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Huawei could have its Harmony OS software ready for smartphones in 6 to 9 months as it prepares for

China can easily use their domestic base a testbed and mature the OS in the coming years. Eventually export their smartphones to many developing nations around the world even when the Western world behaves erratically.

In fact, if you are remotely aware of the facts, Huawei and other Chinese brands like Oppo only made it to Western markets after establishing themselves in developing markets. If Huawei pulls this of the US brands are in BIG trouble. Huawei has nothing to lose, but only to gain.
Yes, but do you think all other Chinese smartphone brands will voluntarily agree to ditch Android which they have been using for over a decade now and have invested heavily in to develop all this their apps/software for Harmony where they have to start again from scratch? You should know businessmen/shareholders in companies only care about profits and return on their investment, Nationalism is always secondary to them. So the only way i see Harmony working(i'm talking only in China, since they stand no chance outside of China as of now) is if the Chinese Government comes out with a law prohibiting any Chinese smartphone company from using Android and switching to Harmony. To be honest i don't see that happening, hence i'm pessimistic about Harmony having a chance to be a third OS after Android and IOS. Huawei's only chance is a full backing by the Chinese government, else their prospects in this domain are bleak.
Yes, but do you think all other Chinese smartphone brands will voluntarily agree to ditch Android which they have been using for over a decade now and have invested heavily in to develop all this their apps/software for Harmony where they have to start again from scratch? You should know businessmen/shareholders in companies only care about profits and return on their investment, Nationalism is always secondary to them. So the only way i see Harmony working(i'm talking only in China, since they stand no chance outside of China as of now) is if the Chinese Government comes out with a law prohibiting any Chinese smartphone company from using Android and switching to Harmony. To be honest i don't see that happening, hence i'm pessimistic about Harmony having a chance to be a third OS after Android and IOS. Huawei's only chance is a full backing by the Chinese government, else their prospects in this domain are bleak.

I know that Chinese smartphone users will choose and support a home developed OS over Android. Remember that this is not so much about which one is better or bigger anymore. This is about prestige and Americans started this war. Huawei has the ability to develop a solid OS which is not prone to US blackmail. The sooner Huawei starts with this endeavor the better. Whether it will be a success or not is something that only time will tell. My exposure and experience with Huawei as a company tells me that they have all the ingredients to succeed. First domestically and subsequently abroad.
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I know that Chinese smartphone users will choose and support a home developed OS over Android. Remember that this is not so much about which one is better or bigger anymore. This is about prestige and Americans started this war. Huawei has the ability to develop a solid OS which is not prone to US blackmail. The sooner Huawei starts with this endeavor the better. Whether it will be a success or not is something that only time will tell. My exposure and experience with Huawei as a company tells me that they have all the ingredients to succeed. First domestically and subsequently abroad.
We can only wait a couple of years to see how this will play out.
Yes indeed, Smartphone/software Giants like Samsung and Microsoft tried and indeed failed spectacularly. It's difficult to see how Huawei will manage to pull this off. The only way they can partially succeed is in their home market in China. i.e all Chinese smartphone brands will have to switch to this Harmony OS , that's the only way i see them even coming close to making this OS viable. To be honest i don't see all Chinese smartphone brands ditching a tried and tested app like Android on which their whole apps was built on to this new untested Harmony OS. This can only happen if the Chinese government forces all their mobile phone brands to switch to Harmony . I don't think they will do that either.

None of the Google service works in China, so for the Chinese public it makes absolutely no difference in ditching Android as long as the apps are compatible with the new OS.
Samsung already tried this bit.
Samsung is the world's largest Android phone maker and they have their own OS as well


What is that? never heard of it?

Also, even in China the only way Harmony OS is going to work is:

1. All Chinese manufacturers use it and not Android
2. Every single company with an app spends billions of dollars collectively to make new apps for the new OS
3. Huawei figures out how to make money with Harmony OS while giving it away for free (basically turning Huawei into an advertisement company)

And that is only in China.

In the rest of the world they will have to convince the world to spend multiple billions of dollars to develop apps for it.

Microsoft could not even do it .
You're in every thread about Huawei posting this garbage. Is it a religious observance with you?
Huawei might as well be selling bricks. No one would buy a phone without access to google.
BUt Huawei has been selling millions of phones in China toe Chinese buyers lacking access to Google so i dont believe what you're saying is accurate.
BUt Huawei has been selling millions of phones in China toe Chinese buyers lacking access to Google so i dont believe what you're saying is accurate.
Huawei's share in China is going to be fine - in fact it's increased since this turmoil began because of patriotic sentiment. This is essentially a fight over Europe. No one needs Google per se, all Google's Play Store is is a gatekeeper. Google engages in anti-competitive practices like only allowing its own apps to access the full api of Youtube and other sites it owns, not allowing other map applications besides its own, etc.

The EU has recently launched an antitrust legal offensive against Google because of these practices. I think this presents Huawei with a unique opportunity by presenting its operating system as a truly open alternative to Android. It should allow European software developers a bigger share of the platform and appeal to Europe's sense of digital sovereignty.
Yes, but do you think all other Chinese smartphone brands will voluntarily agree to ditch Android which they have been using for over a decade now and have invested heavily in to develop all this their apps/software for Harmony where they have to start again from scratch? You should know businessmen/shareholders in companies only care about profits and return on their investment, Nationalism is always secondary to them. So the only way i see Harmony working(i'm talking only in China, since they stand no chance outside of China as of now) is if the Chinese Government comes out with a law prohibiting any Chinese smartphone company from using Android and switching to Harmony. To be honest i don't see that happening, hence i'm pessimistic about Harmony having a chance to be a third OS after Android and IOS. Huawei's only chance is a full backing by the Chinese government, else their prospects in this domain are bleak.
Who said they have to ditch Android? They can produce two variants and let the market buy. I see see all Chinese phone will produce HarmonyOS in China and Android for the world. Then slowly scale up HarmonyOS for rest of Asia and Euro in the future. That is our goal.

BUt Huawei has been selling millions of phones in China toe Chinese buyers lacking access to Google so i dont believe what you're saying is accurate.
To be fair to him, we are fine without Google service. Basically we have every alternative to Google services like video platform Youtube, GPS, Gmail, Chrome.. all those have Chinenese alternatives and are actually better integrating into China fintech and everyday platforms like Wechat etc... Google service is not very attractive in China due to that reason. It doesn't really integrate into China economy so we don't need it.

But the rest of the world still need Google because they aren't as tech strong as we are. They need Google for that.
Not even close to half of the chinese population would buy huawei if there's no google.
and what can they buy without approval of the CCP? stop acting like Chinese have choice of consumption like Americans. If Chinese govt doesnt let the product in, Chinese cant buy it, period. thats why Apple sales in China went down recently...
if they make it where harmony OS will be able to run android apps, It'll be a real contender worldwide. If not, it might be competitive in China only.

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