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Homosexuals of Pakistan

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Dude you are beating the same drum again and again without understanding the point of views of others. I said that these straight women turn into lesbians because of bad relationship with men again and again or because of mistreatment/cheating from opposite gender. They never thought of being in a gay/lesbians relationship when they were growing up or when they were going to start relationship with men. They decided to be lesbians after having failed relationship with men and losing interest in them. They assumed they will get more emotional and physical support(empathy) from same gender than opposite gender.They called themselves straight when they were with men and now they call them selves lesbians when they started to develop the feelings of hate/dislike for men. They were heterosexual at some point and now identify themselves as a lesbian and you call them bisexual

How do you KNOW they were straight?

Does it mean someone is straight just because they "call" themselves as one?

Cant a gay person actually call himself/herself straight?

What if the person was actually bisexual or gay, but was in a relationship because he/she was afraid to admit the fact that they were gay? There are tons of people in heterosexual relationships, even have kids, but are ACTUALLY gay!

There are lots of possibilities that you are ignoring.

BUT, even if what you say is true, they have the right to do what they want to do and should not be persecuted or discriminated against.

You are not understanding the fact that many people try sex with same gender as a experiment to find out whether they enjoy it or not. Sexuality is complex and sexual preferences may change with time. If something is seen or said enough on tv, drama, news etc then it becomes the norm. Sexual preferences are not always set in stone the way you put it. Certain things which did not appeal you at the early age might become appealing or attractive for you in later stages of your life. Many bisexual women also end up with men because of desire of kids. No single gay gene has ever been identified as the cause of homosexual behaviour so you cannot say for certain if people are born gay or decide to be gay. Its like saying people are born with a propensity for alcoholism, insanity, child molestation , rapist and they cannot help it because their sexual orientation is like this that they get the feelings of pleasure in these acts of rape and child molestation

No I understand that. I have said as much in my earlier post.

Second bolded part:

Here is where you are wrong.

1. Prostitution - same sex relations for money. We are not discussing this.
2. People who experiment - I did say homoflexible and heteroflexible or bicurious. These people might/might not actually be gay. But remember they are just experimenting, not actually becoming full blown gay folks.
3. You are also going by the assumption that whoever becomes gay later on in life, actually "chooses" to do so. My question is HOW do you know they CHOOSE? They could actually be bisexual,gay etc.,

But here is the thing, if someone chooses to do something, they have freedom of choice.

If someone is born that way then we cant blame them. And the evidence for this one is much more.

True but if they say they are born that way then they should prove it, otherwise they should not argue against people who say it is a disease and that they need help.

How can you prove it?

If I ask you to prove that you were born a heterosexual how would you prove it?
its not about religion only, its about morals, if india excepts homosexuals, then also except incest, peadophiles, even the guys who marry dogs, biitches, frog, donkey

morals ? so you get to decided on what is moral now ? Yup bring in India and the usual garbage talk, typical troll.
Some hilarious comments from pakistani members. I love where the country is going :D
Damn this thread still going on wheres Zarvan :D
Sir I have made my point is clear Islam is very clear on this issue this is a evil and it is not accepted in our society and they will have to be killed because their punishment is death in Islam
Sir I have made my point is clear Islam is very clear on this issue this is a evil and it is not accepted in our society and they will have to be killed because their punishment is death in Islam

hum log unhe samjha bhi toh sakte hai na

mar hi daloge :blink:
hum log unhe samjha bhi toh sakte hai na

mar hi daloge :blink:
Punishment is death

Zarvan Malaysia is also a Muslim country but a progressive one where gays are tolerated on the whole
Than they are not following Islam otherwise Islam is clear that will be implemented sooner or later in Malaysia too
Zarvan Malaysia is also a Muslim country but a progressive one where gays are tolerated on the whole

how come you indians say "progressive" to tolerating gays? you people are just followers.

if society says rape is ok. you indians will fall in line like a bandwagon and say its progressive to tolerate rape.
how come you indians say "progressive" to tolerating gays? you people are just followers.

if society says rape is ok. you indians will fall in line like a bandwagon and say its progressive to tolerate rape.

What is the problem of being a gay?? As long it is not a forceful one, everything should be fine in a society.. There is a big difference between raping some one and being a gay..
What is the problem of being a gay?? As long it is not a forceful one, everything should be fine in a society.. There is a big difference between raping some one and being a gay..

how can it be fine in society? it disrupts the natural order of life.
how can it be fine in society? it disrupts the natural order of life.

How?? Its not like gays are coming to any ones home and forcing people to mate with them.. Their life, Their choice..

Its like if I am comfortable with a wife even if she is ugly, then why should others care about it??
How can you prove it?

If I ask you to prove that you were born a heterosexual how would you prove it?

I don't have to prove nothing because I have been in natural relationships with females and the biology proves it. If the parts don't fit, it probably wasn't meant to be right.

How?? Its not like gays are coming to any ones home and forcing people to mate with them.. Their life, Their choice..

Its like if I am comfortable with a wife even if she is ugly, then why should others care about it??

Seiko, what if your ugly wife burns my eyes. :undecided: :lol:

Rape is aganist someone's will but being gay is their sexual choice although i dont like gays doing their business in public i know it existed since ancient times so there is nothing we can do about it but accept it and live and let live.

I believe don't ask don't tell is the solution. Do your thing but do it in private.
Man you gay *** niggaz still talkin about this ****?
I don't have to prove nothing because I have been in natural relationships with females and the biology proves it. If the parts don't fit, it probably wasn't meant to be right.

So that simply translates into your point of view or your preference. Its the same for me.

But that doesnt mean people with other preferences are wrong. Or are unnatural. For a gay guy sleeping with a girl might be abominable. Its just the order of nature. We dont have to understand it, or get into their psyches or judge them or even set standards for what is natural, because that will only be biased. Just treat them as people and dont bother them, let them have the same rights - political, legal and social just as everyone of us does.
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