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Hindu Nationalists in India Plan ‘Religious Cleansing’ in Madhya Pradesh Di

What does happen is aid from around the world is given to various churches to hand out (blankets, clothes, food) to the poor. This is used by those agianst Christianity to say Christians are bribing.

Yes its a bribe when the pre-condition for handing out those blankets, clothes, foods/medicine is conversion to Christianity. And it ddoes not stop with that ~ they have the gumption to declare Hinduism as a satanic cult and us Hindus as Devil worshippers.

These people are pimping out (I cant find a baser word than this) your religion for money and I dont know if people in America who donate stuff are aware of that or not. Either way they are acting as very bad ambassadors for your religion in place like India which already has a well established indigenous religion and culture.
When Indians get caught in some mess they start to get personal on others. Way to go you guys, who have set a great example for human man kind. :)

you make a personal statement while pointing to the folly of others? :lol: ALA " let me tell you why name calling is bad, while I name call you"
I thought you people are Atheists.What happened to the Communist China??????

Many Chinese ,like us, follow their religion as an ancestral way of life and not strictly as a dogmatic idealogy. To the evangelist, we both are the same ~ idol worshipping pagans who ought to be shown the one true path.

This image would give you an idea : http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e7/Abraham_Dharma.png

That is why I always think, if it ever comes to a clash of civilizations, the closest to us would be the Chinese.
I thought you people are Atheists.What happened to the Communist China??????

My parents are both Buddhists, and Chinese Buddhism it is practiced alongside Taoist/Confucian rituals like ancestor worship.

China has more Buddhists than any other country in the world. By a significant margin.
yes i have met few converted christains... THAT THEY ARE TAUGHT only two things:

1) ONLY Jesus is TRUE God.
2) Idol Worshippers are following wrong God, and their God is not God.

I also happened to attend one of the weekend service with one converted christian family. I just went to experience it first time. It was just shocking. They tried to convert me! AT THE VERY FIRST time I went there!!!!!

suffice to say I never went there again. The pastors in these places are paid MONETORY and other BENEFITS to increase the COUNT of EVANGELISTS in their folds from other religions. They do it like you would do your job in a private organisation.
you make a personal statement while pointing to the folly of others? :lol: ALA " let me tell you why name calling is bad, while I name call you"

At least accept your problems that are showing the obvious. This back and forth sh!t is annoying. If you have anything to contribute to defend this thread's claim do it. I'm giving you an advice based on this forum's policy. If we are that bad then leave this forum. Who the hell will be stopping the doors. It will always be open to who ever is dissatisfied. :woot:
Christian missionaries do not bribe people to convert. And definitly don't convert people by force since conversions can only happen as a free will choice from the heart. What does happen is aid from around the world is given to various churches to hand out (blankets, clothes, food) to the poor. This is used by those agianst Christianity to say Christians are bribing.

Oh,we all know what your Christian missionaries did in Iraq after American invasion under the cover of "providing humanitarian aid". Spare us your BS.
The community who is under the greatest threat because of these evangelists are the Christians themselves. Because of a few fanatic, western funded loonies the whole community is sometimes lumped together.

As far as I have seen the RC, Protestant people are the most liberal, who know to respect the local religions and the real headaches are the Pentecostal, Baptist and the numerous other tiny tiny sects.
I thought you people are Atheists.What happened to the Communist China??????

And talking about "Idol worship"... here is the biggest statue in the world, the Spring Temple Buddha in Henan Province.


To get a sense of how big it is, the small dots at the bottom left corner are actually tourists coming up the stairs.
And talking about "Idol worship"... here is the biggest statue in the world, the Spring Temple Buddha in Henan Province.


To get a sense of how big it is, the small dots at the bottom left corner are actually tourists coming up the stairs.

Who constructed this giant Statue of Lord Buddha.
Interestingly 5 of the 10 largest statues in the world are of Lord Buddha and its a shame none of them are in India. :(
My parents are both Buddhists, and Chinese Buddhism it is practiced alongside Taoist/Confucian rituals like ancestor worship.

The biggest statue in the world is the Spring Temple Buddha in Henan province.

Ah,that explains it.We are more familiar with Tibetan Buddhism.

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