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How to sink an AirCraft Carrier

That is a problem. Radar detection does not, and have never been able to, tell you an aircraft's intent: hostile or friendly. Radar detection can only tell you if it is an object. You then would have some sort of fancy algorithms to determine its size, speed, altitude and aspect disposition to you. But still no intention. It is up to YOU to decipher or deduce or guess or infer or whatever word towards its intention. An airliner's transponder is the answer to this uncertainty. The airliner transmit a code that says: I am a friendly flying cargo from so-and-so to so-and-so. But if the transponder is turned off, then the airliner is just another flying object detected by radar.

i meant to say that u would be aware of incomming aircraft and if the IFF(identification friend or foe) doesn't work then u can launch fighters.....
and u can destroy or escort that UFO before it reaches to ur airspace!
hehehe THE KAMIKAZE....(japanese idea)
(aircraft suicide bomber)

D. The Effectiveness of Kamikaze Tactics.

As the Japanese had predicted, the kamikaze attacks did adversely affect on American morale. The number of mental disease cases in the U.S. Navy from 9.5 per thousand in 1941, to 14.2 per thousand in 1944. In his report to the Secretary of the Navy, Fleet Admiral King attributed this increase to "the increase in tempo of modern war with its grueling, unfamiliar horrors." In contrast to Japan's hope, however, America's will to fight grew stronger despite the horrors of Kamikaze tactics.
Although the Kamikaze pilots did not break the American will they inflicted more damage than the pilots who engaged in conventional tactics. At the battle for Okinawa for example, the U.S. Navy incurred more combat casualties than the Army and Marine Corps did ashore because of these Kamikazes. The destructive effect to the allied fleet ships was approximately eight times greater for suicide tactics than conventional aircraft attack methods. This figure was a testament to both the failures of the conventional pilots and the large volume (over 3,800 at Okinawa) of Kamikaze pilots. The destructive impact of the Kamikaze was costly as "No more than 1 to 3 percent of the suicide pilots actually hit Allied warships."
Americans quickly adopted measures to counter the Kamikazes through improved detection and gunnery skills. Additionally, during this period deep battles destroyed more than 50 percent of the Japanese aircraft on the ground.
The combination of allied counter measures and destruction of Japanese aircraft rendered the Kamikaze tactic ineffective in stopping allied advancement.

[Commander of Japan's First Air Fleet, Vice Admiral Takajiro] Onishi viewed the Kamikaze attack for what it was, a desperate act. He supported and developed these unprecedented squadrons as a temporary tactic to slow the American advance and give the Japanese Army and Navy a chance to recover from its defeats. Onishi had a clear hope that the employment of the Kamikaze would ultimately save more lives than it would lose. He quickly realized the ineffectiveness of the Kamikaze to achieve operational success but did nothing to end the use of this tactic. Instead he allowed Tokyo to continue to believe that Kamikazes could win the war for Japan, an idea he helped create through inflated battle damage reports.
The Kamikaze: Samurai Warrior A New Appraisal
I was just wondering what is the necessary technology and the best way to sink an aricraft carrier.Is the Air attacks good or is the sub warfare more good to sink an aircraft carrier.

options available to sink a carrier:-
1) a sneak in attack by a submarine( if it manage to get past the ASW frigates and destroyers of the CBG)so its not feasible
2) a mass air attack by ALCM bombers supported by interceptors(one can only hope that atleast few bombers can past through the CBG defences and launch their cruise missiles)so its not feasible.
3) and The best option available " a true soviet style mass attack using long range anti-ship cruise missiles launched from beyond the defence umbrella of the CGB using supersonic bombers, surface warships and submaries" but only the Russian navy is presently capable of launching such strikes with cruise missiles with a range of more than 550km...:pop::pop

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