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Hindutva Threat to China and Pakistan

The difference between muslims in Xianjing vs Indian occupied Kashmir is that there is 0 evidence that Chinese have committed systematic genocide against muslims whereby there has been an open genocide in Kashmir since 1947.

Chinese treat muslim minorities no different than they treat christians, or any chinese citizens of their country. The CCP has always used re-education camps since the 1940's for all of their population. It was a famous tactic use by Mao during the cultural revolution. The level of development in Xianjing is ahead of Pakistan/India, ethnically though these people may speak a turkish dialect they are far closer to han chinese than indians.
They planned to deploy their fighter jets to their military airbase in Tajikistan. However, at Pakistan's protest, the Tajik govt refused to grant them permission to do so. Now, its just a helicopter base.

Chanakiya's Arthashastra is the Gita of the Indian Foreign Office. Strategic encirclement of ones neighbor is Chanakiya's maxim. That was the reason for them trying so hard to establish presence in Pakistan's Western neighbors.
They planned to deploy their fighter jets to their military airbase in Tajikistan. However, at Pakistan's protest, the Tajik govt refused to grant them permission to do so. Now, its just a helicopter base.

Chanakiya's Arthashastra is the Gita of the Indian Foreign Office. Strategic encirclement of ones neighbor is Chanakiya's maxim. That was the reason for them trying so hard to establish presence in Pakistan's Western neighbors.

I am glad to see Pakistan influence in Tajikistan. Now that Kabul is isolated, India only has Iran as its base to our West. Iranians need to be dealt with. Probably that will be our next step.
I am glad to see Pakistan influence in Tajikistan. Now that Kabul is isolated, India only has Iran as its base to our West. Iranians need to be dealt with. Probably that will be our next step.
They won't ally with India anymore given the present situation in Afghanistan. That won't benefit them in any way. It is always easier to jump the bandwagon than to challenge opposing winds.

Taliban don't consider Iran their enemy. So, it will be in Iran's best interest to go with the flow.
I still maintain Pakistan Iran ties were strained due to sectarianism on both sides. India just took advantage. It started when Iranian diplomats were shot by LeJ.

The best way to improve ties with Iran is to show them Shias are safe here. And then work symbiotically. We aid Iran against sanctions, they provide us oil.
Chinese treat muslim minorities no different than they treat christians, or any chinese citizens of their country. The CCP has always used re-education camps since the 1940's for all of their population. It was a famous tactic use by Mao during the cultural revolution. The level of development in Xianjing is ahead of Pakistan/India, ethnically though these people may speak a turkish dialect they are far closer to han chinese than indians.

I don't comment on the Uighur situation because I don't know enough. It does seem that Xinjiang is more prosperous that all of the Subcontinent. But you are right that China has similar approach to all it's ethnic groups: Conform to the overall CCP policies or else! Let's not forget that it were probably the Han Chinese themselves who bore the brunt of Mao's Cultural Revolution--millions of deaths!!

As for the OP article... I still don't know if the current phase of extreme nationalism in India is permanent or not. Until just a few years ago, the UPA govt in India was far more balanced than the current one. This doesn't yet seem to be like a transition from the Wiemar Republic to the Third Reich. Regardless of that, an India deprived of the land connectivity to the Central Asian regions is a big deprivation. Eurasia is where the global growth will seem to cluster: Large relatively empty land with abundant natural resources and human capital.
Its good china realize this and trying to contain india.

HIndu nationalist has lot of similarly with nazi Germany. Good this is Germans are way more smart and organized ppl. India despite hand holding by entire western world still remain a third world 2000 per capita economy. Fail to do anything other then playing victim and get sympathy.

If india was even half as strong as china they will make rest of other south asian countries life hell.

China is the only hope left to contain this nazi rss country.

Chinese leadership knows exactly what they are doing with current india. And i hope china keep up the pressure.

Hindus has always try to show the west they are peaceful ...yoga...vegetarian...etc etc all type of BS to get positive impressions. Its a deception supported by us deep state.

In 2000 till now muslims were shown as biggest enemy of west which still remain. But now if you go to any social media all you see thousands of anti china messages flooded by indians. What more interesting is even though most western comments are mild....comments come from indians are way more extreme and aggressive in nature. Tells you something about the true face of indian society. It is scary.

And west media barely talk about rss ideology. What a shame knowing rss is same as nazi ideology.
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