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How can Pakistan make peace with its neighbours?

well.. great going here... definitely through IPP, iran-pakistan relations can grow... when USA leaves afghanistan, pakistan can have more control over there and maybe can re-assert major influence... and when we have good relation with iran and turkey then saudi arabia has to make good relations with pakistan!!

but just to give some food for thought here... do you (pakistani/indian/whatever) support East Turkestan freedom movement?? i do, and many Pakistani netizens criticize me for that... well... I want to say then that if they support Kashmir, Palestine, etc and not Uighur then they are just licking Chinese a$$... I am a supporter of all foreign Islamic liberation movements because Islam can only survive in its most appropriate form if it is not being forced over by a government that does not understand it (e.g. Chinese government... did you know many MOSQUES for Uighur and Han Muslims have been destroyed n that religion is, if not banned, looked down upon in China).... to all my Pakistani brothers and sisters who say "Long Live China!!" please hear this... CONSIDER THE UMMAH FIRST, THEN OTHERS.. WE ARE MUSLIM FIRST, THEN PAKISTANI!! that means our priority should be UIGHUR freedom not continued CHINESE illegal occupation of MUSLIM land.....i hope you respect my opinion which may seem outland....thanks
Why should we support the destabilization of States over internal issues? Kashmir and Palestine are UN recognized international disputes, so there is an international justification for supporting both causes. Xinxiang, Turkestan, Maoists, Khalistan etc. are not UN recognized disputes, and therefore the parties concerned need to settle the issues domestically.
What is unlikely? That Afghanistan refrain from covert or overt destabilization of Pakistan? Given the heebee jeebies the West has over Pakistan's nuclear program, they will not be funding any such Afghan effort. Many analysts in the West are already talking about Afghan stabilization as a means to ensuring Pakistani stability, which implies than the primary goal has now shifted to ensuring Pakistan's stability.

Afghanistan needs foreign aid for reconstruction and 'rising from the ashes' and it needs Pakistan to for trade. A democratic government that has to deliver on governance and economic growth will, logically, refrain from taking on Pakistan. Yes there will be the occasional warlord that continues support for the Taliban on either side, but governmental support for destabilizing activities in Pakistan, with stability in Afghanistan, is likely a thing of the past.

Wishful thinking is this 'clutching at straws' to try and somehow come up with a losing scenario for Pakistan as things develop in Afghainstan - like I said, India's 'zero-sum game' attitude will make Indians a laughing stock, as nations act pragmatically and deal and trade with everyone that benefits them.

AM, just by putting words in my mouth and proverbial "clutching straws" don't expect to win a discussion with little substance.

Read my reply to your comments. Expecting Afghanistan to be supportive to Pakistan's interest in "using" Afghanistan, forget a favourable and friendly neighbour for along time to come.

Even since the end of cold war a new kind of forigen policy as taken shape with his deviod of any polarity. All countries are free to establish friendly ties with anyone and third person would not like to take part in dispute between two states. It is immature to think that countries would like to take a comparative stands in their forigen releation. We do have good friends and stategic depth around the world but that does not mean same countries could not persue friendly releations with India. To think that and argue that in immature.

On the lighter side, what can we seriously offer to the world to consider us favourably against India?? our cities are rilled with terrorism, economy and security is all time low, massive brain drain, inseucirty, inter provience rivalry, corruption, etc etc

We need to stop being soo much India centric..Yes they are unfriendly and that about it. What ever we do, India is not aiming to march up to our borders soon unless the sponsership of anti-india terror does not stop. Therefore lets put an end to terror, divert the investment into economy and once we have our pocket flowing with money we can go on arms shopping spree..that time even America wouldnt hesistate to sell us as many F16 we could wish for.
Why should we support the destabilization of States over internal issues? Kashmir and Palestine are UN recognized international disputes, so there is an international justification for supporting both causes. Xinxiang, Turkestan, Maoists, Khalistan etc. are not UN recognized disputes, and therefore the parties concerned need to settle the issues domestically.

The selective support to Frankenstein is showing its effects in Pakistan. Enjoy while this phase lasts.
AM, just by putting words in my mouth and proverbial "clutching straws" don't expect to win a discussion with little substance.
When you can provide a comment that is little more than an obtuse one liner, then you can expect people to perhaps understand what you intend on conveying better.

Next time provide more than what you did in the post I responded to.
Barring that, I believe my response was accurate.
Read my reply to your comments. Expecting Afghanistan to be supportive to Pakistan's interest in "using" Afghanistan, forget a favourable and friendly neighbour for along time to come.
See, now you have moved slightly beyond your original obtuse one liner that conveyed little to nothing. The major reasons we need to 'use' Afghanistan for are trade with the CAR's, primarily energy, and stabilizing our borders. With energy trade and trade in general with the CAR's, Afghanistan gains through transit fees, so to 'not support Pakistan's interests' would mean to not support Afghanistan's interests, not to mention the squeeze Pakistan can put on Afghanistan's own trade with the rest of the world (not even including India here) if Afghanistan were to squeeze Pakistani trade with the CAR's. And Afghanistan, by its own admission, is currently facilitating Pakistani trade with the CAR's.

