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Hassan Rohani | The New Iranian President.

WHAT A LOSER!, He should be disqualified for lying about his credentials and spilling national secrets on TV. I was gonna vote for him, but definitely will not vote for him now.

Please do a little research before posting out of nowhere.
He has taken his Ph.D degree with his former last name, which is Hasan Fereidun.That's why they couldn't find his Ph.D in his later last name, Rowhani.
Iran Election Watch which was the first website to spread the rumor, already denied the allegations.
Iran Election Watch investigation leads to correction of official bio for presidential candidate | Iran Election Watch

It seems these kinds of Ahmadinejad-type actions has also infected people.

Please do a little research before posting out of nowhere.
He has taken his Ph.D degree with his former last name, which is Hasan Fereidun.That's why they couldn't find his Ph.D in his later last name, Rowhani.
Iran Election Watch which was the first website to spread the rumor, already denied the allegations.
Iran Election Watch investigation leads to correction of official bio for presidential candidate | Iran Election Watch

It seems these kinds of Ahmadinejad-type actions has also infected people.

Did you actually read the article???

He is LYING!

His timeline is not right! Read the article again, he should be disqualified for lying.

He wanted to add to his prestige by lying about his education! when in fact he graduated from a shitty college with no prestige.

we have other presidential candidates that graduated from Stanford university and are actually educated, why should we vote for this lowlife akhond?

What a surprise, another akhond that lies....

He is a turban wearing clown, I hope they take him out soon..

No akhond should be a president ever again. Lying piece of **** !

Burn him alive!lol
Did you actually read the article???

He is LYING!

His timeline is not right! Read the article again, he should be disqualified for lying.

He wanted to add to his prestige by lying about his education! when in fact he graduated from a shitty college with no prestige.

we have other presidential candidates that graduated from Stanford university and are actually educated, why should we vote for this lowlife akhond?

What a surprise, another akhond that lies....

He is a turban wearing clown, I hope they take him out soon..

No akhond should be a president ever again. Lying piece of **** !

Burn him alive!lol


you still haven't gotten over rafsanjani have you? akhond akhond akhond lol :cheesy:

okay he should be disqualified I agree. but what makes you think this guy would even win? who cares about this sellouts? these "wannabe" fake guys who put up this outer look to win the votes don't matter. its either jalili or qalibaf you know it I know it. to be honest I find jalili too weak, he acts all warm and cuddle during those iaea negotiations and all smiling, to me he just look too weak, I remember watching jalilis speech a few days ago, they placed the kefeya scarf on him at the very end. :lol:
حداد عادل به نفع اصولگراها کناره گیری کرد

they should all withdraw, adel,rowhani,velayeti. except just qalibaf and jalili. :D
they should all withdraw, adel,rowhani,velayeti. except just qalibaf and jalili. :D

Well Aref also resigned in favour of Roohani .

Also I don't like qalibaf if he was a law abiding manager he would have done something about tehran municipality when he was mayor .
There you can't even drink water unless a clerk ask you for money
Well Aref also resigned in favour of Roohani .

Also I don't like qalibaf if he was a law abiding manager he would have done something about tehran municipality when he was mayor .
There you can't even drink water unless a clerk ask you for money

what did ahmadinejad do as mayor. better or worse? see what I am trying to say. they are politicians, they dont have to and aren't going to be completely "law abiding".

I like jalili over him but jalili to me seems like a "weak" president image to succeed ahmadinejad.
Ghalibaf can easily win in Tehran! bur Iran is not just Tehran.
Lets look at some of the leading candidates in a more truthful manner

Rohuni: a clownish Mullah, that has to lie about his credentials to gain respect. Doesn't have any experience running the country and based on his resume, he was a horrible a Nuclear negotiator, didn't achieve anything. So incompetent, he gives away national and security secrets on TV! As all Iranians know Mullahs talk a lot, but can they actually deliver? we all know the answer, NO!!!!

at most he will get 20-30% of the votes!

Jalili: a Hardcore Islamist, 100% percent of Basiji brainwashed teens will vote for him, without even looking at his experience and resume and because he is also supporting the nuclear energy and Iran's sovereignty some hardcore far-right nationalist will definitely vote him.

will score 15-20% of the votes.

Ghalibaf: a Principlist with a no education. But he has shown to be competent in running our capital Tehran! Since he came to power, projects actually get completed in Tehran!!!!

He can easily win in Tehran!

Rezai: Don't know much about him, but he does have his supporters and he has really good plans for the economy and for different industries, specially the healthcare field. I'm not sure, but I think he is Arab-Iranian because of his birth place and that he is really stressing the needs for more minority rights!To be honest , I was impressed with him the most! I don't know why he is not getting more coverage! is there a reason why he is not getting more support?? Is it because he is a minority?

he'll get something like 5-10% of the votes!

Everyone else: pretty much= ****!

Lets look at some of the leading candidates in a more truthful manner

Jalili: a Hardcore Islamist, 100% percent of Basiji brainwashed teens will vote for him, without even looking at his experience and resume and because he is also supporting the nuclear energy and Iran's sovereignty some hardcore far-right nationalist will definitely vote him.

Thats me :D

okay no, but Jalili is not a real islamist, he learned to puts up this act from the pg gulf arab mollahs. The fails at it miserably. I am not trying to say he will be a bad guy but to me I feel in anyways the man is insecure and weak compared to ahmadinejad, I noticed it for too long, I bet they would vote for qalibaf instead, the hardcore nationalists, specialilly the ones who suport the "green" from aboard. :lol:

anybody then rohani, rasfanjanis clone wannabe future ayatollah is not required. I am not saying this because these guys are mollahs, but these guys put a fake act to blackmail and fool people, they are not real mollahs. just dawing a attire and doing nothing but sitting around counting stars is what these guys will do, and when they are bored they will try to defect or sell the country.
Rezai: Don't know much about him, but he does have his supporters and he has really good plans for the economy and for different industries, specially the healthcare field. I'm not sure, but I think he is Arab-Iranian because of his birth place and that he is really stressing the needs for more minority rights!To be honest , I was impressed with him the most! I don't know why he is not getting more coverage! is there a reason why he is not getting more support?? Is it because he is a minority?
He is not Arab , he is from "Bakhatiari" tribe (Lur).. most people in Khozstan province Are lur people.
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