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“I live in India but my heart is in Israel”

Israel founded a country in one of the most hostile place on earth and this guys complain they don`t get pork-less food in Manipur ?
That is a complete lie , even the dominant meiti people donot eat meat how do they survive and who is stopping them from practising their religion?? 70 years old ,lived his whole life in India and now his heart is in Israel wtf???

thats also true about 90% of jewish americans,
If their heart doesnt beat anymore for India they are welcome to leave the country and settle in any place that they think is their own. I frankly could not care less.
If their heart doesnt beat anymore for India they are welcome to leave the country and settle in any place that they think is their own. I frankly could not care less.

u shld deport them whether israel takes them or not
I think these people are just looking for "easy money" from Israel.
As long as they are indulged in anti-national activities that question does not arise.

Even if they are indulging in anti national activites, they can't be deported. Where would you deport them to?
I don't want to justify that attitude, but there are reasons for it. The jewish people regard their identity in deeper terms than "faith structures". While islam or hinduism are religions for muslims or hindus, being a jew is cultural, ethnic and only then a religious matter for jewish people. So it's not the jewish faith that breeds that attitude, but the fact that they consider themselves to be a certain exclusive group.

And this group of people have been badly mistreated and evicted from all places throughout history, especially in europe. They were always made to stay as a group outside the cities, and were often kicked out of countries. So throughout history, they have been dreaming of going back to the place they have been regarding as home since the fall of the first temple (or whatever began jewish exoduses, I'm not quite clear on ancient history).

But why a person should regard himself as an israeli when his people have lived comfortably in a place for thousands of years without facing discrimination, I don't know. And you are right in that only jewish people tend to do that - but as I said, thats more because of their culture and history, and not because of their faith structure.

There is a group called Knanyna Catholics/Jacobites who are Jewish decent and to this day practice endogamy. They originally settled and continue to live in Kerala. They have no wish to return to Israel, since to do so requires one to change and profess to the Jewish faith. To me, I think its wrong to do so because Jesus himself was a Jew who preached about Christianity. I always look at whether there was a underlying reason for such developments. With Ethopian jews and now this discovery, it gives them a great advantage in many facets. Intelligence gathering, Genetic research, Pharmaceutical research, etc are just some ideas off my head.
Jews are the only faith structure whos loyalties only lie with Israel , no matter who they are , where they are , how long they have been there for.

Not really. Every faith whose base is in some country of origin, has its heart there. It is a reality that no one often hears. For example, your loyalties lie with Saudi (since Pakistan and Saudi are friends so it is equal for you) since Islam originated in Saudi. I am proud to be an Indian because my branch of Dharmic faith Buddhism was born here as well as my people and my hometown is here.

So what's wrong with Jews loving Israel?

In fact, I'd say if he's really interested to go to Israel, he and his family is more than welcome to apply for Israeli nationality. We also have a special agreement with Israel for speedy travel process for any Jews who are interested to move to Israel.

Perhaps they too got infected by the Two Nation Theory !

Many Jews performed the Aaliyah during NDA regime to Israel. And many of those returned back to India because they found the middle eastern lifestyle difficult to adopt. :lol:

Anyone is free to migrate from here if they feel that they are better off in the land of their ancestors. If so many Indians migrate to US and other countries and become their citizens, I don't see what's stopping them from performing the Aaliyah.
TShering ... I agree with you. I have a very close friend from Israel who used to work with me in Bangalore. I came to know from him that life there is very tough for middle class people just like that in India. These guys are disillusioned of thinking that they will get better life there by migrating.

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