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How long these mullah make fooling


Jun 29, 2009
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250 ulema has given once again statement that suicide bombing is haram.
How long would these uIema keep making fool by these statements.
I am saying for ages that Ulema fatwa against suicide bombing isn’t enough.Time of condemning has passed now. These ulema(if not munafiq) must declare taliban and religious banned organization as terrorist and Call of JIHAD against them.Army and Nation now must join hand to do this Jihad in their premises, and cut off this cancer with surgical operation at every cost.
There is no need to criticize them, this is time when we need such actions by religious body.

Use them more because your more than 70% population listen them. Use them to change people's minds. This is best option.

This was same mullah who within months made boom of fight against soviets and why not the same mullah could not turn people for what we need now?

You agree or not, this is power and you have ability to use this controllable power for progress of Pakistan and to calm down people.
As long as the mullahs have support of vast majority of the public, they do whatever they want.
As long as the state wont take control of religion , GOP must appoint a body mix of all sects (a member each ) to approve and edit Friday cermons
We are hearing such statement for last many years. Does this work so far??? do terrorist stop suicide attacks?? do terrorist sympathizer realize and change their mind??. do mullah start supporting the army operation???.
I bet about 200 out of 250 are munafiq and have all favor with terrorist.
Mullah have nothing to do with this case.
Those who blast them self by an suicide attack are none-muslims.
250 give fatwa for haraam and 2500000000000000000000000000000000 give fatwa for halall so what?
they are not non muslims. you can call them killers, but not non muslim.

I myself heard "Rehman Malik" who said that many suicide attacker those were found after blowing them-self was non muslim.
Don`t blame all muslims for such poor attacks.
We need mullahs to preach love to prevent good Muslims from converting to non muslim i.e. blowing themselves up... some one has to fight an intellectual war against those terrorists... living in a state of denial will not help
We need mullahs to preach love to prevent good Muslims from converting to non muslim i.e. blowing themselves up... some one has to fight an intellectual war against those terrorists... living in a state of denial will not help

Who need to preach??? 90% of these evil creatures are student of these mullahs's madressas.
mullah omer is student of molvi sami ul haq, who had killed thousand of Muslims of opponent sects in Afghanistan.
I myself heard "Rehman Malik" who said that many suicide attacker those were found after blowing them-self was non muslim.
Don`t blame all muslims for such poor attacks.

then dont belive mr. Rahman Malik, he is completely wrong.
250 ulema has given once again statement that suicide bombing is haram.
How long would these uIema keep making fool by these statements.
I am saying for ages that Ulema fatwa against suicide bombing isn’t enough.Time of condemning has passed now. These ulema(if not munafiq) must declare taliban and religious banned organization as terrorist and Call of JIHAD against them.Army and Nation now must join hand to do this Jihad in their premises, and cut off this cancer with surgical operation at every cost.

give more dollar and it will also be done !!
and "How long these Generals and Govt make fooling " last 60 years!!

hope u get it!

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