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Hindu Society and their Widows

The fact and plight of about 10 to 12 thousand widows in vrindavan can not be undermined. Hinduism as pointed out is not exactly a religion but a way of life and is not governed by a single set of rules / book as in the case of Islam or christianity. The religion has seen several reforms and needs many more reforms as to align with modern times. Although I will point out that this is not exactly the fate of every Hindu widow but few unfortunate ones.

Also as rightly pointed out widow remarriage is not socially promoted specially in lower middle and lower income group which are in a majority. This needs to be addressed on a priority basis. Sati and all those rituals where wife dies with the husband is completely out of picture now and I will be a realist when I say that it is not practiced. If there are certain freak incidents of the same they can be attributed to some imbalances minds.

Head shaving again happens only in very very rare cases but there might be a case on 1 in 10000. Not happening in any urban areas or even in rural as a standard practice. Only some cases in extremely religious families I guess. I am yet to witness any of those myself but still I have spent most of my life in urban areas only.

Widows not putting on makeup and not wearing coloured clothing is still happening widely. Not necessarily wearing plain white sarees but rich colours like red and green are not worn by widows. Widows are beleived to carry bad luck and their presence is avoided in most auspicious occasion. This is also a major stupid superstition associated with Indian Hindu's mindset.

Different religions have different practices and to understand the same one needs to view it with a wider prespective. Hinduism is a very inclusive term and practices of a Hindu from North India may vary significantly from one in South India. Some people have evolved enough with time and some have a lot of catching up to do.

Practices which are supressive of any segment of society should be discouraged on a priority basis.
This thread will soon degenerate into a Hindu - Muslim feud.
where are fateh,toxic-puss and all those boys arguing for hours endlessly about BURQAA!!

As an Indian who thinks that Burqa is bad, I'll condemn the wrong practices in India with equal voice (actually greater voice, since I can actually affect some change in India).
where are fateh,toxic-puss and all those boys arguing for hours endlessly about BURQAA!!

Oye.. please dont be a child.. please look into the problem as a problem.. i am sure fateh toxic puss or all those boys aruging against burquaa do not support this widow culture and customs.. understand please look at the problem subjectively and not tag it along with some other problem.. We condemn this and we dont support burqua tooo..!!! And please note that i have never come across the above customs in my whole life living in india, but we know and are aware such culture exists in some parts of india which obviously we dont support..!!!!!
So hindusim should not exist, since it wasn't formed in 21 century.

If you don't acknowledge it doesn't means that its not in your scriptures.

The scriptures are not central to Hinduism like Bible to Christianity or Quran to Islam.
It is fair to say that if you find two different Hindus randomly from India, they will have different scriptures (if they have read any scriptures in the original at all). It is also common to leave out bad bits from scriptures and only take the good parts. "Hindu" as a catch-all term describes a changing set of beliefs - so even if Hinduism was not formed in 21st century and is very different from how it was in the 19th century - yet the name remains. Sati remains a 19th century phenomenon, nowadays it is extremely rare (and is more like suicide than something that the society shares the blame). Hence the other posters question about which century are we living in.
India is a wired country with wired believes. As far as I know Hinduism isn't religion like Islam, Christan or Judaism. It's a way of life. It doesn't believe in hell or heaven. We Muslims have to understand and make a assessment that it's part of Hinduism is to worship Cows, monkey, snake, trees and god knows what else. So this kind of inhumane practice only logical to some extend. Some Indian members might find my statement offensive but it's truth.

Al-zakir, i think all religion's are weared to person of other relgion.

Ya i do agree with you that Hinduism is not like Islam, Christan or Judaism, no religion are alike as they are based on different Beliefs.

Also in Hinduism they worship Cows, monkey, snake, trees which i dont think its wrong. One should respect every thing around as its a part of once life cycle, just bcoz your a human dosent make your supreme to other living being. Bcoz when nature raises its pathos on earth it dont consider Hunam and animal different. Even every living being has a god inside but some belive it and some dont, depends on personal thinking . That is always belive in oneself.

And also agree on inhuman things happening in some rural parts of India which should be stopped.
Rehabilitation plan for Vrindavan widows


Widows at an ashram in Vrindavan. File photo

“Give them identity cards, ban begging”

The National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) has recommended issuing identity cards with unique serial numbers for the abandoned and destitute women who make Vrindavan their home.

Submitting a rehabilitation plan before the Supreme Court on Monday for the destitute women living under pitiable conditions in Vrindavan, NALSA also demanded a ban on their begging.

The proposal says it is first necessary to improve the condition of women by providing them with basic amenities such as shelter and ration card, pension and bank accounts, following which they should be taken away from begging. If they do not give up begging, they should be dealt with strictly under law, it says. Women resort to begging sometimes because they do not get their pension for several months.

Helpline facility

NALSA has also stressed the need for a helpline and a single window facility with specially trained staff and officer.

The identity cards can be issued by the Department of Social Welfare or through the proposed single window system. To eliminate discrepancy over the actual number of women living in shelter homes, the NALSA proposal — prepared by the District Legal Service Authority, Mathura — suggests that registers be maintained at all shelters and thumb impressions of women taken. This will also prevent misappropriation of funds.

In addition to setting up new shelters for women living on the streets, the proposal also recommends skill development by imparting vocational training, keeping in mind their physical condition and choice. Banks should be issued directions to disburse pension monthly.

Another proposal was submitted by the National Commission for Women, which said the resources donated to the agencies in Vrindavan were not completely utilised for their betterment.

There is an urgent need to streamline the flow of funds and their management so that the ultimate beneficiaries actually stand to gain. There is a need to audit the private agencies who are receiving funds in the name of these widows.

It has suggested creation of a “management trust,” which would be responsible for developing the infrastructure of the area, keeping in mind the aesthetics associated with the legend, since Vrindavan is believed to be Krishna Janmabhoomi and it is a national and international tourist destination.
This is not a Hindu issue. It is an issue which reflects the failure of the government of India. Now if one says that a stupid statement would be that because many Muslim men are responsible for the raping of women in Pakistan, hence Islam condones rape, it is equally stupid to equate the plight of widows in India to hinduism. The UNO has a widow outreach programme. The UNO funds developing countries to assist widows financially if those countries keep a record of the number of financially destitute widows. India has clearly failed its widows in that respect.

To the bigots going on about sati and hinduism please check your religion and its track record when it comes to the treatment of women and children. All your different sects and cults in your religion have only one common denominator. You are all perverted chauvinists when it comes to the issue of women's rights. So get off your high horses, get your heads out of your a$$es, stop terrorising the world and understand that to the average Hindu, you are as lameducked and barbaric in many practices of your cults as some pre-historic caveman is to modern day man

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