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Hizbul chief warns Nawaz Sharif against friendship with India


Aug 2, 2012
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Islamabad: Even before Pakistan's would-be PM Nawaz Sharif could act on his vows of improving Indo-Pak ties, a warning has been issued by Hizbul Mujahideen chief Syed Salahuddin, telling him not to ignore "Kashmir cause" and "foster friendship" with New Delhi.

HM chief Salahuddin, who also heads an alliance of all Kashmiri militant organizations (United Jihad Council), has threatened Nawaz with harmful consequences if it pursued "friendship" with New Delhi.

In an interview to a leading newspaper, Salahuddin warned Nawaz "not to repeat the mistake of putting Kashmir on the back burner and try to foster friendship with New Delhi through trade, cultural exchanges and tourism".

"If (Sharif's government) shows one-sided flexibility, extends an unreciprocated hand of friendship towards India like Musharraf, it will be suicide. What did Pakistan get out of Musharraf's policies?, he said in the interview.

"No government in Pakistan, whether it is Nawaz Sharif or anybody else, will remain in the chair if it abandons the Kashmir cause," Salahuddin said.

Rebutting the reports of Kashmir issue not being the top priority of Pakistan government, Salahuddin insisted that "Nawaz Sharif and his party's leadership must understand that till the time Kashmir is under India's occupation, the national security of Pakistan, the safety and security of its borders, and its economic stability is at stake".

"So our expectation from Nawaz Sharif's government is that he will make this the first priority and give it central place in the Indo-Pak relationship... Otherwise, it will be lethal to the interests of Pakistan and that of the Kashmir struggle in the same way that it proved to be during the regimes of Musharraf sahib and Zardari sahib," the Hizbul chief said.

Nawaz Sharif's enthusiasm about building better relations with India has been publicized much with his words about "picking the threads from it was left in 1999" when Lahore accord was signed in Lahore.

Nawaz Sharif had also spoken about inviting PM Manmohan Singh to his oath taking ceremony, but the PMO clarified that no such formal invite has been sent from Pakistan.

PM Manmohan Singh was unusually quick in congratulating Sharif on his victory and he had also invited Sharif to India.

Hizbul chief warns Nawaz Sharif against friendship with India
Ya Ya.... After all Terrorists will be terrorists....come out of your bunker... Mossad is waiting for your movements
Salahuddin jee should lead his mujahids to battle in J&K rather than sitting, giving statements and doing virtually nothing else.

He is just gulping down Pakistani tax payers money (good for India? :undecided:)

He is married, with 5 sons. His oldest son, Shakeel Yousuf, works as a medical assistant at Srinagar's Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, second son Javed Yousuf works in the Education Department as computer operator, while Shahid Yousuf is a Research Fellow at the Sher-i-Kashmir University of Agricultural Science and Technology. Shah's fourth son, Wahid Yusuf, studies in Sri Maharaja Hari Singh Government Medical College. Mueed Yusuf, the youngest of Shah's sons, is presently pursuing M Tech.

Guy has 5 sons but not even one is a freedom fighter. While he sends other kids (mostly from pak punjab) to fight and die, and of course he has named himself "Salahuddin" after the famous Kurdish general, I mean seriously!!!
Expect some comment from green flags...as of now none.
I don't know but this forums amazes me.. if we go to the BD forum it seems BD is teaming with Jamaati loons and AL are magically ruling the country through few thugs and then come to pak forum it is like even God can't stop IK from becoming the PM of pak... and on top of that all the increase in GDP crap we had to suffer.. anyway.. my point is, NS is no lamb that you just pull it wherever you want..

This guys survived a military dictator FFS who was hell bent on killing him and is still kicking :lol:
I don't know but this forums amazes me.. if we go to the BD forum it seems BD is teaming with Jamaati loons and AL are magically ruling the country through few thugs and then come to pak forum it is like even God can't stop IK from becoming the PM of pak... and on top of that all the increase in GDP crap we had to suffer.. anyway.. my point is, NS is no lamb that you just pull it wherever you want..

This guys survived a military dictator FFS who was hell bent on killing him and is still kicking :lol:

But he is true, Pakistanis have a weird logic that their country is in mortal danger because Kashmir is with India, jugular vein or something. They think that since all their rivers originate their, Kashmir is theirs. Going by this logic Bangladesh will start claiming India and India will start claiming Tibet :lol:
Enough concessions to India in the past five years and no response from them. Even before the 5 year disaster that just passed, Musharraf also gave many one sided concessions. Its important to keep a balance in relationship or else the other side will put us in a position of weakness.
Enough concessions to India in the past five years and no response from them. Even before the 5 year disaster that just passed, Musharraf also gave many one sided concessions. Its important to keep a balance in relationship or else the other side will put us in a position of weakness.

What concessions :undecided:.
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