you must be insane. Palestine has been fighting illegal enclosure of its own lands by the Israeli forces since its founding. One cannot simply “advance” whilst someone is chomping down their territory
This is just hyperbole. You sound like an emotional leftist with blue hair. First of all, the so-called 'occupation' is the result of palestinian and Arab hate that drove them to try and rid the land of Jews. No wars against Israel = no occupation.

Syria didn't lose land because Israel was founded. They lost land because they attacked Israel. Same with Egypt and Sinai. Same with Jordan and the 'west bank'.

Secondly, there are many people in the world who have suffered or have been dispossessed, Yet they haven't descended into inhumanity like the palestinians.

Tell me what other cultures stab random people in the street and then literally have parties to celebrate. Handing out cakes, lighting fireworks etc and then get monthly payments from the government because they stabbed someone to death. This isn't normal. It's abnormal. Have the Greek Cypriots resorted to stabbing Turks and celebrating it? Are Tibetans shooting Chinese citizens and then throwing street parties? tell me of other countries where someone had stabbed a 60 year old lady to death and their posters have been put up in the streets to celebrate them as heroes.

'palestine' has not fought anything. They've been on a murderous rampage mainly against civilians for decades and achieved absolutely nothing. They're now addicted to this life and it's become their actual culture.

They need to make the war global. No jew or Israeli supporter should ever feel safe.
In London in the jewsih areas they have jew only cops. Imagine Bradford or Birmingham having Muslim only cops.
Synagogues globally and the wailing wall should be target is Al aqsa is.
All Mosques globally need to be targeted. What would you say to that?

'palestinian' removing Hamas flag from his village.

The Palestinians war is now the Arabs war, the Arabs war is the Muslims war, the Muslims war is the Catholics war. The Palestinians should start long term guerilla war against Israel from Lebanon and Syria.
Hamas and Islamic Jihad are doing everything within their capacity to fight for Palestine and Jerusalem.

Gaza needs to be liberated of Hamas. All that the 15 years of Hamas rule has given to Gaza is burqas and socio-economic suicides and since 2011 a place where anti-Syrian criminals / terrorists can grow. Hamas must go !

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