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How many push ups can the PDF member perform?

Yeah, but he is a soldier. So he trains everyday. My little brother is a body builder he has already passed the 70 mark in one set.

Really my bro do practice taekwando ... He practiced to do dips on two finger and some other....

200 is not huge if you practice daily..
I never tried. I was always skinny ! 5'9 but 62-64 Kg! But i gained 12-13 Kg now 75 in Last 6 months... I was thinking about Gym!!!
I can perform about 50, on a good day. 12 one handed pull-ups :D
I used to do 50 wide arms push ups @ 85 KG...now i dont know maybe 40 or less
I do 25-35 pushups and 12-14 pullups(or chin ups/wide grip chin ups) (have an iron gym workout bar on the doorway) and repeat it 3-4 times twice a week
Really my bro do practice taekwando ... He practiced to do dips on two finger and some other....

200 is not huge if you practice daily..

At the moment barely 20 a day. @16 - 19, used to do 200+ every day! (of-course in one go) :P
I do about 200 everyday apart from cardio and bodybuilding. Not jooking can post my pics naked if wanted. My frnds call me a beast. ;)
Back when I use to workout my max was 150 at one time, now I can only do 50 and become exhausted. My cousin can do 200 easily and can also do 30 one handed pushups. Those hurt like hell, I can do like 5-10 one handed pushups.

How many can you do on normal?

Ok, one handed were always very hard. Maximum 10 maybe, long way back!
No thanks we are not gay. :meeting:
I like showing off my body ;). But thats not gay.

On topic: Pushup and pull ups are very good workout. I can do 40-50 in one streak. All the fatties on PDF start hitting gym ASAP.

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