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Hindus fight to get justice for Muslims in Gujarat riots: The Great untold

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yea heard verdict of Indian court that Babu Bajrangi and ministers and officials of BJP like MLA Kodnani were involved in Gujarat riots and all this happened under the supervision of chief minister Modi but their big daddy is still walking freely without taking any responsibility of his communal biased approach in riots

Well the bolded part is your insertion and not the view of the court. And as such is of zero value.
Jirgas and Shuras..................

What is your view about Maya Kodnani, a lady getting convicted for riots ?

These activists have as much in common with extremist Hindus as moderate Muslims do with Al Qaeda.

The activists are nothing but a part of the NGO cottage industry sponsored by the Congress to beat Modi with.Most of them like Harsh Mander are not even Hindus. In Pakistan they would be classified by the likes of you as 'liberal fascists'.
yea it will be good example of Hindu solidarity with those Indian muslims who got massacred in Gujarat riots in presence of silent spectator Mohi . no Broblem brah

Bete u will be surprised to know that Muslims leaving in Gujarat also support Modi....

I am from Gujarat and most of my muslim friends are happy that they are leaving prosperous life...Modi's development policies have made him what he is today.....U don't have a clue what u are talking, u are a pakistani and u dont need to speak or worry for indians (indian muslims) !!!

Thugs involved in riots are being punished....
What is your view about Maya Kodnani, a lady getting convicted for riots ?
Life imprisonment for both of them i say is like mild punishment a slap on the wrist.Had i been the judge i would have ordered their public lynching.
Life imprisonment for both of them i say is like mild punishment a slap on the wrist.Had i been the judge i would have ordered their public lynching.

You still want to give ladies AK-47 ?
The activists are nothing but a part of the NGO cottage industry sponsored by the Congress to beat Modi with.Most of them like Harsh Mander are not even Hindus.

Again, their religion is irrelevant to the discussion; they just happen to be Hindus. Or not.

As for Modi, as long as he evades accountability for what happened under his watch, it will remain a blot on Indian society.

In Pakistan they would be classified by the likes of you as 'liberal fascists'.

We reserve the label 'fascist' for people who deny freedom of choice to others: the choice of clothing, of speech, and of ideology, as long as these choices remain within the law. Even a self-styled 'liberal' can be a fascist if they behave as above.

The activists in question are not fascists; they are the upholding legal accountability, which is the cornerstone of any civil society, liberal or conservative.
Again, their religion is irrelevant to the discussion; they just happen to be Hindus. Or not.

Look at the thread topic.

As for Modi, as long as he evades accountability for what happened under his watch, it will remain a blot on Indian society.

That's for the Indian courts to decide. Not any one else.

The activists in question are not fascists; they are the upholding legal accountability, which is the cornerstone of any civil society, liberal or conservative.

BS that hag Teesta Setalvad has been charge-sheeted for tutoring and producing fake witnesses before the court.

And these people too deny the freedom of thinking to others. Anyone who agrees with them and their own liberal extremist views becomes a secularist and anyone opposing them and questioning them automatically becomes a communal bigot. They act as a mind police dictating what is 'halal' and what is 'haram'. Perfectly fit the bill of liberal fascists. Add to that they dont have a fraction of the thinking capability of some people like Hassan Nissar or the genuine activism of people like Asma Jehangir. Paid Congress stooges who keep harping "kill Modi, kill modi" are hardly the cornerstone of any civil society.
Pakistanis would be the saddest bunch of people on Earth if Indian muslims get justice in Gujarat riots. So I am not surprised at their comments. The riot has been keeping up their morale against all odds for more than a decade now. They wouldn't want that story to have an anti climax aka justice for Indian muslims.
Lol what a joke. Out of gujarat and the communist coffee clubs no one gives a **** as to who Teeta "I-am-fake" Setalvad is.

How wrong can you be? How perverted can you be?
How wrong can you be? How perverted can you be?

What is perverted in that ? I dont even turn my eyes in her direction. :bad:

She is fake and I stand by that. A person who has been found to be guilty of tutoring witnessnes and producing them in court on a political witch hunt is hardly genuine or deserves any respect. She is just another criminal whose antics are brushed aside because her target of ire is Modi.

And its also true aside from the CCC and 'secular' media no one attaches any importance to her. "The respect she commands all over the country is unimaginable". My rear. She is a nobody who is propped by political actors to act as a proxy in their witch hunt.
yea that's why most of them still support butcher narinder mohdi(villain of Gujarat riot) and have slogan vote for mohdi. Mohdi next PM blah blah

Most of them?

You don't have a clue, do you? You have no idea how the Sangh Parivar is in confusion, losing votes and supporters daily, and unable to face the polls, any polls, with any kind of appeal to the electorate.

Sad that you think that the rancid, rabid lot of social misfits here represent mainstream Indian opinion. But it suits you to think so, doesn't it? getting the thanks of a leading Internet Muslim for your little barb is not a coincidence, is it?

Both sets of fanatics deserve each other.
Pakistanis would be the saddest bunch of people on Earth if Indian muslims get justice in Gujarat riots. So I am not surprised at their comments. The riot has been keeping up their morale against all odds for more than a decade now. They wouldn't want that story to have an anti climax aka justice for Indian muslims.

You guys really believe that, don't you?
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