We don't need the Afghans to be 'friendly' - we just need them focused on rebuilding their country and acting in their interest on the economy and trade, which automatically benefits Pakistani interests on the economic and trade fronts.
How can Pakistan make peace with its neighbours?

This time by purchasing a Rs 50L boat and sending 20 armed terrorists to go on killing frenzy.The number must be atleast above 500 this time before the 20 gets killed.
Peace? :angry::angry::angry:
The selective support to Frankenstein is showing its effects in Pakistan. Enjoy while this phase lasts.
Support for the right of Kashmiris to self-determination has nothing to do with support for proxy groups.

You missed the broader argument being made on the international legitimacy of actively advocating on behalf of the Kashmir and Palestine disputes vs the lack of legitimacy in terms if international advocacy on the other disputes mentioned.
Except us, of course. ;)

Well we have tried to be as loose as we can for a long period to try and facilitate some sort of working relation. Jinnah stated that Pakistan and India would be good friends, Ayub Khan tried all that he could but was not reciprocated in a similar manner. What irks India is a simple matter relating to Kashmir, a simple plebiscite will do and we can then establish a firm alliance.


You overestimate Pakistan, as always. Even from a purely economic standpoint, Pakistan's energy market isn't, and never will be anywhere near ours. Then again, no one can guarantee the safety of the pipeline. I believe Balochi militants have attacked gas pipelines on at least four separate occasions this year alone.

Indian and Iranian interests also converge on important issues like Afghanistan and the Taliban. Some reports suggest a change in Iranian policy, however given their religious sect I think they too realize the dangers of pursuing relations with such groups.

BBC News - Iran mosque 'suicide bombers' kill 27

Iran holds an especially important place in our long term strategic interests so I would only expect our relations to improve further.

Iran holds an especially important place in our long term strategic interests so I would only expect our relations to improve further.
Keep your dreams floating; even if India is a vast market, it has been cornered by the west who would never let any agreement between the current regime in Iran and India to occur. And that too a resource based one where a natural alliance would follow. From the Dhabol plant fiasco where India lost a rather large amount of money to this current nuclear program. It is fair to say that you country is being groomed as regional counterweight.

It would be best to revise your point of view because US would not want India to be on good terms with Iran especially after an attack on Iran is on the table again.

Yet another terrorist group traced back to Pakistan.

Jundullah is a Baloch group, Baloch are found in Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan. This group is made up of mainly Iranian nationals and as the Baloch move about the region indiscriminately, they are based in all three nations.

I doubt such a relationship would ever manifest, but in any case given the current environment it is Pakistan that needs to keep itself in Saudi good books.

You are aware of the fact that in the early days of Pakistan, it was vocally and fiercely anti communist, all the Arab nations leaned more towards India and our neighbours were not very friendly towards us. Iran might be an exception but we stood firm on our own two feet and all this rhetoric about us needing so and so country is just for your own peace of mind

I don't see how Pakistan would reconcile with the Taliban and prevent a take over. I expect this war to drag on for at least another five years. Plenty of strategic and economic repercussions to come. We'll have to wait and watch.

We will wait and watch, as I can recall, Pakistan was doomed when soviets were sitting in USSR. We suffered a lot but came out of the predicament.
recent FM Shah Mahmood Qureshi comment showing his inexperience in political career,he insulted indian FM Krishan in press conference. so in current situation we can't expect a good relationship B/W india-paksitan.
Wow, so you even want to isolate Pakistan even further by supporting a terrorist moment in integral part of a world's future super power.(China) I take it you also support Talibans taking over Islamabad.
Why should we support the destabilization of States over internal issues? Kashmir and Palestine are UN recognized international disputes, so there is an international justification for supporting both causes. Xinxiang, Turkestan, Maoists, Khalistan etc. are not UN recognized disputes, and therefore the parties concerned need to settle the issues domestically.

so u r saying if Kashmir was not part of UN recognized international disputes, you would not care even one bit about Kashmiris? you wouldn't have any sympathy for them? this is silly, as much as I love you as a fellow Pakistani, it is like you are brainwashed by UN and China at the same time...:frown: Uighurs are Muslims, Uighurs are being persecuted, especially last summer, their land was taken by force by China, their freedom of practising ISLAM is limited. what if you faced these issues??? I am a Muslim, I support my Muslim brothers and sisters if they are fighting for independence from a force that limits them... not sure about you... :pakistan:
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well.. great going here... definitely through IPP, iran-pakistan relations can grow... when USA leaves afghanistan, pakistan can have more control over there and maybe can re-assert major influence... and when we have good relation with iran and turkey then saudi arabia has to make good relations with pakistan!!

