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Happy Birthday China!!!

most chinese are on a 8-day holiday now ,1 for Mid-autumn festival and 7 for Golden Week.:yahoo:
2012.10.10 ----民族 民权 民生
Happy Birthday to the Republic of China 中華民國! The 99th. 雙十節


May the day the United China is near!
孫中山三文主義: 民族, 民權, 民生



「民生主義」意指以人民的生活, 社會的生存, 國民的生計, 群
使民生安定, 人民便會團結合作, 國家自然會安定。

Sun Yat-sen three-Calvinism: nationalism, democracy and people's livelihood. (Translates by Google)

"Nationalism" means a national unity ideology. Mr. Sun that the Chinese people when its
Solidarity can only clan or family, full length, and has not been expanded to the scope of the nation. Thus built
Yee learning efficiency Japan, the spirit of nationalism, will be able to strenuously for the male, by the decline of the country into
Powerful nation.

"Populism" means the people to manage the conduct of public affairs, the power of ideology. Mr. Sun that the civil rights with
The French Revolution "equality" fairly consistent, to advocate equal political status of the people,
Break the monarchical fully regime to the people, the people have the responsibility, the state can be long-term stability.

People's Livelihood "refers to people's life and social survival, livelihoods of citizens, group
The life of the congregation thought of the premise. Mr. Sun that the People's Livelihood class nearly cosmopolitanism, as long as
Stability and people's livelihood, the people will be unity and cooperation, the National Natural stability.

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