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How I lost faith in multiculturalism

You have stayed in England. The native was probably saying the same thing. This is why I have no sympathy for racist white and Anglo who live outside of Europe on stolen land. I sympathy for the Swedish or French, but Australian, American, etc...they should STFU about how the immigrant are making their life less comfortable. I am sure if those immigrant were slave and model minority do as you told uncle tom, they would oh so happy.
Europeans can be as racist as they want on that tiny piece of land called Europe. But the minute they leave Europe, the only thing sustaining their racism is the US military.
lol Below_Freezing is living in an alternative reality. He pretends he knows how other countries are and he pretends he knows everything about them, but he doesn't really. I bet he hasn't even left China before.

Calling 1 billion people racist is very amusing. Maybe i should start making generalizations about the whole Chinese population just because of your comments? It's basically what you do.
Either read some of the articles posted or stop commenting.How many of the attacks were done by minorities , how many were done by indians themselves.

Chinese in Vancouver: Hate crime charge pending

I guess all canadians are racists now.

You seem to think chinese are racist free but boy does hit the fan if you got a chinese girl dating a black or white guy.( and i no from a freinds exprience what happens)

Heres a nice article


LOL White cry racism in China? Trust me this is nothing compare to Chinese in the West. Chinese get treat really bad and killed and attacked for nothing. So a white man who able to walk around in China is pretty fortunate. Luckily Chinese haven't learned the true nature of Western society yet, or else they would be even more racist.
LOL White cry racism in China? Trust me this is nothing compare to Chinese in the West. Chinese get treat really bad and killed and attacked for nothing. So a white man who able to walk around in China is pretty fortunate. Luckily Chinese haven't learned the true nature of Western society yet, or else they would be even more racist.

Of course, CCP is well aware of the hardcore racism in the West, only the young people in China didn't realize yet. :coffee:

Soon they will see that the Western society is not as civilized as they thought.
lol Below_Freezing is living in an alternative reality. He pretends he knows how other countries are and he pretends he knows everything about them, but he doesn't really. I bet he hasn't even left China before.

Calling 1 billion people racist is very amusing. Maybe i should start making generalizations about the whole Chinese population just because of your comments? It's basically what you do.

I just have to ask you 1 question: how many Chinese people with no experience with foreigners speaks the way I do? :lol:

It's the exact opposite. People who do not interact with foreigners have a more positive impression of them than those who do. The more you interact with foreigners the more you become annoyed by some of them. Unfortunately, the government is censoring negative news about whites, perhaps it has to do with the fact that Kang Rixin was a French spy, so who knows how many Japanese, US and British spies are planted in the CPC? Whites say things about Chinese that would be illegal if they said it about a Jew. Get off your moral high horse and face the reality.
chinese is racist, only racist take the racism offend, only same kind people understand each other, but chinese racist rarely show what they believe in physical violence, unlike america/ european. not only white/ caucasian european racially against chinese/ east asian, but also the immigrant live there, arabian muslim from north africa magrib in french, spain, blacks, hispanic in america. the first time i know about these stuff is on internet message board. these ture news to me never ever appear in any tv, news paper, i belive CPC do censoring these inform.
it makes me more depend on CPC, count on china military development. i really hope chinese will fight back soon, but through state violence, instead of personal physical violence. i hope russia is the first country CPC PLA take care of.
chinese doesnt have the moral high ground at all, chinese is racist, no doubt, and i think chinese dont need moral high ground. its a war, chinese just have to win, make those superior caucasian, arabian, blacks, hispanic keeps being superior in the afterworld.
lol Below_Freezing is living in an alternative reality. He pretends he knows how other countries are and he pretends he knows everything about them, but he doesn't really. I bet he hasn't even left China before.

Calling 1 billion people racist is very amusing. Maybe i should start making generalizations about the whole Chinese population just because of your comments? It's basically what you do.

Would you deny the racial persecution endured by the Chinese throughout the history of North America? Ever heard of the head tax? Or the privations suffered by those building the railroad?

below_freezing makes generalizations because he knows our history, better than you apparently. You make empty generalizations knowing nothing of the racial persecutions you make fun of.

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