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How long will Russia last?

2009 China GPD 4.9 trillion USD
2009 Russia GDP 1.2 trillion USD


Please learn some simple math buddy.

I am sure in another decade, China's nominal GDP will be ten times larger than Russia's. Believe or not, USSR was the glory of yesterday, the future glory will belong to our mighty People's Republic of China. :china:

we will see thata after the decade...till then work hard rather then dreaming here...

and respect the current one of two world powers-Russia..
As long as Ivan has a strategic arsenal that can end human civilization 2x over and a hair trigger doctrine to boot....one shouldn't really worry about their survival. More than us it'll probably be the aggressive Hans who'll face the wrath of those Atoms in the coming future.

Btw, to the chest thumping Chi-Coms...look up the word symbiotic and I hope there isn't much lost in translation with respect to chinglish. Our Wal-Mart dreams that fuel your money rolls works both ways....you so much as fart in anger at us well.....the hyperpower awakens.

As far as Zakaria goes he knows his audience and loves to pander. Being pragmatic about Russia is too easy not to attempt. He's what I'd call an "Obamabrat".
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Was Fareed Zakaria one of those CNN "analysts' that said Iraq had WMD? :lol:

I guess Fareed Zakaria failed to do his reasearch on Russia because if he did he would know there was a steady growth in the Russian economy since Putin took power--of course with the world economic crisis the Russian economy took a dip just like with most world economies.


The graph above shows the trend, as one can see the economy did, infact, take a dip in 2008. However, this is picking up and GDP growth is expected to reach 5 to 5.5 % in 2010.

It's also no secret that the Russian population has been on the decline but 2009 did see an increased growth in the population and this is a trend that can be expected to go up since the living standards have been drastically improving.

The Russian economy is actually extreemly strong considering how bad thing were in the 1990's, acording to some sources it was twice as bad as the Great Depression, so if one is optomistic then one can see that in a span of roughly 10 years the Russian economy is probably in a better shape than in should be, if the next ten years sees similar grown than there should be no if's but's or what's.

btw i fail to see why insulting someones country is allowed and i also fail to see what this has to do with China.
we will see thata after the decade...till then work hard rather then dreaming here...

and respect the current one of two world powers-Russia..

Russia will soon turn into USA's Anti-China minion, Superpower my a**. :rofl:

USSR was a mighty Superpower, but today's Russian Federation is a major embarassment. Even Putin does know that, he would rather have USSR back. :rofl:
Russia will soon turn into USA's Anti-China minion, Superpower my a**. :rofl:

USSR was a mighty Superpower, but today's Russian Federation is a major embarassment. Even Putin does know that, he would rather have USSR back. :rofl:

Russia still makes the biggest direct confrontation against USA on various issues.
Anything that does not suit the Chinese world order is not good. Some people just need to get out of wishful thinking.

Russia has the resources and India has the market. It wont take long for the two countries to use the synergies to drive forward.
Russia still makes the biggest direct confrontation against USA on various issues.

I'd say it is a show off of a underdog mentality.

China is trying to make very little noise as possible in order to distract USA from meddling into its business, whereas today's Russia is a underdog who just wants to show off to prove she is still as strong as USSR.
I'd say it is a show off of a underdog mentality.

China is trying to make little noise as possible in order to distract USA from meddling into its business, whereas today's Russia is a underdog who just wants to show off to prove she is still as strong as USSR.

Do you always make stuff up as you go?
Russia will soon turn into USA's Anti-China minion, Superpower my a**. :rofl:

USSR was a mighty Superpower, but today's Russian Federation is a major embarassment. Even Putin does know that, he would rather have USSR back. :rofl:

then China is what...a shame for humanity..!!!. every Chinese knows this.... if this is how u understand in ur language....

and ur pathetic language and post not withstanding....Russia is a great country and one of two powers in this world.... ur pathetic jealously of Russia is not going to have any effect on reality....
I'd say it is a show off of a underdog mentality.

China is trying to make little noise as possible in order to distract USA from meddling into its business, whereas today's Russia is a underdog who just wants to show off to prove she is still as strong as USSR.

I think you need to read newspapers more, cause its the nationalist speech you are speaking.

Assertive U.S. policies on NATO expansion, arms control, and other issues are why Russia making your so called show offs.

If USA installs an anti missile shields and start to put US favored regimes around you , you will understand it.
I think you need to read newspapers more, cause its the nationalist speech you are speaking.

Assertive U.S. policies on NATO expansion, arms control, and other issues are why Russia making your so called show offs.

If USA installs an anti missile shields and start to put US favored regimes around you , you will understand it.

So South Korea and Japan has no coverage US anti-missile shields?
China has contributed for the development of many third world countries. What Russia has done?

Russia has given oil, free sketches of military equipments so that they can copy etc etc..

Also for your light reading

China gets another consignment of Russian aid

The second consignment of Russian humanitarian aid for those affected by China’s recent earthquake has been flown in by Russia’s Ilyushin-76 transport plane to the Sichuan province, whence the consignment is due to be taken to the quake-hit Qinghai province. The consignment of aid comprises a total of 28 tonnes of medicaments and medical equipment. A week ago the first Russian Emergencies Ministry plane brought blankets, tents, foodstuffs and diesel power generators. A 7.1 Magnitude earthquake hit Qinghai on the 14th of last month, killing more than 2,000 people. At least 100,000 province residents were left homeless.

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