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How to eat ur FOOD ALIVE SSG style

These videos are very common, and there is a reason they exist... What we have are experienced instructors demonstrating that squeamishness can be debilitating or fatal. You must have a certain mindset to survive. Man becomes another animal, using whatever is available. They are showing that "You need no tools to kill and consume if the need is great enough."

Obviously if you have a knife, you use it. Eating raw flesh other than some fish is dangerous and can make you sick, and cooked or preserved food is best, but in many circumstances a fire is simply impossible. There are search aircraft with IR sensors that can see even a small campfire from 50 kilometers. So the choice is simply, eat, or die.

One skill they taught was smoking/jerking meat. The problem is, it is easy to do it improperly. Many people had flies all over their meat while it was being dried and smoked, and days later, they found their jerky stash crawling with maggots. And even though it was training, they were hungry enough to eat it anyhow. The physiological drive to eat and survive is very strong.
Not many guys have experienced a true hunger/survival situation. It is very, very unpleasant and lacking food tremendously limits your ability to function. Your body weakens, and you begin to obsess about food. You start to not care about things you SHOULD care about, like the mission and evasion/survival.

The only way to understand the effects is to experience them, and this sort f training is very valuable. I survived a week in the mountains walking up and down those hills on ONE MRE type meal, a handful of jerky, and a rabbit that was shared between 6 guys. We each got a couple of bites. Believe me, when we got that rabbit, all we could think of was to kill, and eat.

you are absolutely right mate,i have experienced it.

in 2009 i was with my brother and cousin in the jungles of mizoram camping deep in the woods,our rations got over two days before we'd hike back to civilization we went hungry for 26 straight hours and only had water and chocolate powder which as you can guess is what we shared.in those times all i could think was of food and the worst part is you will only think about your favourite dishes,i felt like a man whose energy had been sucked away.

luckily we spotted two non-venomous snake which my siblings killed,we roasted them in fire and ate them they tasted like mashed potatoes BTW.
now from the military point of view,these men go for a mission not a nature hike

they know they have to destroy the enemy at all costs and first survival is important.

you have to survive to fight,if you die of hunger or thirst you are of no use to your team anymore.

hence to survive in the wild you have to become part of the wild this is where all your religious sanctions and all go away.For the leader and the field getting his team back alive and finishing the task at hand is most important and that cant happen if they are dead before hand or not in a condition to do the job.
ok the original video is down can someone post it again, perhaps on something like ******** so it doesnt get pulled down again.
With due respect to all the seniors, I really do not understand what the fuss is all about.
it seems common sense is not really common anymore.
During any professional training real time mock situations are presented to the trainees to get them familiar with these situation in a controlled environment and under supervision for obvious reasons.e.g Engineering, Medicine and others (I think I do not need to go to details here). Theory and practical, I hope most of us remember.

Armed Forces conduct Exercised and war games where different situations and scenarios are presented to solders and they have to go through it ( just wanted to provide a platform for everyone to understand.

Now SF, after going to regular training and war games more stuff criteria for selection. once you have been selected different scenarios and training...(and all the weird stuff to do and eat, as per common folks including haram)

During all professional training fake situations are created dummy missions and targets are given, should we call it lie, deception foolish act and haram. War is not upon us, but we do exercises and pretend we are at war.
are we wishing for war or preparing ourselves for it?
SF especially and armed forces are trained for worst case scenarios, not for Happy Birthday parties...I hope, I was able to explain it in a rite way....

I apologize for Long post. Allah Hafiz.
It is not just about stuffing one's tummy. It is about kicking one out of their comfort zone. It is also about awakening and seeing your 'war-self' and then controlling it (notice the choice of animals: Rabbits and Chickens apart from other animals). People go hysteric and lose their self when made to face such a situation for the first time

So it is very much legit and Army is not a fool to just make their guys suffer without any sense
Don't you guys bother reading the published date before commenting ?, you just bumped a 4 Year old thread.
What difference does that make if it is 4 years old or 10 years old. It's not about some technology and nor is it out of course with SSG so it is very much relevant to our times
Soldiers ko ye sb strong krne kelye karwaya jata hai taake wo mulk ki hifazat kre islye training ke waqt halal hai

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