but just to give some food for thought here... do you (pakistani/indian/whatever) support East Turkestan freedom movement?? i do, and many Pakistani netizens criticize me for that... well... I want to say then that if they support Kashmir, Palestine, etc and not Uighur then they are just licking Chinese a$$... I am a supporter of all foreign Islamic liberation movements because Islam can only survive in its most appropriate form if it is not being forced over by a government that does not understand it (e.g. Chinese government... did you know many MOSQUES for Uighur and Han Muslims have been destroyed n that religion is, if not banned, looked down upon in China).... to all my Pakistani brothers and sisters who say "Long Live China!!" please hear this... CONSIDER THE UMMAH FIRST, THEN OTHERS.. WE ARE MUSLIM FIRST, THEN PAKISTANI!! that means our priority should be UIGHUR freedom not continued CHINESE illegal occupation of MUSLIM land.....i hope you respect my opinion which may seem outland....thanks

Oh no! not another one.
Every time someone comes with Ummah philosophy, i have to post this comment by The patriot who posted it in response to a Israeli thread. Read it

My thoughts...........As people or rather more accurately Muslims of Pakistan here on this forum want to do ‘jihad’ against the oppression of Israel and Palestinian being our Muslim brothers deserve our support then if it’s a good and righteous thing, lets not stop at Hamas. As our Muslim brotherhood demands we should help every Muslim in the world. Pakistan should take on America too because it has attacked two Muslim countries. Lets send weapons and jihadis to Afghanistan and Iraq too. Lets also train Uygur Muslims who are ‘persecuted’ by communist China. They also deserve our help.

Don’t forget Chechnya, those Muslims are fighting for over 300 years. Lets sell or donate them weapon too. They are our brothers too. We should help our brothers in Kenya, Somalia, Sudan too. Lets sell them too. We should also provide weapon to any Muslim who is persecuted by non-Muslims. We should also supply some weapons and training to Muslims in France and Switzerland because they are imposing ban on purdah thus they have become anti-Muslims. We should not spare England and other NATO members even Australian because they are participating in operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.

And you know what if the whole world then declare us terrorist state it wont matter as we have already been treated like so. Also forget about UN it is puppet in the hands of Jews.

We should not worry if the whole world comes and bomb us and kill all Pakistanis, we will go to Jannat where 72 virgins would wait for us.

We will die like martyrs and will fulfill our duties being a Muslim. Why should we care about the world which is a temporal thing. We should think about hereafter.
Do I sound like OBL or Taliban?

In the end, i have question for you. What matters you the most? Religion or country?

Seriously no offence but you are out of your mind. In your opinion we should back-stab our only loyal, time tested friend?

Wow, so you even want to isolate Pakistan even further by supporting a terrorist moment in integral part of a world's future super power.(China) I take it you also support Talibans taking over Islamabad.

so brother Patriot, Uighur militants are terrorists? so what is the different between them and Kashmiri freedom fighters?? so Kashmiri freedom fighters are also terrorists is it?? this is what i hate about Pakistan, we say we are proud to be a Muslim country but really we are licking Chinese a$$... the Uighurs MUSLIMS are "terrorists" who are fighting for independence from COMMUNIST china [mainly BUDDHIST/CONFUCIAN/TAOIST] which limits their freedom of religion and china has taken Xinjiang region by force.... is this not a similar case to Kashmir? but no, still according to you Uighur freedom fighters are terrorists... why? because they are fighting against OUR BOSS, CHINA !!!

please... respect yourself, respect the plight of the Uighur people, respect Pakistan, respect Islam... don't create double standards when it comes to such a thing AS THE UMMAH my brother!!!!:undecided::pakistan:

EDIT: forgot to answer your question at the end brother.. I will never even think of supporting Taliban because they are not fighting for the better of Muslims' lives but they are making lives of Muslims worse... lemme make it clear... I support foreign Islamic liberation movements against forces that limit practice of Islam... it is the blessings of Allah (s.w.t.) that we can freely practise Islam in Pakistan.. Brother dont u believe other Muslims in less free countries (like Pakistan for Muslims) deserve that degree of privilege/freedom??
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so brother Patriot, Uighur militants are terrorists? so what is the different between them and Kashmiri freedom fighters?? so Kashmiri freedom fighters are also terrorists is it?? this is what i hate about Pakistan, we say we are proud to be a Muslim country but really we are licking Chinese a$$... the Uighurs MUSLIMS are "terrorists" who are fighting for independence from COMMUNIST china [mainly BUDDHIST/CONFUCIAN/TAOIST] which limits their freedom of religion and china has taken Xinjiang region by force.... is this not a similar case to Kashmir? but no, still according to you Uighur freedom fighters are terrorists... why? because they are fighting against OUR BOSS, CHINA !!!

please... respect yourself, respect the plight of the Uighur people, respect Pakistan, respect Islam... don't create double standards when it comes to such a thing AS THE UMMAH my brother!!!!:undecided::pakistan:

China is not our boss. Learn to differentiate between a friend and a master.
and yes Long Live Pak-China friendship.:pakistan::china:

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